How To Please Michael (Rated R, Smut)

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The young waitress fastened her step in order to please the complaining customer. Her Vans hitting heavily on the floor and her muscles tightening, her blood boiling in her veins. It wasn’t her fault they ran out of chicken nuggets after all. As soon as she reached his table again she gave a dismissive look at his obviously painted hair and ripped shirt before she put the full plate on the surface. He was wearing a mischievous smirk on his face and his light coloured eyes were sparkling playfully. She hated that kind of boys; sarcastic, vain and always in the mood of mocking. So, she wasn’t excited to be his server after he had complained about mostly everything. First, the water was too hot, then it was too cold, the floor wasn’t dry enough, the curtains were open so sun’s beams hit him right in the eyes and finally, he wasn’t happy about lacking of chicken nuggets. She was fumming since he told her about the cold water and wasn’t even able to talk back to him. Customer’s always right. 

"Here. We found chicken nuggets for you, sir. Enjoy." she hissed in a fake smile and crossed her arms waiting for his reaction.

"Finally!" he chuckled, making her roll her eyes. She watched him as he stabbed one with his fork and quickly put in his mouth. He chewed fast, his facial expression changing as he did. When he had finally swallowed he made a disgusted noise and turned to look at her. "These are terrible! Tastes more like my dog’s food than chicken!" he exclaimed not really angry, more dramatically annoyed. The girl took a deep breath to hold her self from saying things she would regret. Again, with red cheeks of anger and a forced neutral face, she didn’t slap his, probably empty, head.

"How else can I please you, sir?" she almost growled and glared him without hiding this time. He backed on his chair and pursed his lips like he was thinking. She stood there patiently and silently, praying that he’d just order something else and end the story. But he didn’t, of course.

"I wanna talk with your boss or whatever." he smiled as he rose from his seat, motioning her to guide him to the boss’ office. 

"Sure. Follow me."

She thought that the torture would probably end now so she didn’t mind to be reported to her boss for the very first time. They walked through the door only stuff was allowed to pass and down the hallway the office was located. She felt uncomfortably as he walked behind her, the hunch his eyes were travelling at the back of her body was twisting in her mind. She bit her lip and let go, as the door of interest was only a few meters away. She was ready to open her mouth and inform him they were close when five fingers were wrapped around her arm. She didn’t get the chance to react since she was pulled in a small, dusty room and slammed against the wall. She heard the door getting locked and her eyes widened to see the irritating customer standing there, undressing her with his lustful eyes. She panicked thinking what he wanted from her, her mind was working fast on ways of how to get out of there. The stranger stepped closer to her, his body colliding with hers forcefully.

"You know…" he begun whispering in her ear, his accent sounding thicker and his voice heavier now. "… I have been checking you out since I walked in this place…" he informed her. His breath falling on her ear causing chills to run through her.

"P-please…" she stuttered, actually scared now. He chuckled, shaking his head like he was amused.

"Don’t worry. I’m not gonna rape you. I’ll do something for you and you’ll decide whether we go on or not. Okay?" he asked looking straight into her eyes. His blue colour had green highlights now that she saw it closer. They were indeed beautiful eyes but she just couldn’t think about that.

"I-I don’t… I don’t understand." she swallowed, a begging look on her face. His smile seemed wicked as he took control of her body by grabbing her wrists, adjusting her the way he wanted. The room resembled a janitor’s closet as it had mops and brooms around and the only flat thing that could be used as a table was a big brown box. He placed her on it, her system not functioning properly as he did.

She soon sensed his fingers on her underwear, caressing the lace and forming circles on the covered area. She shivered and titled her head back as the familiar feeling was aroused. His touch felt professional as he teased her in the right spots, just to make her hormones nervous. She wanted to slap him, to do something that showed how angry or negative she was about this. A stranger trapping her into a closet and feeling her like that. But for a reason that was pretty blur in her mind that moment, she didn’t. His hand pulled her underwear under her skirt and down her feet, she moved them enough to let the material fall on the ground. The boy brought his knees on the floor as well. She looked down at his hair, her cheeks flushing immediately. She had a boy down her thighs that not only she didn’t know but she also hated a few minutes ago. It was completely wrong. But yet, she still wanted it.

She closed her eyes as she waited for his lips, her nails digging on the box she was lying on.

"Oh…" she heard him say and glanced down at him. "My name is Michael. Just in case you need it later." he smiled and winked at her playfully, leaning down again. She forced back a chuckle and swallowed knowing that the game would now begin.

It started smoothly and sweet. His soft, wet lips planting slow and gentle kisses on her bare skin. Her eyes fluttered and soon shut down, enjoying the harmonic sensation relaxed her tight nerves and turned her breathing light and steady. Her head fell on the left touching the cardboard, enjoying the sweet and kind pleasure. Michael’s finger petted along her inner thigh, making its way to her entrance. It slipped in her slowly, making her hips rock a bit, but stay as calm as she was at the beginning. She wished she knew his next move and be prepared for the difficult times she’d heard it had but something like this was new to her, so she couldn’t tell. Her body propped up awkwardly as his tongue teased her, licking her clitoris and pulling back just to chuckle on her skin. His breath falling like wind on her area sending tingles all over her and cutting her breath. She gasped, almost yearning for his tender tongue again.

"Are you okay, babe?" he said, exhaling on her soft spots and making it hard for her to answer.

"Yes" she replied in a cracked voice that made him smile. He just loved making girls like that. Unable to speak.

He leaned forward one more time and without teasing this time, he gave her what she wanted. His trained tongue tasted on her clitoris one more time, causing a barely audible moan to leave her lips. Then it rolled between her walls, causing her hands to grab to box’s edge tightly, almost ripping it with her nails this time. Words he couldn’t quite hear were leaving her mouth repeatedly in tandem with some heavy inhales of air. She moved her head from right to left incessantly like she had some kind of nightmare. Well, what she was experiencing  was some sort of beautiful or even pleasuring nightmare and Michael was the one to control it. His lingual was moving non-stop on her wet walls, his lips sucking decently on the skin at the same time. His name was shouted loudly not being capable of withholding it anymore. She knew how close she was to the edge and speaking the truth, she didn’t want it to end yet. Like Michael had sneaked inside her mind, he pulled back snapping his head up to look at her. Cold sweat was running on her forehead and her lips were parted slightly in order to take a considerable amount of oxygen. It was the sexiest thing he’d ever laid eyes on. He kept staring as she opened her eyes abruptly, realising he’d stopped. She gave him a confused look.

"Why did you stop?" she questioned him. He stood up on his feet and took a step forward, between her open legs. She bit her bottom lip subtly as his erection came in touch with her through his jeans.

"It’s time for you to decide now. Shall we go on?" he said, giving her a quick wink. She looked at him first, the way he was standing there with his ripped casual clothes and… wet lips that definitely had the taste of her. Did she want to go further with Michael? Her crazy hormones wouldn’t let her think clearly anyway. She smirked this time and wrapped her legs around his waist crashing his bugle between them harder.

He grinned and rapidly unbuttoned his jeans pushing them down with his boxers. She bit her lip and outreached her hand just to grip his shirt and pull him into a wild kiss she’d waiting for. Their excitements made them both fierce, their teeth interfering viciously in the kiss. Michael’s hands crawled under her blouse finding her full breasts and squeezing slowly earning a groan from her. He soon adjusted himself between her and pushed impatiently, finishing what he had started…


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