Chapter 36: Chased by a man she doesn't want

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Chapter 36: Chased by a man she doesn’t want

Looking from afar at the man she had been forced to marry, Mingxia Jie smiles to herself thinking that he wasn’t that bad looking. He had thin lips, a sharp jawline and thick black brows. With the most eye catching eyes hidden beneath a black mask.She had seen multiple handsome and peerless men before her reincarnation.  She was quite pleased with her family for marrying her to such a handsome man. She was also quite happy that she would be able to exact her revenge on Master Yu. She had spent these last 9 months since her reincarnation to be able to try to get close to enter Western Zhousan. Although she had learned quickly the fighting styles of Eastern Zhousan to blend in; she had aroused the suspicions from her husband. Mingxia Jie shook her head and focused back on her husband. Although Kangxi DI Guo was far away from Mingxia Jie, he still felt as someone’s eyes were on him. He brushed it a side as he had already felt the multiple gazes of women on him, and he didn’t enjoy it. He hadn't slept all night because he was worried for his wife. Which was a first as he had never cared for any woman before.

Mingxia Jie knew that spending too much time in  a single place can get her into more trouble than she needed to. She spun on her heel and entered the small store. She had pickpocketed a few people while she was swept up in the crowd. She had enough to pick out something nice, because she couldn't give the store gold as it would insight more suspicion. Mingxia Jie bought a white fur cape, as well as fur lined boots. The white paired with the brown made it appear more realistic and less lavishing as it would show that she was nobility. She left the store and looked around to make sure she saw none of the  masked men. As she left the crowded streets of the main capital and made her way over to the more poorer areas she started to see the towering walls of the Xue Capital in front of her, she noticed Bai across the street from her. Mingxia Jie’s whole body stiffened but she was relieved it was Bai and not another of the masked men, she made herself blend in with the already meek surroundings. She could feel every inch her want to run, but if she ran in front of Bai, his piercing blue eyes would capture her. She made it past his gaze when she heard the sound of a fight breaking out. She saw a small boy being pushed around and having his things stolen from him. As she looked back she sighed as she knew that getting away from Bai after would be the hard part.

-”You should know that running into me at this time was the worst mistake of your life.”

Mingxia Jie flew into the center, protecting the boy while beating to a pulp the other men. Soon after she beats them up with her odd fighting style; Bai notices her and starts to run after her. Mingxia Jie’s face contorts with unhappiness and she sprints from Bai. She knew that getting caught by Bai would mean something worse than death, and something worse than death is not something she would enjoy. As she turns the corner she notices Bai was catching up more than he needs to. Mingxia Jie turns into a smaller alley and wall jumps to scale the walls to reach the roof. When Bai turns to catch up he sees the of edge of Mingxia Jie’s cape flutter over the edge of the roof. A beautifully brief smile makes its way onto Bai’s face and he quickly follows that fox he is trying to catch. Soon enough the chase continues across the rooftops. Mingxia Jie can feel Bai’s eyes on her and she sprints even faster, but because Bai has a stronger Qi level, he quickly catches up. The edge of the roof tops can already be seen as they start to approach the outer wall and the awareness of the palace guards can naturally move to the parties running on the roofs. 

Mingxia Jie knows that keeping the palace guards eyes on them wasn't a bad idea until she starts to hear the shouting

-”Stop! Stop or we'll shoot!”
-”Shit! Why me of all people!?”
The next thing Mingxia Jie hears is the whipping sound of an arrow just narrowly missing her face. She cursed Bai and the idiotic guards for trying to not only capture but also kill. She wasn't in the mood to deal with it and needed to find a way out of the city. Staying any longer would cause up more of a stir and  Mingxia Jie needed to escape. She noticed a black figure a few houses away and starts speeding towards it. As she is starting to reach it the arrows are starting to become more precise and Bai is closing in on her.

-”What is this? A pincer attack!?”

She leaps from the rooftop to continue her jump off of an arrow that was flying towards her to land in front of an black horse. She was able to untie the horse and leap on before becoming dazed with the sight in front of her.

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