If It Wasn't For Ashton's Leg (Rated R, Smut)

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I smiled broadly as I adjusted my tight-fitting dress to my womanly curves. I knew it looked incredibly sexy on my figure, my slenderness was matching perfectly with it. I checked my self on more time, grabbing my bag from the bedside table and sighing happily. I wanted to be pretty at my parents’ anniversary this year. Last year I ended up going with a plain pair of jeans and my boyfriend’s T-shirt because I had completely and shamefully forgot it and only found out from my sister’s text. It was a day full in anxiety. I shook my head not really in the mood of recalling those kind of memories. I shifted my body towards the bed where my mentioned boyfriend was lying on and playing with his phone.

"How do I look?" I asked merrily and grinned as he snapped his eyes on me. His mouth opened before he even turn his gaze on me probably having the typical answer ready.

"You look-" he begun but his voice trailed off the second he laid eyes on me. I couldn’t help but feel victoriously, since that reaction meant that I was indeed well-dressed tonight. His eyes scanned me up and down slowly, enjoying every part of the figure-hugging dress. I bit my lip flattered in a degree that made my stomach full of tiny little butterflies. Well, he was my boyfriend and I got compliments almost every day but still, watching Ashton enjoying my body was different. "Fuck" he whispered probably not wanting me to hear him but I still smirked, taking a mop of hair behind my ear. He shook his head violently trying to distract himself probably and looked up at me. "You look great, baby!" he smiled and tried to keep his eyes locked on mine but I noticed how they sneaked at my chest. My teasing mood woke up suddenly and I decided to play with Ashton’s feelings a bit before I go.

"Too bad you won’t come with me… If it wasn’t for that damn knee." I pouted, skipping next to the bed’s side he was. I placed my hand on his injured part carefully so I wouldn’t hurt him. "It’d be fun…"

"Yeah, a night with your parents! Loads of fun!" he joked making me slap him on the arm. He pretended to be in pain forming a cute, yet silly expression that made me chuckle. I stared him mischievously for a few seconds before putting my plan in action. I leaned closer, tenderly pressing my lips on his and catching him by surprise. Soon, he joined me and shut his eyes with me, turning the long peck into a lingering but also wet kiss that could be described as romantic. Ashton though wasn’t the romantic type that moment as he pulled me from my waist close to him, bringing our torsos in touch. He fastened the kiss, having me joining him of course, with his tongue getting fierce in my mouth, exploding some fireworks I couldn’t avoid. I tangled my fingers in his short curls playing as we made out. I could tell how he wanted to shift into a better position but the knee that ought to be still, didn’t let him. He suddenly broke the kiss, bringing his face in front of mine and staring at me like a hungry lion.

"Give me ten minutes. I’ll be quick." he stated, clearly inflamed. I rose my eyebrow at him as the teasing begun, an ironic smile playing on my lips.

"And how exactly are you gonna move? You have your knee, Mr. Irwin. Forgot already?" I said pointing at it, making him huff impatiently. He pursed his lips, thinking of his options. I rolled my eyes at him and patted his shoulder compassionately. "I’d better go now. Think about it and let me know when I get back, okay?" I chuckled and rose from the bed’s velvety surface. His hand gripped my wrist before I go far and turned me around abruptly. I giggled as he spun me, loosing my balance a bit on the high heels. My gaze met his burning eyes; from his look I could tell he was determined to get what he wanted. And at this point I couldn’t prevent loosing my childish attitude. I struggled to keep my smile up but it was just too hard. My lower stomach was shivering already.

"Take my jeans off." he commanded in a husky voice, one of my favourite characteristics on turned-on Ashton. I blinked a few times as he said that, not really moving or knowing what to do. Actually I begun to get excited as he got the control of me even lying still all day on a bed. "Now" he demanded again, waking me up after the frozen seconds. I literally ran to the bed’s edge, reaching his jeans’ buttons with my hand. My fingers undone them rapidly and pulled them down with force while he took his T-shirt off and threw it on the floor. I observed him in his black boxers, my eyes sparkling of how enticing he looked. "Now it’s your turn." he said and winked me, glancing at the dress again. I smirked and kicked my shoes off my feet. His bottom lip was trapped by his teeth as I did. My right hand reached the zipper on the side, pulling it down without spending any more time. I hated how Ashton could make my whole body burn in only a matter of seconds. If it wasn’t for my awaken desires I would just leave the house and make it at my parents’ on time, as I should. But he was so irresistible. I heard the muffled sound my dress made as it fell on the ground, leaving me only with my dark, laced underwear. Ashton’s pupils dilated lustfully, his tongue wetting his lips already. I crawled on top of him, still aware of his knee, so I did it slowly and watching my every move. I brought my mouth on his, his tongue entering again repeating the previous process of kissing. My lips formed some sort of smile the moment I sensed his fingers tracing on my back. They reached their destination and he unclasped my bra without difficulty. I broke the kiss just to take it off my arms and let it accompany his T-shirt. He cursed between his teeth, giving me one long glance while I was sitting on top of him. I bend on his torso again to continue the kiss as his hands did a little exploration on my skin. I could tell how he had pushed his boxers down when we were kissing and soon his hand rested on my thigh. It rubbed the long area going upwards dramatically, reaching the highest spots. I felt goose bumps taking over me, my mind in utter haze. I stopped kissing him, pulling back and placing my hand on my underwear’s lace in order to take it off. I realised it was just impossible as I was sitting between his body, even though I had Ashton’s hands helping me.

"Just fucking rip it!" I hissed and let him grip the material hard in his fist. He pulled fiercely, destroying my new underwear. But it was the last thing I could think about.

I slightly rose my hips just to adjust my body on him. I could see him titling his head back and holding his breath as I did. It was the first time we tried such…position, and neither of us knew exactly what to do. I gasped uncomfortably, not adapted to this new sensation. I looked back at his knee making sure it was safe. I was holding my body straight by putting all the weight on my hand pressed on his torso. His chest was vibrating heavily, shaking up me at the same time. I inhaled and using as power as I could, I rocked my hips on his. He groaned in pleasure and I copied him, starting to realise how it worked. I tried on more thrust, harder than before, filling me and Ashton with enjoyment one more time. There was a slight pain as my body was not used to this but I could definitely handle it. Ashton seemed to utterly love it as he shut his eyes and trapped the sheets in his tightened fists. It felt like I was pleasuring him this time, in difference with our previous nights, and it wasn’t bad. At all. I suddenly fathomed why boys love having control of this, why they loved hearing girls moan their name. Adrenaline ran through my veins, like a powerful drug that had just taken me high. I squeezed my eyes closed and put more pressure on my hand, trying to move faster. My hips were dancing on him incessantly and I did my best to do it as quick as my endurance allowed. I moaned loudly, digging my nails on his sweating chest. It was like he was hitting my sensitive spots continuously without giving me any mercy. Dreadful and sensuous simultaneously. I wasn’t even able to open my eyes anymore. Epinephrine was rushing through my system causing my excitement to explode in me like a volcano. Ashton was cursing repeatedly underneath me, some love sounds fleeing his wet lips at the same time. It didn’t know if I could deal with it for long, my hips had started to tremble at the thrusting.

I opened my eyes just to see Ashton fighting with the sheets and I felt relieved. We both finished at that point incapable of controlling such wild pleasure. It still was far from comfortable sitting on top of him, so I immediately let my weight fall next to Ashton, suddenly falling in love with the soft surface. I turned to look at him, considering funny that we were both struggling to breath. I wanted to speak but I wasn’t feeling quite ready yet. Ashton was just staring at the ceiling in awe like he had seen some sort of angel. My system prevented me from laughing though.

"That…" he exhaled, swallowing after he did. "… was amazing." he managed to finish his sentence, returning to the breathing battle again.

I just nodded in agreement and closed my eyes to relax properly. I placed my head on Ashton’s shoulder and I felt his warm hand on mine. A few seconds passed and I had already earned my breath back but I didn’t want to move. I liked lying there with Ash, silently and with eyes closed. The cute moment was vanished as my phone rang on the nightstand. I huffed annoyed and moved to catch it without checking the caller’s I.D. I murmured a tired “Hello” and rubbed my eyes.

"Where are you? Mum and Dad are waiting for you!" a voice hissed in a muted tone. I frowned at first but then it hit me like a fired rock. It was my sister! And I was late again!

"Shit! I’m on my way!" I exclaimed nervous and jumped off the bed. I ran to my closet grabbing a pair of clean underwear and rushed to the bathroom. Ashton was laughing hard in the bedroom and I forcefully held back my chuckle. I would sacrifice everything for this dump curly.


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