Superhero (AU)

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You screamed as you dangled from the side of a bridge. Usually you weren't one to ask for assistance, but this was a little out of your hands. Your hands an feet were tied and your fear of heights was getting the best of you. You weren't sure what had happened, exactly. You were walking home and suddenly everything was black. You never saw your attacker, but it didn't matter much anymore. "Hold on!" You heard someone shout from behind you. A blur of red passed you and scrambled down the wall, untying the bonds on your feet. He looked up at you, but his face was covered by a red mask with black lines. Now your feet were hanging over the busy city, and you were struggling not to cry. "I need you to hold onto me while I untie your hands, okay?" He asked, and you nodded. Then you recognized him as none other than the famous Spider-Man. He climbed up next to you and you wrapped your legs around his waist. It was an awkward gesture, but the only way to keep you from falling to your death. He untied the knot and you quickly wrapped your arms around his neck. He wrapped one arm around your waist, his face inches from yours. "Hold on," he said, and you could tell he was smiling. He was standing on top of the bridge when he reached out and shot a web out of his right hand. You gasped as the two of you shot into the air. "Thank you," you whispered.


"I'm not sure about this..." You whispered harshly into your phone as you opened the door to the fancy restaurant. Your best friend had set you up on a blind date, and even though you had sworn not to go, your curiosity got the best of you. "It'll be fine! I've gotta go! Bye!" Your friend said, hanging up. You walked up to the desk. "Name?" "Um... Calum Hood?" You answered. It was more of a question, unsure of his name. "Oh," the waiter raised his eyebrows and lead you to a table in the back, where a tall, dark-haired guy in his late teens or early twenties sat. He looked up at you and smiled. "Miss (Y/L/N)?" He asked, and all you could do was nod. "Please, sit." He grinned, pulling out a chair for you and sitting back down. No sooner than you sat down did the windows crash in, making a squeak of terror escape your lips. Through that same window came the villain that had been terrorizing the city for too long. The same villain that had tortured your family. Calum stood up and helped you up, as well. "We have to get you out of here," he said, but your path was blocked. "Welll, if it isn't the famous Batman. And who's this? Your date?"

The villain said, the humor apparent in his voice. You looked at your date, shock in your eyes. "B-batmam?" You stuttered. Calum looked at you apologetically, before turning back to the villain. "Why are you here?"


It was typical, really. You were caught in your day to say life, and tied up on the railroad to die. You shouldn't have expected any less. Your parents were close friends with the hero of your time's parents. The villains, though, didn't know that you had never met the infamous superman. You wouldn't even know his hair color if it weren't for the television. Your mouth was gagged and there was nothing you could do but think of your entire life, and how these were your las minutes on earth. You weren't as distressed as you should have been, though. Maybe it was because you knew these guys didn't want to kill you. They were using you as bait, so they couldn't really kill you. You guessed superman knew that, too, because so far, he was a no-show. Then you heard the faint distance of the train's horn. It was about that time you began to panic, and about that time you saw a red and blue blur in the sky. When he was close enough, you saw a gorgeous golden-haired boy swooping down to your rescue. Only, the train was growing closer, and the boy, working at amazing speed to untie the knots, wasn't working quite fast enough. The train grew closer and closer and closer.... When suddenly, the boy threw himself in front of the train, making it come to a screeching halt. He rushed over to help you up soon afterwards. "H-how...?" You gasped. "I'm Ashton. I don't believe we've met."


You stopped in your tracks as you saw the commotion downtown. You had been out for a walk, enjoying your day, when your friend called you and told you in a panicked tone to check out downtown. When you arrived, you were in shock at the huge, green "hulk", as people were saying, was destroying downtown. Or so it appeared. Unable to watch any longer, you ran out into the middle of the street. Venturing from your usual shy self, you looked up at him and yelled. "Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing?" You weren't expecting him to pick you up in his enormous green hands and hold you up to his face. You certainly weren't expecting him to look you up and down, and say. "Pretty," and then put you down and collapse behind a semi truck. When you went to look for him, there was a tall, blonde teenage boy in his place. A very naked one, at that. He lifted his head groggily. "What...?" He groaned, standing up. He caught sight of you and smiled. "Hi," he said, blushing. "Hi," you said quietly. "I'm Luke," "Well, Luke, you might wan to, um, put some clothes on."


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