9 (Number Series)

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Ashton:             “Don’t let others bring you down, you are beautiful” Ashton said holding you close yet gently.  Those 9 words completely saved your life to be honest.  The hate was just too much at this point and you couldn’t handle it anymore.  Everywhere you go it seemed as if there was a hater just waiting to bring you down.  Ashton knew this and he tried to prevent it as much as possible.  He tried to get the fans to stop but they didn’t listen, the other boys tried, hell every celebrity on the commercial market tried to stop it.  Every magazine made an article about it.  You (y/n) (y/l/n)  had broken a record.  It had been a while since someone was hated so much.  Ashton tried to keep that smile that he fell in love with on your face, he hated your fake smile and you knew it.  Every day Ashton would say these words right before you went to sleep, he’d hug you and tell you this.  What he didn’t know was that if he didn’t tell you those words at the end of each day you’d be lost, completely out of your mind.  He kept you on your feet and you have always been grateful for that.

Michael:           9 puppies were sprawled out in front of you right now.  You see you and Michael, well mostly Michael agreed that since he was going on tour soon you would need a companion with you.  And what’s better than Michael himself? A puppy! You were at your local pet shop and after about maybe an hour of convincing Michael that you didn’t want a big dog the worker showed you their toy yorkie’s, all 9 of them.  When they saw you all of them attacked the side of their cage/ playpen thingy, except one, and that caught your attention.  The puppy that didn’t come with the others was tucked into a little fluffy ball in the back corner just looking at you.  Michael who was clearly fascinated with the 8 puppies in front of him didn’t notice you walk towards the other side of the cage.  Picking the little fellow up, he rubbed the side of his small face on the palm of your hand making you melt.  He was calm he didn’t try to lick every side of your face like the others, he also stood out the most out of all of them.  Most of the puppies were almost completely black and their little ears weren’t standing straight, this little guy was mostly light brown and his ears were perfectly perked up.  Michael now noticing that you weren’t next to him looked up and saw you cooing softly at the small dog in your hands.  Walking towards you he stood behind you and rested his head on your shoulder before asking “Is this one the one baby?” with a slight smile noticing how adorable it was.  “mhm” you hummed in approval not taking your eyes off the new member of the family.

Calum:          He stood at your door step with 9 roses in his hand. It was only your first date but you already knew the relationship was gonna last.  He was smiling at you, a nervous smile as he fidgeted from side to side.  Feeling his gaze on you, you quickly looked down trying to hide your blush but failing miserably.  He handed you the flowers to which you grabbed gracefully before speed walking inside your house (him following) and putting the beautiful red roses in a vase.  Smiling at them one more time you turned around only to find a very awkward Calum starring at your walls  which were full of either picture frames or shelves full of books.  Meeting your gaze he smiled before offering a hand ( which you happily took) and leading you out the door.  Now not only did you have a very hot date and roses, but you were starting to notice how fast you were falling for him, and for the first time since you started dating people, you weren’t worried.

Luke (PUNK AU):                Starring out your window you looked up at the stars (cheesy right?lol,#sorrynotsorry) thinking how someone, especially people so important to you not respect your decision.  Luke and you were 9 miles away from each other, exactly 9.  Now for a normal person they’d be asking themselves “What are you so sad about? Your only  couple miles away”, but that was the thing your relationship wasn’t exactly perfect let alone normal.  Luke was a “bad boy” you can say, the type of guy your parents would warn you about with tattoos, piercings, smokes, drinks, acts all though, well Luke was that kind of boy.  You… well you were an average type of girl.  You didn’t have straight A’s but you weren’t failing your classes, you weren’t popular but had a close group of friends, you weren’t model type nor Beyoncé but there was something about you that attracted people.  The problem between you and Luke’s relationship was your parents, not his, his parents loved you, it was your parents.  They extremely strict.  They knew you weren’t the perfect daughter they wanted but they had accepted it.   When you told them you were dating Luke hell broke loose, and that lead you here, looked up in your room grounded and forbidden to see him.  Both you and your parents knew you were gonna disobey them sooner or later, but you wanted to at least follow their instructions for the first couple of days.   Snapping out of your thoughts you grabbed your phone which was vibrating.  Looking down at it you saw a message from Luke ‘Can you meet me down at our spot? I miss you :( ’.  A smile broke onto your face before you replied with a quick ‘Sure’ and proceeded to grab your cot and shoes before sneaking out your window.


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