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    "It's amazing!" I said, staring out of the cab window.
    "What is?" John inquired, and I turned to him in excitement.
   "Everything! Look at how beautiful the city is!" I said, and he chuckled lightly. We had gotten off of a train not too long ago, and I was very much appreciating the contrast of the glum train to the buzzing city.
   "It all seems so normal to me, I guess," he said, and I glared at him playfully.
   "You don't have to rub it in, ya git!" I said, and we both laughed. For a moment, we were just blissfully in love. I wish it could have stayed that way, but I knew that it wouldn't. It might be a sin to say this, but I wish that we never had to get out and deal with drama, or the kids again.
    "We're here," John announced, and I looked up in awe at the flat awaiting us. It was much bigger than their previous one, but still small enough to feel like a home.
   "It's perfect," I said, and he chuckled. He quickly got out and opened my door for me, ushering me through the gate and up the steps.
   "M'lady," he said, and I rolled my eyes and smiled, walking through the threshold. It was just as glorious on the inside as on the outside.
   "Wow," I said, entranced by my surroundings, and he sighed.
   "You hate it, don't you?" He said, and I ran over and hugged him tightly.
   "It's perfect," I said, and he smiled. That's when it began thundering. I shuddered, and almost yelped. Thunderstorms had always been a fear of mine.
   "Hush, love. It's okay," John soothed me, but I was still shaking.
   "My mom came possibly be out in this weather! I'll call her now," I said, for she was supposed to bring the kids to us tonight.
   When I called her, we agreed that it was best to wait the storm out, and that she could bring them when it settled down, although it looked like it wouldn't be until around tomorrow evening.
   Another loud crack of thunder shook the house, and the lights went out. I screamed loudly, and John hugged me tightly.
  "Blaire, listen to me. I'm going to get some candles, and I'll be back quickly, love," he said, and I nodded and sniffled, although he couldn't see me.
   He was only gone for a moment, and when the next thunder strike rang out, I covered my mouth with my hand to keep from crying out.
   He walked into the room holding a candle, and it illuminated his face in a creepy way. It was quite unsettling until he made a silly face and I laughed a bit. After he set candles all around the house, he turned to me with an sly grin and I knew that he was up to no good.
  "Oh no, what is it?" I said, and he smiled.
  "let's get wasted!" He suggested, and I laughed and shrugged.
  "I don't see why not," I said, and he pulled out the liquor, "but only one glass," I said, and he nodded.
   Three glasses later, I had completely forgotten about the thunderstorms, and I could barely walk straight.
   "I think you've had enough," John said with a chuckle, and took my glass away.
   "I have had enough! I've had enough of being hurt everytime we're together because I know that we'll never actually be together again! And I've had enough of being apart for so long!" I said dramatically, and John just looked at the ground, "say something!" I demanded, and he seemed to be searching for the words.
   "Maybe you should get to bed. It's pretty late," he said finally, and I shook my head before leaving.
   "Unbelievable," I muttered, and I walked up the stairs in the faint candlelight, leaving John in the living room to wonder what went wrong.

Moment ruined. Also, I'm sick today. So yeah.

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