Truth Or Dare w/ 1D And Your Brother

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"(y/n)! Truth or dare?" Zayn asks you when it’s his turn.
You look down at your hands that sit in your lap, your legs crossed. “Um.. dare. I guess?” 
Louis smirks and whispers something into Zayn’s ear, who then laughs. “Alright, (y/n). I dare you… to make out with Luke.” 
Your eyes widen at the thought, your mouth open slightly. You had had a crush on Luke since you met him, and although the thought of kissing him was thrilling, you were pretty sure he only thought of you as a little sister. 
"Oh no you don’t!" your actual older brother, Niall, exclaims. He turns to Luke, who’s sitting next to you, also slightly in shock yet with an amused look on his face. "You are not making out with me sister," turning to Zayn, "why the hell would you dare her to do that?" 
Zayn shrugged, and you hid your face in your hands. “Niall, I wasn’t going to-“
"Hey, a dare’s a dare," Louis oh-so-kindly reminded me.
Niall gave me his don’t you dare even try it look. “I’ll just.. I guess I’m chickening out,” you say, avoiding your brothers look. 
"I don’t mind," Luke said from the left of you. "It’s just a kiss, right?" You were about to object when Luke turned your head and kissed you softly, growing deeper with each second. 
You broke apart, the howls of the other boys, minus Niall, made it difficult to concentrate on anything.
"See? That wasn’t so bad," Luke said, looking straight at my brother, a wisp of a smile on his lips.

"Dare, of course," you say confidently when Harry posed the question. You knew him, he wouldn’t make you do anything stupid. 
"Okay, seven minutes in heaven with um… Calum in the bus.
You sat blinking, trying to think of something sassy to say, but your brother, Louis, got to him first. “God dammit, Harry!” He turned to you, “and you! Don’t even think about it!” 
You rolled your eyes. You loved your brother, but he was so overprotective of you that it felt like you couldn’t breathe. “Louis, it’s fine. It’s not that big of a deal. It’s just a dare.”
Your brother gave Calum, who was sitting a few people away from you with a sly smile, a challenging look. Calum seemed to ignore him, since he came over to you and grabbed your hand, pulling you up and towards the bus. You looked back at your brother, who seemed infuriated, and pressed your lips together to hide your smile.
You and Calum sat down on one of the bunkers in the bus, neither of you knowing what to do at this point now that you’d actually gotten there. 
The two of you ended up just talking, telling each other stories and laughing until Harry came and got you after the very short 7 minutes ended.

Liam seemed to have no hesitation in picking you as his next victim in the game of truth or dare, and you had no hesitation in answering with a quiet “truth.”
"Who in this room would you want to have sex with?" he asked, chuckling. 
You looked nervously around the circle of boys, catching a glance from your brother, Luke. “Oh, um, I change my mind. Dare,” you reply.
"Okay, I dare you to tell us who in this room you’d want to have sex with," Liam responded with a grin.
You cleared your throat and looked down at the ground, twirling a strand from the rug in your fingers.
"I, um…"
Luke gave you a warning look.
"I guess, um, Ashton," you said quietly, hoping no one could hear you properly. 
Niall burst out laughing, calling to Michael that he owed him $5.00.
Ashton, who sat directly across from you, was biting his lip, hiding the red that crept in his cheeks with his hands.
"Cute, now I dare you to-"
"Don’t go any farther with that sentence," Luke warned Liam, glaring at him.
"I was just gonna dare her to kiss him," Liam explained, laughter still in his voice.
"That’s not any better!" 
"Relax, Luke. (Y/n), I dare you to kiss Ashton."
Your cheeks must have looked like they were on fire at this point.
"I already did my dare…" you say.
"Wasn’t good enough. Kiss Ashton!" 
Luke held you back protectively, and you glanced at Ashton, who was looking at you as well.
Luke may have held you back during the game, but as soon as it was over, Ashton came over and kissed you hard.

"C’mon, (y/n), play with us!" you sighed and joined the boys in their game, sitting in the open space between Michael (who you had liked forever) and Niall. 
It was Louis’ turn.
"Michael, truth or dare?"
"Dare!" the bright color haired boy responded, smiling.
"Dare you to call up the sexiest girl on your phone and tell her you want to fuck her," Louis said, shooting the boy a wicked grin.

You looked away, not really wanting to be a part of this.
Michael got out his phone and dialed in a number.
"Put it on speaker," Calum, your brother, laughed.
Michael licked his lips and pressed call, putting it on speaker so the rest of the group could hear.
Your phone started to ring.
Eight heads turned directly to you, blank eyes and open mouths.
Harry was the first to compose himself, “um, (y/n), you gonna answer that?”
You blushed, pulling out your phone from your purse, not bothering to look at the caller id before answering it.
"H-hello," you say into the speaker, which a millisecond later came from Michael’s phone as well.
"(Y/N), I want to f-"
Calum slapped the phone out of Michael’s hand.
"I swear if you finish that sentence I will kill you," Calum said, staring down Michael, an aura of protectiveness surrounding him.
"Relax, Calum," Louis intervened, "it was just a dare."


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