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    "Blaire! If you want a ride, you've got to come on!" Paul yelled, and I rushed to put on my shoes, running downstairs the best that I could. It had been five months since Paul had agreed to let me stay here, and I felt bad. He often assured me that it was perfectly okay, but I knew that  was a burden. He spent many nights comforting me, and many days driving me around to various places.

   "Coming!" I yelled, rushing to him. He had to drive me to the doctor today, and I knew that he was secretly annoyed that I was making him late for his session in the studio, but he insisted.

  "Finally!" he joked, however, I felt that here was a sincerity in his tone. The boys had just gotten back from America mere weeks ago, but they were already at work on the next album. I hadn't talked to john at all, although I heard from tabloids and rumors that he was doing well. He was leading the ideal life of a bachelor, although part of me wondered if he was just numbing himself to forget the memories, but that part of me quickly dismissed the thought.

  I hadn't spoken to George either, although he seemed to be carrying on alright as well. I knew that he loved he trip to America because that was all he dreamed for when they started the band. I would never admit it, but while Paul was away, I would sit in front of the telly and watch interviews of the boys, crying sometimes, smiling occasionally, and laughing rarely. It felt like I had never known them. I felt like just another fangirl that felt a personal connection with them from reading articles and watching interviews.

   "Blaire, are you okay?" Paul asked as we rolled down the road, growing nearer to my destination. I turned to him, and answered quietly.

   "I'm fine, just lost in though today, I guess," I said and he shook his head, breaking at a sudden red light, which jeered me forward.

   "It seems to me that you've been lost in thought for the last seven months," he commented, and I shrugged, looking back out of he window. Winter had passed quickly, and so had spring. It seemed as though the days were slipping away now, at a pace I couldn't keep up with.

  "I'm just figuring stuff out," I said, and it was quiet for a while before I added, "I found a flat i can afford."

  "Blaire, I told you that you could stay as long as you need," he said, and I watched as we rolled through the winding roads. (ayyyyeeeee)

  "Well I'll have two kids before you know it, and then what am I to do? Live with you forever?" I joked, and he sighed.

  "I just wish you'd think about this," he commented, pulling in front of the doctor's office. I unbuckled my seatbelt and turned to him.

 "I have, and I really appreciate that you took me in, but it's time for me to grow up," I said, kissing his cheek and getting out of the car. I walked out into the warm day, my whole future ahead of me.

  "Blaire Harrison, the doctor is ready for you to go in," The nurse called after what felt like forever, and I stood, struggling to even do that. I was huge, and it caused problems.

  "Blaire, I see you're coming along nicely, just as expected," The doctor commented as I walked in, and I smiled politely, sitting down. I looked up at him, and could practically feel myself drooling. He was older, mid-40's maybe, but he didn't look bad at all. His hair was contrasting between dark and gray, but it suited him. When he caught me stealing glances at him, he chuckled lightly.

  "coming along, I guess you could say that," I said, and we both laughed lightly. He motioned for me to lay back, and I did, staring up at the tiled ceiling.

 "If I could just get you to lift your dress," he said awkwardly, and my face turned starch white before a blush covered it. I reached down awkwardly and lifted my dress up, letting him do his work down there. He poked and prodded for a while, the rubber gloves rubbing against me occasionally, causing me to blush again.

   "Okay, it looks like there's been an issue," he said seriously, and I lifted my head to se him, a worried expression on my face.

  "An issue?" I asked and he stood up, throwing the gloves away and sitting in his chair next to me. I sat up, awaiting the news.

  "You seem to have issues with your cervix. It should be fine, but there could be complications, and I highly suggest you don't get pregnant again," he said, and I breathed in relief.

 "Okay," I said simply, and it was obvious that this response wasn't typical, "I don't wish to have any more children," I explained, and he nodded.

 I left the room, pondering if I should have faked sorrow, and then worrying even more when I thought that maybe I should have actually been grieving, most women would, but I had nothing to grieve. I truly didn't want anymore children, and besides, I don't even know if I'll ever love again.

 When I walked out, I nearly fainted upon seeing the person waiting for me "John?" I called out, unsure of what to believe. He looked at me in surprise, studying my figure and finally his eyes landed on my face.



"And then I go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like I love you- Frank Sinatra"

Girl (completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant