Best Friends

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You laughed as Michael ran after you, holding flour in his hands. "Please don't!" You yelled. "Oh, right. I forgot about that fancy date tonight." Michael raised his eyebrows slowing down. "You know that guy is probably going to be an asshole, right?" "What's it to you, Clifford?" You asked, turning to face him and placing your hands on your hips. "As your best friend, it's my job to look out for you,"Michael replied moved closer to you. Oh. Best friend. Michael, after two years of friendship, still hadn't any idea about your feelings for him. As far as you knew, he didn't have any feelings for you at all, other than the best friend kind, that is. You scrunched up your nose, trying to think of something to say to him. "You're so cute when you do that," Michael murmured, tapping your nose with the hand that wasn't holding the flour. You shot him a mock-disgusted look and he laughed out loud. "I hope this relationship works out for you, (y/n)." Michael told you. He was so close it made you nervous. "If it doesn't, I'll have to kick this one's ass too, just like the last few." Now it was your turn to laugh as Michael threw his arms around you. "Don't leave me all alone!" He cried dramatically. You thought it was cute, until you realized he had rubbed the flour all over your black sun dress. "Michael Clifford, I'm gonna kill you!" You shouted. "Nah you won't, because you love me." Michael said. You stopped. "Yeah, because of that." You replied. "Of course it's because of that! I'm your best friend!" Michael flicked the remaining flour at you and left to do God knows what. "Yeah... that's why." You murmured, frustrated he didn't know how you felt.


You rolled over on the floor, tired of the movie but not wanting to disappoint Calum, who apparently loved it. You did you best to contain a sigh while you closed your eyes. "Are you tired?" Calum asked you. You opened your eyes lazily. "Mmm," you groaned, rubbing your eyes. "C'mere," before you knew it, Calum was wrapping you up in his arms. "You should try and get some rest. I always forget that you're still in school. I remember when I was in school. I came home every day with loads of stories to tell, especially after we became friends with Luke..." Calum droned on, but you closed your eyes, his rambling making you smile as fatigue took over you. Being this close to him gave you a thrill. You could feel your pulse racing as you snuggled up against his chest, and you rose and fell with every breath he took. You'd been best friends with him for the longest time, and you'd been in love with him for even longer. Of course you'd never told him, but the other boys knew and tried to get you to tell him. Every time you nervously laughed it off and told them they were being ridiculous, but you knew they were right. He would eventually find out. "Calum..." You yawned. "I think that..." You mumbled, not able to finish your confession before you fell asleep. If you'd stayed awake, perhaps you would have heard Calum's slight chuckle, and felt him press a kiss to your forehead. "I love you, too, (y/n)." He whispered.


"Really? That shirt?" You asked. It was the night of the boys' celebratory dinner, for releasing their album, and Ashton had settled for the hideous purple shirt he had worn when he first joined the band. "Oh, it's for old times sake," he said, slinging an arm around your shoulder. How it still fit him, you hadn't the slightest idea. "You know you love it," Ashton nudged your cheek with his nose. "Anyways, we'd better be going. We'll be way later than we are already." The restaurant was a very laid-back environment. You were grateful Ashton told you to dress down. "(Y/n)!" All the boys chimed happily when they saw you with Ashton. Calum gasped. "Is this a date?" He asked, feigning shock. You snorted and Ashton scoffed. "Please, I would never take her on a date with you guys. I'd make sure we were all alone." Ashton grinned, wiggling his eyebrows at you. You laughed, then he took on a more serious expression. "Besides, (y/n)'s my best friend. I would never go out with her." This hit you like a pang in the heart. You'd always tried to deny your feelings towards Ashton, not wanting to ruin the fantastic friendship you had built, but every time he gazed at you lovingly or spoke to you like you were someone of real importance, you knew that you were utterly head over heels for your best friend. You knew it was cliché, which was precisely why you didn't want it to happen, but when Ashton admitted that it never would, you felt empty. All of the boys gave him looks of disappointment mixed with urgency. You set your napkin down on the table. "Excuse me, I have to use the restroom."


You shoveled some more ice cream into your mouth and laugh as Luke did the same, but winced. "Ow! Brain freeze," he yelped, holding his forehead. "Press the roof of your mouth," you informed him. "That's what my grandma always used to say." He gave a sound of relief as he pressed his tongue to the roof of his mouth. "What would I do without you?" He sighed gratefully. You shrugged. "Probably die. Or be hospitalized because of your inability to eat frozen things." You said. He laughed, taking a scoop of ice cream and lifting it to your mouth. "And here comes the airplane!" He joked as you opened your mouth. You felt some of it on the corner of your mouth and reached up to get it, but Luke grabbed your wrist and wiped it off with his thumb. There was a moment of silence, just him and you. You couldn't say you didn't enjoy it, or you'd be lying. Luke looked away quickly, as did you. You reached for your spoon to do the same thing, but instead of letting him eat it, you drew the spoon back at the last second and pressed it to his nose. "That's really cold!" He yelped almost immediately. You gave him an apologetic grin and he laughed. "Aw, I can't stay mad at you." He brushed your cheek lightly with his hand before his phone rang. "Oh! That's my date! I'd better go. See ya later, (y/n)!" He called as he shut the door. You sat by yourself and allowed your brain to clear. You were in a huge mess. Probably the worst situation for you to be in right now. You were in love with your best friend. Your best friend who was dating someone else.


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