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Ashton: You were waiting for your boyfriend outside of the room in which he was having a radio interview. You insisted that you’d accompany him, thinking it would take only a little bit of time. You were wrong. You sighed and played on your phone, that as until you heard somebody sit down beside you. You looked up to see an attractive boy with messy brown hair. His name was Matt and you two ended up talking for a long time and you found out that he’s actually really nice and funny. “So why are you here?” he asked. “Oh they’re my friends,” you respond, pointing at the boys. “The one with the brown hair is really cute,” Matt said. You giggled, poked his cheek, and said, “too bad he’s taken!” Ashton, who had been glaring at the guy for half an hour came storming out of the room, grabbed your hand, and pulled you out of the room. “We’re leaving,” he said bitterly. ” You had no idea why he was acting like this and felt bad for not even saying a proper goodbye to Matt. Once you were outside you stopped him and said, “What the hell is wrong with you Ash!?” “He was ALL over you!” Ashton replied. You then burst into a fit of laughter. “Actually Ash, I’m the one who should be concerned.” “What?” “He’s gay!” Ashton blushed and quietly mumbled an ‘Oh’. “It’s ok babe, you’re cute when you’re jealous,” you said still laughing. Ashton didn’t say much the whole ride home.

Calum: You were shopping at a store when you found a dress that you absolutely loved. “Can I help you with anything?” A guy who worked at the store asked you. “Yes, umm could I please have a dressing room?” you asked. “No problem, that dress is really nice, but I’m sure it’d look even better on you,” the guy said. You giggled at the compliment. Calum, who was inattentive up until that moment, glared at the guy as he handed you a door tag to put on your dressing room door. You put the dress on and you thought it looked amazing. You looked at yourself in the mirror and decided that you would buy it. You went out of the dressing room to show Calum, and see what he thought. You looked around and couldn’t find Calum. The store assistant that had helped you looked at you and said, “You look beautiful.” You smiled and said a thanks, then you decided to return to the dressing room to change into your normal clothes, deciding that Calum would like it too. Once you got out, Calum grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the store. “Calum, my dress!” you said, trying to go back and retrieve the dress you really liked. “I’ll get you whatever you want online,” Calum muttered. “But- Cal, are you jealous?” you smirked. “No,” Calum huffed. You still had the smirk on your face as you walked with your boyfriend through the rest of the mall.

Michael: You were at a restaurant for a nice date with your boyfriend Michael. You were really excited for tonight as Michael was never around because of his band. You stared at the menu when the waiter, a teenage boy, came up to your table and asked you “Would you like anything?” Michael responded saying that he’d like a water, the waiter scribbled it down but paid no attention to him. “And for the pretty lady?” he asked you. You smiled, and said a water would be great. The waiter walked away to go get your drinks and Michael glared at him until he was no longer visible. The rest of the date went rather well, that was until you two were just about to leave. The waiter wrote down a number on a white napkin and handed it to you. By now Michael had enough and he picked up a glass of pop and threw it on the waiter’s head. You put your hand over your mouth. Michael walked over to the waiter and sarcastically said, “Have a nice night.” You two went outside and then you started laughing. “What?” Michael asked. “You’re adorable when you’re jealous Mikey.” Michael turned his head away and said, “I wasn’t jealous.” You smiled and said “Sure you weren’t.” “I was not!” Michael said, and you just started laughing again.

Luke: You were at a club with your boyfriend Luke and the other boys. You told him you really did not want to come but Luke said it would be fun. Now he was practically ignoring you. He was talking to this girl who was so evidently flirting with him, and it made you angry that he didn’t even notice. You decided that being pissed off was not the way you wanted to spend the night so you went to go get a drink. You sat down at the edge of the bar, when a guy came down and sat down next to you. “What’s a pretty girl like you doing by yourself?” he asked you. “I’m not by myself,” you responded. “I have a boyfriend.” “Really?” the guy responded. “And why would he leave his girlfriend all alone?” You were starting to get irritated with the guy and started to get up. That was until the guy grabbed your wrist and said, “C’mon babe, forget about your boyfriend, I’m much better.” You were now really scared. “Let go of my hand!” you yelled. The guy tightened his grip on your wrist. “She said to let her go,” said a raspy voice from behind you. You turned your head to see Luke glaring at the guy. The guy laughed and placed his hand on you waist and pulled you closer to him. The next thing you heard was the sound of Luke’s fist colliding with the guys face. His grip on you loosened as he fell to the ground, and you quickly moved away. Luke was punching the guy on the ground until Ashton and Calum came and pulled Luke off of him. Luke glared and him and said, “Stay. Away. From. My. Girlfriend.” He then spun around and grabbed you wrist and and pulled you out of the club.


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