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"Well hello, Mrs. Harrison," Taylor greeted as soon as I opened the door, and I rolled my eyes, but couldn't help but smile. He just had that effect on me.
"Well hello, Mr. Jackson," I said, and he flashed a toothy smile at me.
   "Well let's be off then," he offered, and I nodded. We began to stroll through Liverpool, and when we stopped in front of the fanciest restaurant in the place, I was in shock.
   "Are you ready to go in?" He asked, and my jaw dropped.
"We're going in here?" I asked, and he laughed lightly and nodded, his dark hair bouncing with the move of his head. It contrasted his pale skin so well, and it fit nicely.
"I'm not dressed for this!" I argued, mortified at my appearance that contrasted everyone else's attire.
"Oh love, you're dressed just fine. Let's go," he said, grabbing my hand and pulling me in.
"I don't have money for this," I said, and he shook his head.
"Can't I just treat you right? I have money, doll. Don't worry about a thing," he said, but I still ordered the least expensive thing in the joint.
"How do you have money for this?" I asked, still in a state of utter shock and disbelief.
"My dad owns an oil company. I don't see him much, but he makes good money," he explained, and I nodded.
"Oh," I said, and immediately gawd myself for being speechless when he obviously wanted to act like it was no big deal.
"So, this lad of yours, what's he like?" He asked, and I immediately felt a bit of heartache replace the feeling of carefreeness in my chest as I thought of john.
"Well he's just that, a friend. He helped me through one of my worse times in life, and I've known him for forever, and I just caught feelings and he didn't. That sort of thing happens," I said, and he nodded.
"Well I think he's a right git if he would let you go," he said, and my cheeks flushed as he complimented me.
"Well I'm flattered, but I'm nothing special. Just another nobody from Liverpool," I said, and he shook his head, leaning in as if he was about to reveal a secret.
"I don't believe that. I think you're really going to be something," he said, and I looked at him skeptically.
"Like what?" I asked.
"My girlfriend?" He proposed, and my eyes went wide. Without thinking, I nodded. I don't want to think anymore, I just want to do.
   "Is love to," I said, and he smiled widely, winking at me and causing me to laugh.
   We spent the entire night talking, and I realized that the money didn't change anything for him. He was actually quite humbled by it, and I enjoyed hearing about his views on politics and money.
  When he brought me home, I was a giggling mess, as my mom quickly took notice.
  "You're giggling like a right school girl. Who's the guy?" She asked, and I blushed, wondering if it was truly that obvious.
  "Taylor Jackson?" I said, and my dad walked in, a look of interest on his face.
  "Wow, like Jackson of Jackson Oil?l my father asked, and I nodded.
  "I've worked with his father a bit, very rich family. It wouldn't hurt to marry into that kind of household. You'd never be hungry," my dad pointed out, and I rolled my eyes.
  "Dad, I'm not doing this for the money, and we've been on one date. Thinking of marriage now is preposterous," I argued, and my dad sighed and shrugged.
  "I'm just putting it out there," he said, and I smiled, thinking of Taylor.
  "I haven't seen you this happy since you began dating James," my mother exclaimed, a look of panic spreading across her face as she realized that she let his name slip.
"No, this time is different, Taylor would never pressure me," I said, choosing my words carefully and avoiding the word "forced."
"I'm just saying love, it's been a long time since I've seen that smile. Happiness suits you, dear," my mom commented, and I smiled, unable to stop myself.
"Yes well, sometimes we just have to let go of the past," I said, shooting a glance at my father who was looking at me hopefully.
That night, I retreated to my porch to do something I'd been avoiding for a long time.
"John, I need to talk to you, and I know that you can't hear me, but I just need closure," I started, looking up at the moon and imagining that he was staring at the same one, and thinking of me.
"I think I've always sorta loved you, but that's over now. Even though you will always have a place in my heart, I have to let you go. I can't pine after someone that will never love me when I have an amazing guy that I love, and that loves me, right here. And I understand, that you were hurt at my father's words, but I'm hurt at the fact that you didn't realize that I don't think about you like that. I will always be eternally grateful for what you did, but I have to stop waiting for you. I don't want to wait anymore," I said quietly, and then I decided to move on to more serious things.
"James, I've had a hard time forgiving you. What you did to me will always linger in the back of my head, and I won't ever be the same, but the bitterness is eating me up inside. My hatred for you is clouding my judgement, and even though you took advantage of me that night, I will not let you have the satisfaction. I will love again, and you cannot stop me," I said, breathing deeply now.
"Dad, you might be the hardest. Sure, I loved John, and I loved James, but I loved you more. You were always there for me as a child. Bandaging my scraped knees, teaching me to ride a bike. You were the man that I looked up to, and you let me down. But now it's time to face that, and you first have to accept it. You need to admit that you hurt me, that you wounded me, and then help me to rebuild," I said, closing my eyes and imaging actually talking to my dad.
"Mom, my dearest mother, what happened? We used to be so close, best friends even. I told you about my first kiss, and about my first love. Then I told you about my first heartbreak, and you didn't do a damn thing!" I said, getting angrier now, "you let dad control you in fear, and you left me out to dry, and as much as I want to let go, I just can't. I don't think I'll ever truly forgive you for that, but I'll always love you," I said, tears glistening on my cheeks in the moonlight now.
"Georgie, it's actually funny, because you're the only one that didn't hurt me, but you're the only one that feels remorse. I truly hope that you don't blame yourself anymore, as I never blamed you. So thank you for truly caring for me, I love you," I said, the tears flowing faster now as I let my emotions take over.
"And lastly, Taylor. Taylor, I don't know you that well, but it feels like we've been together for ages. You have this weird way of making me fall for you, at times I most don't want to. I'm giving you my heart, but know that it had been broken before, and I think I'll simply die if you break it now," I said, wiping my eyes as I glanced at the moon.
After that, all was quiet. I stopped talking, and just listened. I listened for anything. I never heard a response, and eventually, I had to retreat inside and into my dreams, the only place where everything was right.
   "Princess, I will slay thy demons," The daring knight offered, and I simply laughed, looking down from my throne at the brace knight.
  "My demons are far too many, and my suitors, far too few," I said, and he took off his helmet, smiling at me.
  "I will slay anything for you, M'lady," he said, and I scoffed, watching the scene unfold before my eyes.
  "You can't," I countered, and he drew his sword from his holster.
  "Oh, but I can," he said, and turned away from me and walked into the battlefield before me.
  "You're powerless, helpless," one of them hissed, and I recognized the particular monster to be James. The knight quickly cut off the serpent's head, and I found myself mildly impressed. No one has ever been able to conquer that one.
   "You're ugly!" Another hissed, and I smiled, knowing that the beast that took shape as my father couldn't be beat. But, one again, the knight slated it.
   "You're amazing, beautiful," the snake of deception said kindly, and I immediately recognized the two headed snake as John.
  "I want nothing to do with you, you stupid girl!" The other head hissed, and my muscles immediately tensed at his words.
  The knight just calmly sliced both heads cleanly, and I watched on in silent awe. Only one remained standing, and it wore a crown of a queen.
  "Please, forgive me!" The last one hissed, and I felt remorse for her in my soul. Just as the knight raised his sword to kill it, I stood up hastily.
  "Don't! Stop!" I yelled, and the prince turned towards me in confusion.
  "Pardon me?" He asked, and I felt myself shout again.
  "Don't kill that one," I ordered, and he looked at me hesitantly before turning back to the gruesome beast, he sword shining in the light as he drew it back, preparing to bring it down on her. I closed my eyes and heard screams of terror wail out from the field.
  I opened my eyes to see the serpent embodying my mother to be smiling slyly.
  "Silly girl, you should've stayed me when you had the chance," she hissed, and suddenly she shifted into a bigger, more gruesome monster.
  But this one has five heads, every one of my demons latching onto one body. I screamed a bloodcurdling scream as the laughter consumed me. It surrounded me mockingly, and I wanted nothing more than to rip out my eardrums. Just to stop the insane laughter that clouded my very being. I couldn't think, I couldn't speak, and I couldn't hear anything but the harsh cackling.
   I woke up covered in sweat, and glanced at the clock. It was two in the morning. Against my better judgement, I picked up the phone and called the one person I could think of.
  "Hello?" He answered groggily, and I almost immediately regretted calling him.
  "Hi," I said coyly, and half of me thought he was going to hang up the phone.
  "Blaire?" I heard John ask, and I bit my lip.
  "Yeah, can we talk?" I asked, and I hear him sigh into the phone. I was just thankful because it sounded like he was already awake and I hadn't disturbed him.
Woahhhh, were you expecting her to call john?! I wasn't....

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