Trust Is A Powerful Thing

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"Hartley Rathaway possesses one of the finest scientific minds I've ever encountered." says Dr.Wells. He also happened to have worked for Dr.Wells awhile back before Barry and I were in the picture. 

Caitlin, Cisco, Joe, Dr.Wells, Barry, and I had all regrouped in S.T.A.R. Labs to discuss the matter, but something about it seems off. I looked closely at the monitor that had all the infomation about Hartley, but it wasn't really Hartley that seemed off. More like Dr.Wells seemed off. 

I overheard Eddie talking to Joe about what Dr.Wells had said. That he sat under the glass as it broke, but manage to not get a single scratch. How is that even possible?

"Any ties to Rathaway Industries?" asked Joe.

"His grandfather founded the company, his father expanded it, and Hartley here was set to inherit the throne."

" What happened? " I ask.

"He came out to his parents." Caitlin speaks up. "Old money, old values."

"That's messed up." I mumbled. "Taking that away from him just because of who he is."

"Messed up indeed Ms. Foster." Dr.Wells agrees. "They were estranged when we met, but, brilliant. I couldn't have built the particle accelerator without him." Wells continues.

"You guys have never even mentioned his name." Barry points out.

"That's because Hartley had a challenging personality." Caitlin shyly rubs her neck.

"What she means is he was mostly a jerk. But, every once in a while, he could be a dick." says Cisco gaining a chuckle from Joe.

"Let's just say that Hartley, like many outliers, had trouble relating to his peers." Dr.Wells pardons him.

"Yes, but he was always your favorite." Catlin says quite bitterly.

"The chosen one." Cisco adds on. "He referred to himself like that."

"So if you two were so close, why would he target you?" Joe asks.

"Hartley left S.T.A.R. Labs about a year ago after we had a disagreement." Dr.Wells says, but hesitantly. 

"About what?" I edge on, causing Wells to shift in his seat. Noticing the tension Barry try's to dismiss it.

"Look, don't worry. We'll stop him. I won't let him hurt you, any of you. Let's get back to my lab, all right?" Barry says nodding towards the door. Joe hesitantly follows Barry out, but I hang back for a bit to hear more about the so called Chosen One.

"He was that bad?" I ask.

"You have no idea. The guy thought he was the best of the best and hated my guts."

"We all did our best to ignore him." Caitlin smirks.

"I wouldn't blame you." I mumbled. My phone starts going off and I check to see that Iris is calling me. "What's up?" I answer.

"Where are you?"

"What do you mean?"

"You're suppose to drop me off at work today." Iris sighs. "It's my first day today and you promise to take me."

"Shit! I'm so sorry! I'm on my way, how late are we?" I rush to the exit waving a quick goodbye to my friends.

"Oh we're not late. This is me reminding you that we have work today and knowing you were going to forget." says Iris and I swear I can feel her smirking through the phone.

"First off, ouch! The faith you have in me in concerning. Second off, you scared the shit out of me, don't do it again and lastl-"

"Wait theirs a lastly?" Iris giggles. "There's never a lastly."

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