He Gets A Girlfriend But You Love Him (Part Two)

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Ashton: You decided to go find Ashton, because he hasn’t come back since that time he went AWOL a few hours ago. You were getting worried, and you knew that there was only one place he’d go to if he was ever missing for a long time - the park. He loves going to the park, the outdoors help him clear his head from any of his problems and the nature around him calms him down. You headed over to the nearby park, and you smiled upon seeing his curly hair from afar. He was sitting on a nearby bench, smiling slightly as he watched two little kids chase each other down. You approached him and sat down next to him, but he didn’t even acknowledge you. You breathed out a loud sigh, saying, “Ash, hey.” He didn’t even bother looking at you, he just continued to watch the little children play together. You placed your hand on top of his and he finally turns to look at you. He had this angered expression on his face, which intimidated you slightly. “What’s wrong?” You asked him, concern clear in your voice. “Nothing, why don’t you go back to Luke, huh Y/N?” There was a hint of annoyance in his voice and your eyebrows met in confusion. “What do you mean-” “Don’t lie, Y/N. I can see the way you look at Luke. It’s different from the way you look at other boys, and there’s something there between the two of you. I know it shouldn’t be matter to me, but I just.. I can’t stop.” He looked down and pulled his hand away from yours, and buried his face into his two hands. You set your hand on his back, rubbing it up and down. “Tell me what’s wrong, please… I’m your best friend.” You almost pleaded, and he just shook his head. “That’s the thing, Y/N. You’re my best friend, but I’m in love with you! I just can’t get you out of my head, even though I know you’re in love with Luke-” “Wait, you’re in love with me?” You repeated, his words not registering into your brain. “I have been for a long time,” he confessed, tears brimming in his eyes. “If you loved me, why did you get a girlfriend?” You asked him, pulling your hand away from him. “I thought I liked her, I thought I did. I wanted to forget about you, and she made me happy for a short while but when I saw you with Luke a few hours ago, I realized that what I was doing wasn’t working, and it wasn’t right to lead her on like that. I broke up with her, but she knew that I…” he looked up at you. “..still love you. But you’re in love with Luke, so what can a guy do huh?” his shoulders slumped forward as glistening tears rolled down his cheek. “You’re such an idiot!” You shouted at him, while you grabbed his wrist. He turned to look at you and you embraced him, whispering in his ear, “I’m not in love with Luke, you dumbass. I’m in love with you, I’ve always been in love with you. It’s always been you. It was never Luke.” His hands found their way to your back, and you could feel his heartbeat hammering against his chest. You smiled, knowing you were the one who caused that. “It’s always you,” you whispered as you kissed his cheek. “I love you.”

Michael: You frowned upon arriving at the said location where you were supposed to meet Alana. She seems like a really nice girl though, but you just didn’t see you and her getting along really well together. You’re still a bit bitter over the fact that he chose someone like her - she was a model, or so you heard from Michael before you left earlier. He seems to really like the perfect kind of girls, and then there’s you. You suddenly started to understand why he chose her instead of you, she was a ten while you were a negative three, you had no game at all, you didn’t think you were pretty and you didn’t have any talents you considered as your strong point. You were just normal, and he didn’t like normal. He wanted extraordinary, and you couldn’t show him that. You slid into one of the nearby booths and she had arrived, waving at you as she came over. She sat in front of you with a huge smile asking, “Hi Y/N! Did you know why I called you here today?” You looked up at her, clenching your fists as to prevent yourself from clawing her face out, she was just so pretty it hurt. You shook your head slowly and her smile grew, “Well, I’m here to talk to you about Michael.” Your chest tightened at the mention of his name and you grimaced, “Why don’t you just talk to him? Why do you want to talk to me about him?” She giggled and flipped her hair behind her shoulder, “Because you’re a girl, silly. Also because you’re his best friend, you know absolutely everything about him!” You narrowed your eyes at her asking, “Why is being a girl a reason why you called me here?” She reached over the table to grab my hand and says, “I need girl advice, my dear. I’m afraid I think I’m in love with Michael,” she says and your eyes widened in disbelief. As for as you know, he’s only known this girl for a few weeks and she’s already in love with him? You wanted to scoff and tell her that she’s delusional, but you can’t have her as your enemy now can you? Especially when you know she’s got Michael wrapped around her finger. “Why would you even think that you’re in love with him?” You asked in monotone. She in turn, pouted at you and tilted her head to the side, “I’ve never really been in love with anyone before. Can you tell me how you can tell if you’re in love with someone?” You were slightly taken aback by her question, but you managed to smile as Michael immediately popped into your head. “I don’t really know how to explain it, because you actually just have to feel it. But I did notice a few things about being in love with someone.” Her lips curled into a smile, “Please tell me.” Your smile grew and said, “For starters, whenever he’s around, you would become really happy for no apparent reason. His mere presence would have the ability to make you really happy. When he’s gone, you would have this longing feeling and this growing pain in your chest. You couldn’t stop thinking about him and you always seem to want to see him or just be next to him You would get butterflies in your stomach when he’d touch you, and you would also smile for no reason sometimes when you think of him. That’s not even everything,” you chuckled. “You seem like you’re in love with someone, who’s the lucky guy?” She grinned and you smiled. “Michael. It’s always been him, but he chose you, Alana. He’s my world, and I want you to take good care of him.” Her lips curled into a smirk and she said, “Nah, I’m pretty sure I don’t need to. You heard all of that right, Mike?” Michael suddenly appeared next to you and smiled, “Thanks Alana.” She shot you a wink before slipping out of the booth, and you looked up at the pink-haired boy. “Wh-what-” “I always knew you had a thing for me,” he smirked and you glared at him. “But isn’t she-” “And no, Alana isn’t really my girlfriend. I just asked for her help so I can finally confirm that you do in fact, love me. And you do, I win.” You were about to retort when he pressed his lips against yours. You pulled away and he looked into your eyes smiling. “And my prize is you. I love you.” You couldn’t hold in the happiness, and you just couldn’t believe this was happening. You embraced him as you let out all your happy tears, as he held you there, resting his head on yours. “I love you,” he repeated as he kissed the top of your head softly.

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