Luke's Dessert (Rated R, Smut)

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She smiled as Luke moaned. The spaghetti were rolling in his mouth quickly, literally devouring the dinner she’d just made. He’d told her before how much he loved her cooking, normally if you consider her mum was a quite well-known chef in Australia. Her own plate though was unfinished, almost half of the spaghetti carbonara was left. Luke’s eyes snapped on her while he swallowed.

"Aren’t you gonna eat that?" he questioned and pointed with his fork towards the plate.

"No, I’m not really hungry…" she shrugged, pushing it with her fingers closer to Luke. A smile was plastered on his face and he licked his lips ready to vanish it as well. She rose from her seat and looked at him. "I’ll go take a shower."

Stating that, she walked down the hallway of her small flat until she reached the bathroom. She stripped off her clothes rapidly and hopped in the bathtub her skin a bit tingled from the moisture of the room. She adjusted the water heat and let the hot water run down every spot of her body. She wasn’t much worried about her friend, Luke, sitting all alone inside. He’d stayed at her place plenty of times anyway and it felt like his own by now. Well, she’d never think that the bathroom’s door needed to be locked…

She didn’t really pay attention to the noise coming behind the curtain. Her messy bathroom was almost haunted as many items fell on the floor randomly now and then. Her fingers just slipped through her wet and fresh, clean hair as she had just ended her shower. Her fingers curled the edge of the long curtain and pulled it to the left slowly. She was completely and utterly taken aback when her eyes fell on a smirky Luke standing there, scanning up and down her nudity. Her eyes widened and a high pitched voice came out her lugs.

"Luke! What are you doing?" she screamed and pulled the material hanging in front of her.

He gripped the curtain, though, ripping it off the wall and throwing it down the cold floor. She was in complete shock and all she could do was stand there frozen by his peculiar act. Luke walked in the tub, joining her, and took his black T-shirt off on his own. She couldn’t help but glance at his naked torso and swallow unprepared for any of this. A deep red colour flushed at her cheeks since the less clothes Luke had seen her in was in a bathing suit. Now… now he knew every hidden part of her.

"You never made me a dessert." he stated in a heavy voice that made obvious he was utterly excited. The girl was struggling to keep her gaze off the bulge showing through his skinny jeans.

"W-what?" she stuttered nervously while he just got closer and closer.

"I need a dessert…" he continued and crashed his mouth on hers, sneaking his tongue in it forcefully still in a sexy way.

His strong body pressed her own on the wall, its wetness turning the blonde boy on even more. Their eyes were closed as they made out. Tongues fighting wildly in her mouth, hands groping each other’s sensitive spots. It didn’t take long to her to feel the fire burning strong and the lust for pleasure to come along. She gained her confidence back after she made him groan between the kiss for cupping his covered bonner and squeezing teasingly. He paid her back by crawling his fingers down her V line, reaching the area he desired. She cringed as they caressed her clitoris, gently at first giving her a sweet enjoyment. But that smoothness didn’t last long. His motion got quicker and petting turned into rubbing hard, making her sight blur and distracting her from the kiss. The first finger was pushed inside and she gasped on his lips abruptly. He smiled and entered a second one, resulting to her breaking the kiss and breathing with difficulty. They curled inside her turning the moment into a torture for the poor girl. One more was teasing her entrance, provoking her to shriek loudly.

"Luke… please…" she pleaded in cracked wanting this to end. He smirked pulled them out not wanting her to suffer out of pleasure. It was obvious how inexperienced she was, she wouldn’t handle this anymore.

"Okay. Time for my dessert." he whispered in her wet ear, sending shivers and chills down her spine. She didn’t bother to unbutton his jeans and take them off, Luke was already taking care of that. She didn’t dare to look down his place and just moved her body as Luke wanted her. He had placed his hands under her hips pushing up a little. She got the message and just used the only power she had left to lift her body and wrap her legs around him. His blue eyes pierced through hers and she nodded him like they’d spoken in one another’s minds. He pushed inside her, slowly at first and watched her as she titled her head back and moaned. He pulled out and quicker now, entered her again while the pleasure begun to take over him as well. The moves were repeated, getting faster and faster ever time as both of them wished. Luke’s hormones had aroused just thinking she was in there naked and wetting her own body before. He just couldn’t stand sitting there, neither do something about it himself. He needed her and he was almost sure he’d get her. His name was sounding along with her moans, something he considered too sexy for him to deal him.

"Luke, I think I-"

As he heard her saying that he knew the moment had come. Their moment ended then, butterflies still having a panic attack in their stomachs. He let her down and they both crawled down the bathtub, lying there for a few minutes until they got their breaths back. She looked at him with sparkling eyes. It hadn’t even crossed her mind that Luke could give her such feeling. It was definitely something she would do again and Luke couldn’t agree more.

"That was the best dessert I’ve ever had…" he breathed out, his chest vibrating on her shaking hand.

"I should just cook for you more often then."

They both smiled and looked at each other certain that they weren’t friends anymore. Just something more… fun.


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