My Immortal (Song Preference)

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•I’m so tired of being here
Suppressed by all my childish fears•
When you were six your parents were shot by your uncle right in front of you. Ever since that cold moment you had trouble trusting anyone. But then he came. The guy who made you feel safe. Ashton Irwin. 
It was like when he held you, nothing could hurt you. He was recently on tour tho. You just wish th-
Your thoughts were cut when you heard your phone ring. You answered it with excitement hoping that it was Ash.
“Hello?” You chirped with a smile
“(Y/N)?” Calum’s quivered over the phone
“Cal, what’s wrong?” You asked. The smiled dropped from your face.
“What’s wrong with Ash?”
“He’s been shot.. He’s not gonna make it” his voice cracked and sobs started racking your living room. 
The phone dropped from your hand as you fell to your knees. No. Not him. He was your everything. And now, now he was gone forever. Never to hold you again. Never to feel his beautiful lips move in sync with yours. You ran up to his room and just sat and cried. You never left there for 5 months accept for attending his funeral.

•There’s just too much that time cannot erase•
“What’s happened to us Calum!?” You screamed at him with tears streaming down your face.
“It’s not us! It’s you!! I don’t even know what happened!” He yelled back, his face going red.
You were the type of girl that wouldn’t go down with out a fight. But in this case. You had had enough. 
“You know what? Fuck you. I can’t even look at you anymore! I don’t know who you are. This, us isn’t going to work. I’m leaving. I’ve had enough of your shit.” You lowed your voice. 
You were expecting for him to say something. But he just walked away. Fine then. You packed a bag of stuff and walked towards the door.
“(Y/N) please. Don’t. You know I can’t do it with out you.” He sobbed grabbing your arm. 

You tugged it away. 
“Don’t touch me” you practically spat at him. 
He grabbed you again
“I’m not letting you leaving”
You yanked away and ran out of the house not realising that you ran onto the road. 
“(Y/N)!!!!” You heard Calum scream
Then boom. Everything went black. A car had hit you. Calum held you till the Ambulance got there. You stayed with you until you were pronounced dead. There wasn’t a day that went by that he told you that he loved you and blamed his self. He just wished that he could turn back time.

•I’ve tried so hard to tell myself that you’re gone•
You cried into Michaels pillow holding his t-shirt to your chest. It had been 1 month since Michaels death. He was your everything, your reason to smile. The hardest part was seeing his lifeless face in the hospital bed when the Clifford’s and you had decided to turn his life support off. You felt that he was still with you. You told yourself that he was going to just turn up one day. But why did he have to leave? He knew that you love him so much. Why would he do it? By now you were getting angry. You kicked his guitar over from it’s stand. Suddenly you bursted into rage grabbing anything you could find and throwing it across the room. The tears blurred your vision, the glass from the picture frames pierced your skin. You came across the last photo on the wall.. You took it down and held it in your hands. 
“(Y/N) don’t smash that one. It was his favourite” you turned to see Calum at the door.
You knew it had been really hard for him because he’s known Mike for so long. 
You dropped the frame and fell down crying. Why? Why? Why?
Calum came right to your side and you cried into each others arms
“He loved you so much. You know that right?” He sobbed
You nodded
“He wants you to be happy. I just know it. But just remember I’m always here for you” he said with complete truth
“But you know he’s gone…” “I try to tell myself that Cal. I do. But I can’t face it”

•These wounds won’t seem to heal
This pain is just too real•
You woke up in a white room. The light blinding you. The last thing that you could remember was the car hitting a pole in Luke’s side and him unconscious in the wrecked car. Tears welled up in your eyes. He’s gonna be alright. He’s a tough boy. Everything’s gonna be fine.
“Luke” you croaked out just above a whisper. 
You saw Ashton talking to a doctor outside of your room.
“He didn’t make it sir, I’m sorry”
“No no no.. Your lying.. He’s alright” Ash said shaking his head with tears running down his face
The doctor game him a sorry look. With that Ashton got up and ran out. The doctor went into a different room. Luke. He couldn’t be gone. He couldn’t. You somehow managed to get yourself up. Your body ached as you pulled the drip out of your arm. 
“Luke” you croaked out once more limping up the hall to his room.
“(Y/N! What are you doing??” Ashton yelled running after you. 
You ran into Luke’s room seeing a blanket pulled over his head. You dropped by his bed side and pulled the blanket down to reveal his pale skin. He looked so peaceful. 
“L-Luke” you croaked for the third time. 
“(Y/N)…” Ashton sobbed.
He was gone. Dead. The tears fell from your eyes onto Luke’s body. 
“I love you I love you” you sobbed into Luke’s still chest. 
“Miss (Y/L/N)” the doctor called picking you up.
“Why did you let him die?! Why the fuck?! Why couldn’t you let me die instead?! You sick barstard!” You screamed at the doctor as Ashton dragged out of Luke’s room.

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