Why Don't You Love Me (Part Two)

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Ashton: Falling asleep as you cried has been a daily thing for you since the breakup, and you were getting so tired of all this pain and hurt, you wanted yourself to feel absolutely nothing at all. You wanted to feel numb, but you couldn’t because you were still too in love with Ashton. Your eyes landed on your calendar and realized today was the day his band returns to Sydney. You wanted to see him again, but you didn’t know if seeing him again will be good for you. You didn’t want him to see this trainwreck of a girl he used to know, and you didn’t want to break down in tears in front of him. But your desire to see him was much greater than that, so you decided to go to the airport to see him. You are still friends, after all, right? At the airport, you could see all the fans trying to catch a glimpse of them as they arrived, and you knew they were there when they started squealing and giggling. After about twenty minutes, they finally appear and your heart stopped at seeing his face for the first time in three months. His eyes found yours and the two of you just stare at each other, until you decided to walk over to him. “Hi,” you simply said with a small smile. He still looked at you in shock and he looked down, sadly. “I-I’m sorry,” he says. “I can’t do this anymore.” Your heart began to break at his words, because those was the exact same words you expected to hear. He looks up at you and whispered, “I need you, I need you back. I can’t pretend like this isn’t killing me anymore, I’m still in love with you, Y/N,” Your eyes widened when he pressed his lips against yours, and you could feel all the emotions he felt for you in the kiss. Longing, passion, love, sadness. You kissed him back softly, conveying all your feelings for him in the kiss, like he did. Once he pulled away, he puts his forehead against yours and said, “I wanted to do that so badly. That was a mistake, Y/N. I never should have broken up with you, I just felt like I needed to because you weren’t the type to handle long distance relationships-” “I don’t care, as long as you’re back here with me, I’m good,” you say, silencing him with another kiss.

Michael: A month has passed since that day you almost confessed your love to Michael, and he noticed that you’ve been acting a bit distant lately. You have been ignoring his calls, his texts, his voice mails, and when he’s around, you just stay locked in your room for the whole day until he leaves. This is all part of your moving-on stage, but sadly, no moving on has been happening quite yet. You were still very much in love with him, and all this is making you miss him even more. But you just couldn’t come crawling back to him, you needed your feelings for him to disappear. He made it clear that he’ll never love you back, so you just have to forget about how you feel for him. You need to forget that you’re in love with the damn boy, because he won’t ever see you as anything more than just his best friend. One day though, you were casually scrolling through the tweets in your timeline, when a notification popped up. You glanced at it with a frown, knowing it was just Michael updating his fans or something. You opened it out of curiosity and furrowed your eyebrows in confusion as you read his last three tweets: “I don’t know what to do” “why do i feel this way?” “Come back, be here :(” Judging from the tweets, he’s confused and is missing someone right now. You wanted to be the person he misses, but who are you kidding? And he’s confused, why? Because of you? Because of how you just suddenly started to avoid him? You threw your phone across the bed and let out a sigh. Even if you know you shouldn’t, you miss him so damn much. Why is it so hard to move on from you, Michael Clifford? What exactly did you do to my heart? Your thoughts were interrupted by your door banging open, revealing a restless looking Michael. He had dark circles beneath his eyes, and his beautiful green eyes were bloodshot. His hair was sticking up in all directions, and he had this tired look on his face. Well, you’re not the only one who looked like a wreck, I suppose. Yo avoided your gaze and asked, “What are you doing here, Michael? I’m not talking to you, I-” You were cut short because when you turned to look at him, he smashed his lips onto yours, and your eyes widened at his actions. He was holding your face in his hands, and he leaned in even more, deepening the kiss. You began to kiss him back though, when you realized forgetting your feelings for him was pointless, he was right here and you loved him. But you pulled away a second later, muttering a string of colorful words under your breath. He took a moment to catch his breath, and you used this to speak your mind. “What the hell, Michael?” He scratched the back of his head and hung his head low, “You’ve been avoiding me since that night,” you knew exactly what he was talking about. “And during that time you didn’t talk to me, it was like hell. I just felt so empty inside, and I miss you so much it hurts. When you’re not around, my world becomes this dull piece of shit and you make everything better. Your smile makes me melt inside, your laugh is the best thing ever, your eyes are the prettiest I’ve ever seen, and I’m sorry I never realized it before, but..” his beautiful emerald eyes watched you, as he smiled. “I’m sure I’m in love with you, Y/N, I’m sorry if it took me so long to realize it. I’m a stupid asshole who doesn’t deserve you but if you give me the chance, I’ll make sure you’ll feel how much I love you.” The corner of your lips curled upwards and you pecked his lips, smiling. “You better this time, Clifford.”

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