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  "Hey, babe," Taylor greeted when I opened the door, and I gasped.
  "Taylor! Go away! I look horrible! I'm in my PJs and I haven't even brushed my hair yet," I complained, and Taylor walked in.
  "I think you look fine," Taylor disagreed, and I rolled my eyes.
"Whatever," I said, not bothering to argue anymore.
"Are you okay?" He asked, and I froze for a moment, unsure of what to say.
"Not really?" I said, raising my voice at the end, making it sound more like a question. I pulled out a barstool and sat while he jumped onto the counter, sitting and looking down at me.
"What's wrong?" He asked, and I slumped down, considering wether or not to actually tell him the truth.
"John called me last night," I started, straying from the truth a bit, "and he said that he loves me," I finished, and Taylor gulped, nodded as he processed it. Suddenly, the happy-go-lucky guy I loved was gone, and he was replaced with a very solemn guy.
"Oh," he said simply, and when I didn't continue, he said, "what did you say?"
"Well I told him that I had already given my heart away," I answered, and I was expecting him to smile, but instead he just looked guilty.
"Oh," he said simply, but I could tell that something was wrong. I chose to leave it unsaid, and he soon made an excuse to leave.
"I have to go to the store. I'll call you, okay?" He said, and I nodded as he kissed my forehead. Once he was gone, I banged my head against the wall and cursed loudly.
"Fuck!" I yelled, and my mom walked in.
"Blaire! Language, please! And stop that, you might mess up the wall," she said, and I rolled my eyes.
"Thanks for caring about my wellbeing," I said sarcastically, and she made herself some breakfast without looking up at me.
"What's wrong?" She asked, and I slumped back into my seat at the counter.
  "Well, Taylor is acting all pissy," I responded, and mom nodded her head, spooning some sugar into her coffee.
  "Boys can do that," she responded, and I scoffed.
  "Tell me about it," I said, resting my face in my hand, my elbow pressed against the cold counter.
  "Well what's he do upset about?" She asked, and I bit my lip, thinking about the proper way to word this.
  "Well there's this other guy, and I've known him for a while, but I never thought about him romantically until recently, and then I began to really like him. Well, he had to go away, and he wouldn't even tell me goodbye, so I figured that he didn't like me. Well, he called me and told me that he actually loved me, and I love him, but I also love Taylor. Well I told him about it, and he got mad at me and left," I said, and my mother's eyebrows raised in curiosity.
  "Well I'm sure it will all work out, most things do. Just talk to Taylor, and I know that your really like him, by know that he isn't everything, okay?" She said, and I nodded.
  "Okay mom, thanks," I said, turning to walk up the stairs.
  "And I'm sure things will work out with John too, dear," my mom said, and I spun around, my face expressing shock.
  "How did you-?" I started, and she smirked.
  "I've always known dear, and if you ask me, I think you two are cute," she said, and I blushed.
  "Mom!" I squealed, mortified.
  "What? I know things," she said, and I retreated upstairs, alone with my thoughts.
Woah, her mom ships it! (Same, mom, same!) also, my sister bet me that I couldn't beat her in a board game, and I lost so I had to change my profile picture for 24 hours. I look so gross OML😂😂
On the other note, someone did that anonymous Snapchat thing to me and said "you got no ass... you ugly as sin... and you smart,"
And I was like 1.yep 2.yep 3. Nah, I'm kinda dumb actually but I'm flattered 😂

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