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"Oh hi, it's you," a voice said from behind me, and I jumped a bit, startled. I spun away from the bookshelf, and found myself face to face with the stranger from the store the other day.
"Hi," I said, the annoyance apparent in my voice, and turned back to the book case. I expected him to walk away, but he didn't.
"Fancy seeing you here, at a library," he commented, and I pulled out a book, glimpsing through a few of the pages.
"Really, why's that? I'm just as entitled to read as anyone else," I commented, and I still felt his presence behind me.
"Eh, it's just small talk really," he said, and I rolled my eyes, tucking a book that I found interest in under my arm and scanning the bookshelf for another.
"I have no interest in small talk," I said, sounding uninterested as I walked to another shelf, but he just followed me.
"Then lets big talk," he suggested, and I scoffed, "Friday at 9?" He offered, and I ran my finger over the spines of books, not seeing any particular title that caught my eye.
"You really don't know how to take a hint, do you?" I asked, and he was smiling like an idiot, while I found it to be quite annoying, his arrogance.
"On the contrary, maybe you just aren't good at giving them," he said, and I laughed, turning towards him.
"With all of those counters, you must have an amazing kitchen," I joked, and he laughed slightly.
  "Go out with me," he offered, and my face fell and I turned back towards the bookshelf.
  "No, thank you," I said sternly, and he sighed.
  "Come on, why not?" He said, and I smiled and shook my head.
  "I don't even know your name," I said, and he stuck out his hand for me to shake. I shook it reluctantly, and he greeted me properly.
  "I am Taylor Jackson," he said.
  "I am Blaire Harrison," I greeted, and his face scrunched in disgust and he released my hand.
  "What?" I asked, afraid I had done something wrong.
  "Harrison. That's a horrid last name. One of these days we'll just have to change that, won't we?" He asked, and I laughed loudly, earning a few glances from within the otherwise quiet library.
  "Do you tell that one to all of the girls?" I asked, and he smiled, his face turning crimson in embarrassment.
  "Guilty," he smirked, and I shook my head, smiling all the while. I gave him my number, which he shakily wrote on his hand, and I as I left, I realized that I hadn't thought of John for the first time since he left, and I couldn't seem to quit smiling. When I got home, I played my messages from the day, and discovered a new one that made me smile.
   "Hi, It's Taylor, uh, the guy from the library. I was just calling because, well I'd like to go out on Friday. So if you'd just call me back, I can properly ask you out. Okay, bye then," he said, and I smiled at how cute he was as he left his number before completing the message. 
   I called him back, and he answered within a few rings.
   "Hello," I said, trying my best to sound uninterested, but I soon stopped fighting and broke out into a smile.
  "Hi," he said nervously, and I could hear his cheeky grin in the way he pronounced his words.
  "Calling an hour after seeing me? Seems a little desperate to me," I joked, and he suddenly got serious.
  "Well I think that when you know what you want, you can't let it slip through your fingers," he said seriously, and I bit my cheek.
  "Yeah, I suppose you're right," I agreed, and he suddenly lightened the mood.
  "Tell me about yourself," he urged, and I twirled the pink phone cord in my fingers.
  "Well then what would we have to talk about on our date on Friday?" I asked, and he inhaled excitedly.
  "I'm sure we'll figure something out," he reasoned, and I shrugged.
  "Well recently I've been into this guy, and I thought he was into me, but he has to go away and he didn't even say goodbye," I filled him in.
  "That sucks," he sympathized, and I smiled.
  "Oh, that's not even the worst part! After that, I swore off men for a while, and then a guy shows up, and uses his wit and charm to seduce me!" I gasped, and he faked a gasp as well.
  "Sounds like a smug bastard, if you ask me," he said, and we both laughed. It felt so good to just laugh again, and I could've talked to him all night.
  "So, any siblings?" He asked.
  "Yeah, I have one brother," I responded.
  "Hm, I have two younger sisters. Bloody annoying, they are," he said, and I sat in bed, the phone pressed to my ear.
  "Can I ask you a favor?" I asked, and he hesitantly agreed.
Woah, she's falling for another guy?! I kinda like this relationship that they have tho...

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