He Meets Your Family

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Ashton: You held onto your little brother’s tiny hand firmly, as he tried to run towards the two children playing. You glanced over at him, and he shoots you a pout, “I wanna go,” he says, pointing to the children giggling as they play catch with a rubber ball. “No,” You say, sticking your tongue out at him. Your mother pats his head, and sighs, “Come on, you two. Stop that.” You were in the mall with your mum, and your little brother as it was “family time”, so to say. You were utterly bored, as your mum left you in charge of your hyperactive kid brother, as she went off to buy the things we needed at home. She checks the list of things we needed, and sighed, pinching her nose with a huff. “I’m gonna have to go to the lingerie store to buy a new bra-” “Mum, you don’t have to tell me that!” You screeched, grimacing. Your mum just chuckles and places her hand on your shoulder, “Stay with your brother. Call me if something happens, alright?” You nodded lazily and watched as she turned to head to the lingerie section. You began to wander around the mall with your brother’s hand in yours, and you got really bored of just walking around. “Y/N, is that you?” You heard someone say, which made you turn to look at whoever called your name. You cursed inwardly at seeing someone you know from school, you forgot her name but you remember her face. “Hey,” you forced a small smile, not wanting to talk to people outside of school. “Oh my god, it’s so cool bumping into you! How have you been?” She asked, and you scratched the back of your head, awkwardly trying to get out of the conversation without being mean. She then started to ramble on and on about something you couldn’t give two shits about, and you gasped upon realizing that you were no longer holding your brother’s hand. “Shit! I have to go,” You tell the random girl, and left her behind. You searched frantically for your brother, calling his name every now and then, but after about ten minutes, you gave up. “Y/N!” You heard a familiar voice call your name, and you turned to see your little brother in the arms of none other than your boyfriend, Ashton. You also see your mum smiling beside him and smirked, “Y/N, you didn’t tell me you had a boyfriend?” You bit your lip and put your hand on Ashton’s arm, “Mum, I forgot to tell you - this is my boyfriend, Ashton. And Ashton, this is my mum.” You introduced them to each other, and Ashton nodded with a huge grin on his face. “We already met. Your mum approves of us, by the way.” Your mum nods with a laugh, “And you two would make really cute children, I’m sure gonna have attractive grandchildren.”

Michael: ”I’m nervous,” you say as you plopped down onto your couch. “What if they don’t like you? What if they don’t approve of you? What if they don’t approve of us? What if they ask us to break up? What if-” You were shut up by Michael’s finger and he gave you a warm smile. He takes your hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze, and he’d pat your head saying, “Shh, don’t think like that. They’re gonna like me, and they’re gonna like us together. I just know it,” His words gave you reassurance, and there was this spark of hope in your heart, praying that your parents would like him. He kissed the top of your head, making you relax and the nerves disappeared, as if they were never there in the first place. You hear someone clear their throat from behind you, causing Michael to pull away and for you to whip your head around, to see your mother looking at him disdainfully. This wasn’t a good sign, you thought as you ushered Michael into the dining room. Your father was sitting in his usual place, with your mum now sitting beside him. You took your usual seat directly across your mother, and Michael sat down in the empty seat beside you, which was directly across your father’s. Your hand grew cold and sweaty, because you knew your father doesn’t approve of Michael, judging from the way he looked at him from across the table. Michael gave your hand another reassuring squeeze, making you smile a bit. “Good evening, ma’am, sir.” Michael nodded with a smile, and your mother also smiled. “Good evening, Michael,” She says. “We’ve heard so much about you from Y/N,” she continued, glancing at me. “Do you have a job, son?” Your father cut in, and you squeezed Michael’s hand. He squeezed back and smiled, “Um, I’m the guitarist for this band called 5 Seconds of Summer,” Your father’s eyes widened a little before he asked, “5 Seconds of Summer? You’re in that band?” You realize that your father might have heard about the band, because you have mentioned it to him once or twice, and he’s seen some of their music videos on TV and heard some of their songs. He doesn’t tell you about his opinion on them though. “Yes sir,” Michael answers, which causes your father to break into a smile. “Well, this may sound a bit strange, but I really love your music. You lads are very passionate about your music, and I can see how hard you work everyday. And I was in a band once, when I was younger, and I commend you for following your dreams son.” He laughs, making you sigh in relief. Your mum never mentioned this to you at all, which actually is a surprise for you. You spend the rest of the night talking to your parents and Michael about music, their album and their plans, and the feeling of happiness erupted in you because your parents grew to love Michael, just as you did.

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