Chapter 15: Unlucky Spearman

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Princess Xiao grabbed Mingxia Jie's hand and led her to the front gate where they got onto the carriage, Princess Xiao called for the General who quickly came and mounted his horse. He was dumbfounded as he spoke out his orders and they rode to the barracks, with the two most gorgeous women riding in a carriage following closely behind.

At the barracks, not a living soul could be seen inside. Only the footsteps of the small party could be heard. As they walked further in, the more the women began to wonder 'where are all the men?'. The General caught onto their lack of information because they were women so he spoke:

-"If you are wondering where all the recruits and veterans were, they are outside doing physical training. I just came here today to check the new recruits and now the veterans are training them."

Both made a face of 'now I understand'. As they began to approach the end of the hall, the sound of men and the faint scent of sweat permeated through the hall. As they stepped out, the sight was truly something to behold. The large vast of grass land was used for everything, from riding to swordsmanship. As well as battle strategy and hand to hand combat.

As they began to walk down the steps murmurs began to spread and everyone stopped what they were doing. The youngest were the most pleased in seeing other women, and looked at both of them with lustful eyes. Saying they would have one or the other, a veteran heard and hit both of them on the head.

-"Idiots. The woman with the light purple dress is Princess Xiao, so watch your tongues."

-"Princess Xiao! What is she doing here?"

-"Beats me, but show your respect."

-"Yes sir!"

The General walked to the commander who was taking care of leading the exercises. As they began to chat, Mingxia Jie noticed movement and focused her eyes on a man who was still fighting in the back with a spear. She began to walk away from the General, and made her way to the spearman. As she approached the men, they felt a pressure to move and bow to this beauty. As they moved, Princess Xiao noticed the movement of the other soldiers and tugged on the General's clothing to try to get his attention without disturbing the conversation. The General ignored her and continued to talk, Princess Xiao tries again. Each time the antics are more annoying than the last, soon enough he turns around and sees the direction in which she is looking only to see Mingxia Jie approach a spearman who was still fighting.

-"Mingxia Jie!"

He sprints towards Mingxia Jie but it's too late, Mingxia Jie wrapped up in the beauty of the fighting style and doesn't hear him and keeps walking. The spearman still fighting notices the white and pushes his spear in the direction. All the men close their eyes, afraid that the beauty will surely die. But a few leave their eyes open, and the sight is one to behold. As the spear moves towards Mingxia Jie's heart, she jumps up high into the sky and her dress lifts up like a cloud. She does a flip and lands elegantly on the tip of the spear, with her fan open and the cherry red umbrella on the ground. Standing on the tip of the spear, she seems like a deity who had fallen onto the spear.

She makes her way to the spearman, one step at a time and stands in front of him. He looks up to see Mingxia Jie standing on his spear as though she was standing on the ground. The men had long since opened their eyes to see the beauty on the tip of the spear walking towards the spearman. Mingxia Jie crouches down and lightly and closed her fan; she lightly hits the man on the head. He drops the spear and Mingxia Jie with it; before she stands in front of him, she opens the fan and with a scrutinizing gaze she looks at him. The man was truly unlucky to have met such a woman, but he trusted she could make him better. 

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