Chapter 55

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Quietly waiting below Mingxia Jie tried to communicated with Laohu but she could not reach him, he was too far away. She paced around the place she was around. Although she reached the peak of martial arts and her qi was abnormal, she did not know how to undo the seal that Bai had placed on the tile. And not for a lack of trying at all. 

She paced back and forth wondering how to get out of the hole, but then Bai's reminder flashed in her eyes. She let out a sigh and resigned herself to sitting about and waiting for the seal to break.


For Bai, it was an unimaginable hell. He couldn't see, he could only feel the dampness of the cell, the disgusting walls surrounding him and a fierce fire that burned in him when he remembered how he lost his sight. He yelled and punched the wall with all his force, the walls started to crack from the pressure of the punches. The jailors were forced to put Bai in restraints so he would be unable to escape. It terrified Bai that he was unable to see, but his wrath forced him to use what little pride he had to begin to understand the new world of darkness around him. He could feel his qi surrounding him in a cold barrier, the blue wisps circling and expanding around the cell until they reached the corners of the cell. 

When he had accomplished that Bai noticed that were the wisps did not pass through were solid and he could make out the chains and iron bars that were chanted to prevent his escape. The first day had passed in agony as he was tortured against his will for information he would not give up. He knew that Peizhi was still looking for Mingxia Jie, and that if Peizhi kept torturing him it signified that he had not found her yet. She was safe, this gave him the will to be able to rest assured that she would survive regardless of how things for himself were shaping up. The world no longer was as dark as he believed to be.

The next morning his tired body was awoken to dark red qi that surrounded his own. He finally grasped how insignificant he was  in the face of Peizhi. The thin blue wisps vanished when they came in contact with the red. At the centre of it all a mass of black appeared. Like a dark ball it showed immense power and frustration. For the first time Bai was petrified with fear. He did not pay attention to what Peizhi was saying to the guards as he tried to strengthen himself, but the chanted restraints restricted what little power he had left in him.

-"Bai. I have such lovely news for you. Your suffering will end."

Bai let out a strangled laugh that led him to cough up blood. The blood had splattered on to Peizhi's black robes. Peizhi pushed himself away from Bai as he placed the small room.

-"You know Bai, I was wondering when you were going to tell me where she is. But I have found a much faster way of determining where she is. She'll come of her own will."

Bai stared confusedly at Peizhi. There would be no possible way to force her to come. She would still be locked in the safe house until the day after tomorrow. He remembered putting a seal strong enough and Peizhi isn't aware of it. Bai's eyes flashed with recognition. His seal would break before hand. It would break tomorrow because his wife isn't strong enough to hold it any longer. Bai felt that Peizhi would not know that.

-"You see Bai. You're dying tomorrow."

-" Praise the gods Peizhi. I was wondering when I would be leaving this hell hole."

Bai gave him a relaxed smile as though all his troubles would wash away. Peizhi struggled to keep his composure. His veiled threats had no effect on the blind man I and it enraged him more than thought possible. Peizhi let out a great sign as he left Bai in his jail house with feeling of completion. He would finally have what was meant to be his. The good graces of his reincarnated Master. Surely she would welcome him with open arms.

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