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The day was quite eventful, but the night wasn't looking to bad. Sitting in Jitters with my childhood best friends and some coffee seemed pretty good to me. However, with the life I have nothing good ever last long. While Iris went to get a refill on coffee, Barry's phone went off. Glancing at it I notice that it's Dr. Wells calling. The last person Barry wants to be talking to. 

Barry just stares at the bright screen either hesitantly debating on picking it up or waiting for it to go to voicemail.

"You should pick up." I say resting a hand on Barry's shoulder. "It could be important." Barry gives it one last look before picking it up.

"Hey, what's up?" says Barry. By look on his face it doesn't seem good.

"You should go." I say, not even knowing what the call is about. "I'll cover for you."

"Hartley escaped an-"

"And you're leaving." I say giving Barry a shove off his seat. "They need you."

"I hate it when your right." Barry sighs before dashing of in speed to S.T.A.R. Labs I'm guessing.

"Then you must hate me often." I mumble into my cup.

"Okay. Okay, your turn, why are you having the worst day." Iris says, but trails off when she notices the empty seat next to me.

"Oh, worked called. Looks like Barry was needed at some crime scene." I lie.

"Oh okay." Iris shrugged it off. "How about you? Why are you having the worst day."

"Well lets just say I trusted someone and they happen to be holding a secret that changes everything." The closer I got to the end of that sentence the more I realize Dr. Wells is just like me. He kept a secret from his team just like I kept a secret from my friends. "I'm a horrible human being." I say putting my head between my hands.

"Hey, don't say that! What happened?" Iris rushes to sit in the seat Barry once sat in and wrapped her arms around me for a side hug. 

"I'm a hypocrite, Iris!" I say beginning to tear up causing near by customer to stare at me. "I'm over here judging a man for keeping a big secret from other people when I'm doing the same thing."

"Well some secrets are just meant to be kept secrets while others are meant to be shared." says Iris. "Was his that bad?"

"Let's just say if he had told his secrets he could have saved lives." I heavily sigh.

"Damn." mumbled Iris. "Why did he keep the secret for so long."

"He thought he was doing the right thing. He thought the outcome would out way the risk."

"See there's the difference." I raise my head to look at Iris. She had a warm smile making her appear beautiful and approachable. I beat I look like a angry tomato. Diffidently not approachable.


"He kept the secret for a gain. He was only thinking about himself. He was selfish." explains Iris. "You on the other hand. You kept it because your parents told you to. To protect the people you love. This guy your talking about, his secret was selfish while yours was considerate and caring."

"You think so?" I ask, wiping away some tears on my cheeks.

"I know so. I know you Madison. You wouldn't do something to hurt someone. Not unless you have a really and I mean really good reason to, but even then you wouldn't." says Iris. "That's just the kind of person you are." 

I rested my head on Iris's shoulder and brought my cup of coffee closer. "Thank you."


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