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    •••I started over, PLEASE forgive me. There were too many plot holes and my writing style changed drastically halfway through so I just want to start over, this book will be different •••
   "George! Mom! I'm home!" I called into the large house, but only a mocking silence greeted my return. I looked around and thought about everything that had happened here, and the ghosts of my past trapped within the walls.
    I walked into the living room to continue to search for them, but suddenly a pair of hands snaked around my waist and pulled me back. I felt a large body against my back, and I turned quickly and brought my knee up to the stranger's groin, sending them to the floor within seconds.
   When I looked down, my eyes were met with my brother's best friend, John, writhing on the ground in pain.
   "Are you okay?" I asked flatly, not showing any concern or remorse in my tone at all.
   "Hot damn, Blaire! What did you do that for?" He asked, and he held his groin, breathing heavily from the intense pain filling his body.
    "Well I guess you shouldn't have scared me, ya wanker," I responded, and I smiled down at him.
   Finally, he got up and gave me a weary hug. I smelled his strong aroma, and the scent was inviting and familiar.
   "I missed you, twit," he said, and I smiled as he let me go.
   "I missed you too, John. Where is my brother?" I asked, and he raised his eyebrows at me, smiling.
   "Ah, Blaire. Haven't you heard? When they found out you were coming home they jumped ship as quickly as they could," he joked dramatically, and I rolled my eyes.
   "Quite funny, now where is my brother?" I asked seriously, and he walked into the kitchen, me trailing behind him.
"He and your mother are at dinner," he said, and he rummaged through the drawers, undoubtedly looking for snacks.
"Why would they do that when they knew that I was coming home?" I asked, and he found something and shut the drawer, turning to me and opening his treat.
"Um, they are with your dad actually," he said awkwardly, and my jaw clenched on instinct, my nails digging into my skin, leaving marks on the palm of my hands.
"Wow, he's still controlling them?" I asked with an eye roll, and he stuffed the chocolate into his mouth.
"Don't be too mad, they're trying to sort things out," John told me, and I shook my head, letting my breath go sharply.
"Can we just not talk about him please?" I asked, and John nodded sheepishly.
Suddenly, he offered me a piece of chocolate and when I reached out to grab it, he pulled it back, stuffing it into his mouth greedily and smiling dumbly.
"Fuck you, Lennon!" I yelled, and he faked a look of shock.
"Such a dirty mouth on such a pretty bird!" He gasped, and I smirked, winning at him.
"There's a lot this mouth can do that you don't know about," I flirted, and he looked genuinely shocked, I turned and added "yet."
I walked up to my room and opened the door, looking around the familiar place. The room was painted pink, and teddy bears sat nicely and innocently on my pink bedspread.
"Have I been away this long?" I asked jokingly, and John appeared behind me, looking over my shoulder and into the girly room.
"This doesn't really suit you anymore, does it?" He asked, and I shrugged and jumped into my bed, flopping on my back and running my hands aloft my comforter. He watched me from the doorframe with a smile.
"Hey, I'm sorry I never got to tell you goodbye," I said, turning on my side and away from him. I could feel his eyes watching me, but I just let my gaze fall on the posters on my wall.
"Oh, it's okay. I understand. I mean, everything just happened so fast," he said, but I could hear the hurt in his voice. It was apparent that he was still a bit upset, and I truly did feel remorse. We were closer than George and I, and he felt truly like my big brother.
"Do they blame me?" I asked, and part of me already knew the answer. He sighed, and I heard the bed springs groan as he sat on the edge of my bed.
"George doesn't, he was just upset really. And I think your parents are just a bit disappointed that you ran instead of facing your problems, they lost their little girl in a sense," he said, and I shook my head, biting my cheek and tears stung my eyes as I remembered the last time I had been in this room.
I was packing quickly, when George came in and begged me to stay, but I left anyways. Living a little piece of my heart in Liverpool. I called my Aunt Sally who was quick to take me in, but it wasn't a good arrangement.
She and my mom had never gotten along. They had some big falling out when my mom left, and they had never been right since. I didn't call them, not one time while I was away. I didn't write letters, although they rang me and wrote a lot. I couldn't bring myself to get over it, until I realized I was wasting my youth in hatred for them, so I came back.
John and I just sat in silence for a while, and tears rolled down my cheeks. Luckily, he didn't see them, and if he did, he thankfully didn't say anything.
"I don't know who to blame anymore, me or my parents," I said with a sad laugh, and John shifted a bit on the bed, making the springs squeak again.
"I couldn't tell you that," he said, and I let my face fall into a frown, not having the energy to force a smile anymore. Suddenly, my eyes felt very heavy, and my vision became blurred. My muscles felt weak, and I was tired. Tired of holding onto the past, I was physically tired.
I just wanted to sleep and never wake up, but unfortunately, I did, and when I did, I was not met with John's charming smile, but the eyes of my family awaiting my greetings.
Once again, very sorry I started over, but I like this way better already. And I had to add the mouth remark in there, it was my fav line😂

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