You Do Each Others' Makeup

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Luke sat next to you and watched carefully as you started to put on your makeup. “Can I try?” he asked just as you had finished putting on moisturizer.

"You want to wear makeup, now?" you giggled.

He stuck his tongue out at you. “No dumby, can I try doing your makeup?”

You raised your eyebrows and laughed, “why not. Go for it,” you said, turning to face him.

"Okay, don’t give me any hints."

You pressed your lips together to hide your laugh. Oh god what is he going to do to me? you thought.

Luke rummaged through your bag and pulled out your bronzer with a satisfied ha!

He started rubbing the bronzer into your skin with his fingers, then instructed you to close your eyes so he could put something sticky on your lids.

"Don’t look yet," he said, pulling out a mascara, only to end up brushing it into your eyebrows. "Okay, um…" he put back the eyeliner that he had brought out, probably deciding against using it, "you can look now."

So you looked into the mirror and burst out laughing, covering your mouth with your hands.

"Luke, did you put lip gloss on my eyes?"

"I didn’t know what it was!" he replied, laughing along with you.

"I look ridiculous."

"You look beautiful, like always," Luke said, kissing your cheek.


"This color will definitely make your eyes pop,” you giggle, applying a gold eye shadow on your boyfriends eye lids. You dug through your makeup bag and pulled out a powder foundation that was far from Ashton’s skin color. You laughed some more, rubbing in the foundation. “Okay, now… suck in your cheeks… like a fish,” you demonstrated.

"This is exhausting. Is this what you girls do everyday?" Ashton asked after you dusted some blush and bronzer on his cheeks.

"Every damn day," you respond. "Close your eyes."

He did as you said, complaining when you accidentally poked him with the eyeliner. You added a touch of mascara before deciding you didn’t want to accidentally blind your boyfriend today. You finished his whole look with some bright lipstick and gloss.

"Okay, take a look," you said.

"Oh my god," Ashton whispered, his mouth hanging open. "I look like a girl."

"You make a very beautiful girl," you replied, stiffling a giggle.

You took out your phone and snapped a quick picture of Ashton making a duck face in the mirror and posted it to twitter.

@(y/t/n): @Ashton5sos damn sexy can i get yo numba? xx


"Um, Calum, that’s not-" you started to point out the fact that lip liner did not - in fact - substitute as eyeliner. 

"Shh, let me figure this out!" Calum responded, hushing you.

You kept quiet as you watched your boyfriend study each item intensely, trying to figure out how and where to use them. Every now and then he would smirk and add something new to your face, which, by now, must have looked a lot like an overused painters palette.

"What are you doing?" you asked when he started drawing on your cheeks.

"Shh…" he responded, concentrating very hard on whatever he was doing.

A few minutes later, Calum stopped and admired his work, adding a finishing touch of blush.

"Can I look yet?"

"Hmm… yah, okay," he grinned, spinning your chair to face the mirror with a ‘ta da!’

"I’m a cat," you said, taking note of the nose, whiskers, and amazingly ok-done cat eyes.

Calum nodded proudly, “a very sexy cat!”

You meowed and scratched the air with your fingers.

"Your turn!" you say as you pound on him, giving him his own whiskers and heart shaped nose.


"Why did I agree to this again?" Michael groaned.

"Because you looooove me,” you replied, dancing around the chair, grabbing new forms of torture known as lip gloss and blush.

You covered his face in foundation and concealer, then got down to the fun part.

"Close your eyes," you commanded, covering a brush in bright blue eye shadow. He did ad you said, and you put the blue on his eyelids and all the way up to his eyebrows, all the while resisting the urge to laugh.

"Can you at least tell me what you’re doing?" Michael asked, his eyes still closed.

"Okay, well I just put on your eye shadow. Now, I’m going to… highlight… your features with this silver color," you said, dusting silver glitter in the corners of his eyes and under his eyebrows. "Now pucker up, I’m putting on blush," you chose the brightest, pinkest blush you could find, and applied it to his cheeks.

"Do I look pretty?" Michael asked, batting his eyelashes. 

"Gorgeous," you replied, smiling. "Close your eyes again."

You gave him horribly long winged eyeliner that went half way to his ears. You then took your black pencil eyeliner and colored in his eyebrows.

Finally, you put on bright red shimmering lipstick.

You swiveled his chair to face the mirror. “You can open your eyes, now,” you said innocently.

After a moment of pure shock/terror/horror in his eyes, he started winking at his reflection, sticking his tongue out, and making duck faces. “Damn, I make a hot girl,” he said.

You laughed and whispered in his ear, “I’d totally go lesbian for you.”

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