Forgive And Forget (Part 2)

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Michael: A few hours later, you woke to hear the soundtrack of your son’s favourite film playing out on the TV, and realised you must have fallen asleep. Michael’s arm was flung across your stomach as he slept too, and you carefully moved it off of you so that you could sit up. You looked to your right, expecting to see your son asleep on the other side of you, as he had been earlier, but were surprised to find the space empty. 
"Y/S/N?" you whispered into the darkness, wondering where he was.
In the silence, you heard a sort of hiccuping, and the sound of your son sniffling. 
"Y/S/N, what’s wrong?" you asked, searching for him in the dim light that was emitted by the television. You stumbled towards the wall, and flicked on your son’s night light. Though it only gave off a slight glow, it was enough to help you find your son, sitting in the corner of the room as he sobbed.
"Hey, what’s wrong sweetie?" you asked, concerned. Your son mumbled a response, but the only words you could make out were "nightmare" and "monsters".
"Don’t worry baby, there aren’t any monsters!" you told him, crouching down beside him.
"Apart from your mother in a morning," you heard a husky voice say from behind you. 
"Oh haha very funny," you said sarcastically, turning to see Michael walking towards you.
"What’s up buddy?" Michael asked, sitting down beside your son and pulling him onto his lap. "You know mummy and daddy won’t let anything hurt you. And besides, if any monsters do come, you can use your ninja skills in them!" he joked, grabbing your son’s hand and moving it in a karate chop movement. You son giggled, cheering up a little now.
The three of you stayed like that for a while, sitting on your son’s bedroom floor as he began to fall asleep again in Michael’s arms.
"We’re so lucky," you whispered, stroking your sons hair as he drifted off to sleep, and resting your head on Mikey’s shoulder.
"Yeah, we are," he replied, kissing the top of your head, and then your son’s. "Especially me."

Ashton: The weekend after Ashton’s promise to earn your forgiveness, he was, as he’d said he would be, busying himself in the kitchen. He insisted on doing it by himself, and wouldn’t let you help at all, so you’d settled yourself in the living room to watch some TV. The scent of the food drifted through the air, and the sound of Ashton singing as he cooked echoed through the house. After a while, there was a light knocking on your front door, and you got up from the sofa to answer it. Swinging the door open, you found your parents standing on the door step. With a hug, you welcomed them both in.

"Dinner won’t be long," Ashton said, walking up behind you and smiling at your parents. "Thanks for coming, and er, sorry again about the other day…" he apologised, even though he’d already been forgiven by your parents, as well as you. Your parents have always gotten on with Ashton well, something you were grateful for.
"Don’t worry about it!" your dad reassured him, "These things happen." You smirked a little, knowing how often your father forgot about things himself, most likely the exact reason why he was so lenient towards your forgetful boyfriend.
"Why don’t you guys go into the living room with Y/N, and I’ll let you know when the food’s ready?" Ashton suggested, and you guided your parents into the living room as he returned to the kitchen.
Some time later, after you’d been chatting with your parents for a while, you heard Ashton call out from the kitchen.
"Dinner’s ready!" he yelled. You stood up from where you were seated in the living room, and walked through to the kitchen, closely followed by your parents. Entering the room, you saw that Ashton had made the table look much fancier than usual, with a clearly new table cloth, and fresh flowers in the centre. He’d already put the food on plates, and set it at the table as you walked in. You smirked at his eagerness to please as you sat down at the table beside Ashton, and your parents took their seats across from you. Your mum struck up a conversation about the band as you enjoyed the meal Ashton had made, and he gladly answered all of your parents’ questions. Conversation flowed throughout the meal, and it once again made you smile at how well Ashton got along with your mum and dad. 
"That was lovely Ash, thanks," you said once you’d all finished the meal. You saw your father exchange a glance with Ashton, and nod his head slightly, which left you a little perplexed. You furrowed your brow as Ashton turned to face you properly. 
"There was one other thing I wanted to do Y/N…" Ashton told you, confusing you further. "First of all, I’m really sorry about forgetting your family dinner the other day. But the thing is, it made me realise how much I want to be able to do this with our kids some day, and how much I love you. So I wanted to ask; will you marry me?" In one smooth move Ashton had pulled a small jewellery box from his pocket, and opened it to reveal a beautiful, shiny diamond ring. Your heart seemed to skip a beat and your eyes widened as your parents smiled at the view before them.
"Yes!" you grinned, and Ashton slid the ring onto your finger. "So, did I make it up to you for the other day yet?" he smirked, wrapping his arms around you in a tight hug as your parents congratulated you both. You pretended to think about it for a moment as you stared at the ring on your finger.
"I think you just might have…"

Calum: Venturing into your daughter’s room, you find her sitting on her bed, still sobbing a little. 
"Hey honey," you say cautiously, joining her on the bed. She covers her face with her hands, refusing to look at you. 
"Don’t be like that sweetie," you say softly, taking her hands in yours and moving them away from her face. "Mummy’s sorry for forgetting to pick you up, I’ve just been really really busy today," you tell her, knowing it probably won’t make a difference to her. You pull her onto your lap, hugging her tightly as guilt washes over you once more for upsetting her. 
"Why don’t we go and watch a film eh, and just this once, you can have as much ice cream and chocolate as you want to make it up to you for your mum being so silly?" She perks up a little at the mention of ice cream and chocolate, although you know you’ll most likely regret the offer later when she’s hyper and won’t go to bed. 
"See, there’s that beautiful smile!" Calum says from the doorway, making you jump a little as your daughter grins. "Now, can I join you for ice cream, or is that not allowed?" he asks. 
"Oh, I don’t know, what do you think Y/D/N, shall we let daddy join us?" you asks your daughter jokingly. She nods her head fiercely and you chuckle at how quicky her mood seems to have changed. 
"I love you baby," you tell her, kissing the top of her head gently.
"You too mummy!" she shouts, before jumping up from the bed. She runs over to grab Calum’s hand and starts tugging him towards the door. 
"Come on slow coaches!" she yells, motioning towards you to follow, and running off downstairs with Calum in tow. You smile at her cuteness, and can’t help but think how lucky you are to have her and Calum; the perfect family.

Luke: You were woken the next morning by a loud, continuous banging sound. Your sleepy mind didn’t quite register at first where it was coming from, but as you woke up a little more, and the sound continued, you realised there was someone at the door. You glanced over at your alarm clock, and saw that it was only 7am. Sighing to yourself, you threw back the covers and stood up, rushing downstairs to get the door.
"Alright, calm down!" you yelled, somewhat frustrated at the manner in which you’d been woken. The banging on the door stopped once you’d called out, and you soon had it unlocked, pulling it open just a crack so that you could see who was there. You heard your early morning caller breathe a sigh of relief, then blinked a few times, letting your eyes adjust properly to the light, and saw that standing on your porch, was the last person you expected to see; Luke.
"Thank God you’re okay," he said, sounding out of breath, and flinging the door open further so that he could pull you into a hug. You staggered backwards a little, shocked at him being there, and the sudden display of affection.
"Luke, as lovely as it is to be woken by you so early, what are you doing here?" you asked in shock. "You weren’t answering your phone," he informed you, like that was something unusual in the middle of the night. 

"Luke, I was asleep, my phone was on silent. That didn’t mean you had to come rushing home! You’re supposed to be on tour!" you reminded him, chuckling slightly.
"I was worried about you," he said. "After I forgot to call you last night…"
"Ah yes, about that; you have a lot of explaining to do Hemmings," you warned, giving him a questioning glance.
"I’m really sorry baby," he began, following you as you turned to walk into the kitchen. You gave him a look as if urging him to carry on, and after a moment he continued his explanation.
"I was gonna call you after the show, I promise, I hadn’t really forgotten, it’s just… I was so tired and I sat down just for a minute, and I swear I didn’t mean to but-" he rambled on.
"Luke, spit it out will you?" you interrupted, wanting him to get to the point.
"I kind of fell asleep…" he confessed. You struggled not to laugh at how guilty he looked, just over falling asleep.
"I’m really sorry," he apologised. "I know you must have been upset, and wondered why I hadn’t called, or even sent you a text. I’ll make it up to you, I was really looking forward to speaking to you and then I went and messed it all up, but I promise I’ll make it better," he began rambling again, speaking so fast that you could only just make out what he was saying.
"Luke, stop," you said, eliciting a slightly worried and puzzled look from Luke.
"It’s fine!" you smiled.
"Shut up Luke," you laughed, reaching up and putting your arms around his neck so that you could pull him towards you for a kiss. 
"I am going to make it up to you though," he said, pulling back slightly from your kiss. You nodded your head, smiling as you did so. 
"And how are you going to do that?" you asked.
"Well we don’t have another show until tomorrow, so I have all day to spend with you," he smiled, affection clear in his eyes.
"Go on," he urged, steering you towards the door. "You go get dressed, I’m going to make breakfast." You did as he said, heading off to get changed, but with a slightly concerned look on your face about how this breakfast would turn out… Still, you couldn’t fault him for trying.


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