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You had always been really insecure about what you looked like with out make up on. You thought you looked completely hideous with out it on but Ash loved it. He thought you looked adorable. But that didn’t matter at the moment. You looked at your face in the mirror. It looked so dull. ‘Why me?’ You thought. A few tears slipped down your face. You jumped when you saw Ashton watching from behind you. His face deep in a frown.
“It kills me to see you like this. I don’t like it that you pick out every flaw in the mirror. I think your perfect” he whispered, wrapping his arms around your waist. For the rest of the night he whispered sweet nothing’s in your ear.

You never felt like you were good enough in bed. Calum assured you that you were more than good but you didn’t believe him. Tonight things were getting pretty heated between you to and then boom, all of your insecurities flooded into your thoughts. You pulled away from Calum putting your clothes back on getting up. Tears threatened to spill from your eyes. You sat on the end of the bed trying to blink them away.
“I’m not good enough Cal”
“It’s true.”
“I’ll show you how much I love you.” He whispered into your ear before pulling you back for more, this time you let him go and take control.

You had always been paranoid about your body.Every time Michael complimented you, you would just turn it away. 
“This is your fucking problem (Y/N)! You can’t take one compliment with out being shity! I’m sick of it!” He yelled at you. You were in an argument that had quickly escalated. You had never seen him this mad though. And it was all because of you. 
“Fine then. You wanna know why I can’t take compliments Michael?! It’s because your the only once who’s ever given me them! But you lie! I’m not pretty or funny or skinny. I’m not perfect and I’m fucking sorry for that!!!” You screamed at him. You felt salty tears drip onto your cheeks and down your face. You wiped them away angrily with your palms of your hands. It looked like he had just seen a ghost. “We need some time apart” you sighed and got up. 

You packed your bags and walked out ignoring Michaels pleads to stay.


You had a very dark past with no parents and abusive carers. Luke new that and always comforted you about it. There was just some things that he couldn’t change your mind about. You had always liked him but you knew you were just friends. You were sitting at the park with him while you stared off into the cold morning air tangled deep in your thoughts. 
“You know I think your beautiful.” Luke said looking at you pushing his swing a little. 
“And why are you bring this up?” You asked 
“I see your cuts. There fresh. You don’t need to do that. I’m here for you. Just talk to me before you do it.” He pleaded. 
“And you think you might be able to stop me from doing it? Really Hemmings?” 
“Yes. I think the right person has to come along. And that’s me”
“Luke. You know I can’t stop, you know I can’t be happy. You know I can’t love myself”
Luke walked to you and lifted your chin. 
“I love you. And I want you to know that."


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