Drops Of Jupiter (Song Preference)

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"And did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there?"

"Y/N?" a voice calls out as you walk down the street. The sun is beating down on you, and there’s a slight, cool breeze in the air as you turn around. Your mind doesn’t even have to question who the voice belongs to; you know instantly who it is that’s calling your name, recognising the voice from many years of friendship and late night talks.

"Ashton?" you ask, not quite believing your eyes once they settle on the boy that stands before you.

"You’re back from tour?" you say, more of  a question than a statement. He nods his hid eagerly, that familiar beaming smile already spread across his features.

"So, do I get a hug?" he questions, holding out his arms to you. A smile settles itself on your face from ear to ear as you step closer to him, embracing the boy you haven’t seen in a little over a year. 

When Ashton went on tour, it felt like you’d lost your best friend. After knowing each other for years, all contact between you seemed to fade steadily after he left, and pretty soon you weren’t talking at all. The thought of it saddened you, but you knew that he was out there living his life; finding out who he was and living his dream, so you figured you’d just have to move on with your own life too.

"God it’s good to see you again," Ashton spoke into your hair as he clung onto you tightly. 

"Miss me then?" you smirk, laughing slightly as Ashton finally lets go of you.

"Well, how could I not?" he grins. You stand back for a moment, taking in the sight of him; he’s changed a little since he left. His once always straightened hair is now in it’s natural curly state, he’s grown a few inches since you last saw him, and he seems more toned now, his shoulders broader and his muscles more defined. It amazes you how much a person can change in such a short time, but at the same time, he seems remarkably the same.

"Fancy getting coffee?" he asks, a hopeful and slightly reminiscent glint in his eye. You nod your head and smile happily, glad to finally be reunited with your best friend. 

"Sounds great," you say, abandoning your plans for the day, and taking his hand as 

you lead him down the street.


"Your best friend, always sticking up for you… Even when I know you’re wrong"

"Where were you?" Ashton asks as I walk into the restaurant where I agreed to meet my four best friends for lunch. 

"What do you mean?" I ask, a little confused at the sudden inquisition. "I’m only a few minutes late…"

Ashton shakes his head at me.

"Try half an hour," Calum says. I shoot him a puzzled look, not a clue what he’s talking about.

"We were supposed to meet at half past twelve," Calum informs me. I frown, certain they’ve gotten mixed up.

"No, we said one o’clock because I had a dentist’s appointment," I defend, almost sure I’d told them about it.

"We didn’t Y/N, you said you’d changed the appointment," Luke informs me, but I have no recollection of saying it.

"You know guys, now she mentions it, I think we did change it to one o’clock after all," Michael declares, shuffling further into the booth where they’re sitting so that I can sit beside him.

"Thanks Mikey," I smile, referring to both him sticking up for me, and him letting me sit next to him.

*His POV*

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