First Date

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Ashton- You paced around your room as you waited for Ashton to pick you up. It was your first date and you were really nervous. Ashton told you to dress casual so you wore a pair of skinny jeans and a pink top with a scarf. It was 5 min. till Ashton was supposed to pick you up, looking yourself over again you decide to change your outfit when you hear your door bell ring. You took a deep breath and then went and opened the door to see Ashton there, smiling. He wore ripped jeans and a light blue t-shirt. You walked to his car and asked him where you guys were going and Ashton said that it was a surprise. When you had arrived, you got out of the car and saw that it was a cute little park. You both walked to the middle of the park where there was a picnic all set up for the two of you. You ate sandwitches that Ashton had made and talked about everything you could think of. As it got darker, you and Ashton laid on the blanket and watched the stars. When you started falling asleep Ashton suggested that you both head home. On the car ride home you fell asleep and when Ashton got to your house he carried you inside. He set you on your couch and said goodnight. He whispered in your ear, “That was the best date I’ve ever been on, (y/n) and kissed you on your cheek.

Michael- You were excited for your first date with Michael. He had told you that you were going to a place where you would get messy. You had no clue what that meant. When Michael picked you up from your house, you guys drive for a while, till you pull up to a empty field bordering a wooded area. Michael looked over and smiled, knowing that you were so confused. He grabs your hand and walks you over to a little shed where he explains that you are going to play paintball against each other. He gives you a gear and a paintball gun and says that you can go look for a hiding place first. As you are trying to look for the perfect hiding place to attack Michael, he comes out of nowhere and starts attacking you. You fight back, till you are both out of ammo. You look at him and start laughing and he starts laughing too. You and Michael sit next to each other in the field, looking at the sky. You glance over at Michael and see that he’s been looking at you the whole time. You start blushing and look away. Michael grabs your face lightly and turns it back saying, “Don’t hide your face, (y/n), you are so beautiful.”

Calum- Calum had asked you out a couple days before and you had no clue what you were going to wear for the date tonight. You had already tried on a dress, and casual shorts and a tee. You finally decided on wearing black skinny jeans and a cute top.  When Calum arrived he smiled and hugged you while saying that you looked amazing. He drove you to a small music venue. When you walked in the place was packed, Calum said something to one of the staff members and they started to escort you two upstairs. When you got to the top of the stairs you saw one of your favorite bands. You look over at Calum in shock and he says, “Surprise !” You hug Calum really tightly and then you both go and talk to the band. After they left, you watched them on stage. They were good, but you whispered to Calum, “I want to see you on stage.” and he had a beaming smile on his face. When the band was doing their last song, they dedicated it to you and Calum.You leaned over to kiss Calum on the cheek, but he was cheeky and turned his head at the last second so that you had kissed him on his lips. He grinned so hard and so did you. 

Luke-  You were so excited to go on your first date with Luke. You’ve had a crush on him for a really long time and it seemed like a dream come true when he asked you out. Luke told you to dress fancy. You settled on wearing a light pink coloured dress and sparkly silver flats. You curled your hair. You were feeling quite confident in how you looked when you started to wonder if Luke would like it. You were fixing your hair for the 3rd time when Luke arrived. Luke looked very handsome. “Luke, you look so nice !”, He didn’t respond right away and you started to worry that you did something wrong or that he didn’t like how you looked. After what seemed like forever he said, “Me? What about you? You look stunning, (y/n) !” You start blushing and Luke hooks his arm in yours and walks you to your side of the car and then gets in on his side. You guys drove to a fancy restaraunt. When you were seated you and Luke looked around and laughed. You two poked fun at the other guests. Looking at the menu, you didn’t know half the items on the menu, neither did Luke. When the waiter came to take your order, Luke asked if they served chicken nuggets. You laughed at the waiters shocked face. The waiter said yes and you ordered chicken nuggets too. When the waiter walked away, Luke and you started laughing so hard. After you two had ate, you walked around a little bit and got some ice cream from a little ice cream shoppe. When Luke was walking you to your door he turned to you and said, “(y/n), this is the best date I have ever been on and I would love to see you again soon.” You smiled and gave him a hug and whispered in his ear, “Is tomorrow too soon?” 


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