The Only Reason (Song Preference)

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‘Bitter words spoken,
Everything broken’

"Stop being an idiot Ash! What makes you think I would do that?" You screamed at him whilst your salty tears streamed down your face.
“Because your like that (Y/N)!!” He yelled with fury in his eyes. 
He slowly walked towards you so his face was in yours. You didn’t walk away though. You weren’t one to give up that easily. You stared him down. His teeth were gritted and his face was red. This had been going on for an hour. 
“You are fucking pathetic Ashton Irwin. I don’t know why I ever loved you!” You growled through your now gritted teeth
“I may be pathetic but at least I’m not some slut that sleeps with her boyfriends band mate!” He yelled in your face louder than he had ever before raising his hand and slapping you. 
You never slept with Calum. You didn’t know what Ash was on about but thanks to this fight everything was now crashing down infant of you. As his palm and fingers collided with your cheek you slowly slouched onto the ground as you heard Ash sob quietly. 
“I-I uh didn’t-” he started 
“Forget it. I’m leaving. And this time it’s for good. I hate you” you picked up your bag and walked out the door ignoring Ashton’s many pleads and strangled sobs of your name.

‘When I close my eyes and try to sleep
I fall apart, I find it hard to breathe’

I laid in bed. Alone. Desperately wanting to roll over and see her sleeping next to me. But that wasn’t going to happen. I ruined it all for both of us. My hand reached out to where (Y/N) would usually lay fast asleep. Somewhat expecting to find her warm body, My hand landed on the cold emptiness of the white bed sheets. I felt my eyes well with tears as I laid my head back and closed them wanting the tears to vanish. 
‘Go to sleep Cal’ I thought to myself over and over again. The more I thought this the more I thought about her and how much I need her. I looked up at the wall. All the picture frames of us gone and smashed laying on the ground from a week ago. Except for one. Us on our first date. Tears pierced my skin. They flooded down my face like waterfalls. If I could turn back time I would make sure this would never happen. Before I knew it I was letting out strangled cries and sobs. 

“I just want you back!” I screamed pulling at my hair
My breathing was short and sharp. I found myself hyperventilating and searching through my cupboard for something. When I came across it I snatched it out and held it to my chest. Her shirt. My breath started to slow down as I got drowsier. Every night since she left. Every night I had panic attacks. I just wish she would come back home.

‘Is it too late to bring us back to life?’

I sighed as Ashton laid out a suit on the bed in front of me. This definitely wasn’t me. Neither was this sappy romantic stuff. But if this is what it took to get (Y/N) back than so be it. 
“Do I really have to wear… that” I whimpered motioning to the black suit. 
“Yes! Your going to be serenading her so you need to look charming” Ashton chirped acting like mr know it all
“So do you think I should go with The Man Who Can’t Be Moved by The Script or-” I started
“The Man Who Can’t Be Moved. That’s the one you need to go with” he quickly justified 
I nodded as I went down into the music room and got my nicest acoustic guitar. 
“Michael! There’s someone waiting down here for you” Cal called out with a giggle.
She was here. 
“Quick get into the suit and take the roses” Ashton shoved the clothes in front of me. 
I chuckled. I knew just what to do to annoy him. I picked up one rose out of the bouquet and ruffled my hair in the mirror before running down stairs. Ash was probably horrified but all that fancy stuff just wasn’t me at all. And plus (Y/N) didn’t particularly like all that fancy stuff either. 

My face immediately lit up when I saw her standing awkwardly alone. I smiled and placed the rose in her hands and began singing and strumming. I watched her expression as she listened to the lyrics carefully. I finished the song with one last strum before walking closer to her. 
“I’m so so sorry about everything and I just want you back” I sighed looking down.

‘Even though my dizzy head is numb,
I swear my heart is never giving up’

“He tried to.. He tried to.. I can’t” she frantically sobbed. 
How could some idiot do such a thing to such a beautiful girl. She didn’t need to finish. I knew exactly what he tried to do. I saw him frustratedly walk up to us 
“Aw what’s up princess” he slurred 
I didn’t need to think twice before I stormed up to him and hit him fair in the face with my clenched fist. Soon enough this turned into a fairly physical fight between us. It would have helped if I knew that he could box. I took another blow to my head as I became dizzy. I felt my self starting to fall as (Y/N) held me up. 
“C’mon Luke! We need to get out of here!” She cried 
“I’m not giving up (Y/N)!” I yelled wiping the blood dripping from my nose and split lip. 
I felt her grab me by my hand and some how drag me away from the drunken guy. I was helped into her car and driven back to her place. 
“Sit here. You need to be cleaned up” she sighed getting some stuff out of the first aid kit 
She slowly started dabbing some sort of ointment onto my face. It stung like hell but I knew it would help. 
“Luke, what was going through your head?” She asked shaking hers 
“Well my head was pretty numb and I was feeling pretty dizzy but I wasn’t going to give up. He did something terrible and I wanted to make him p-” I was cut off 
“Why? Why would you defend me. It’s just me” she lowered her head so our gazes were at the same level. 
“Because I love you” I whispered before lightly kissing her lips.

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