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    After our fight, I decided to sneak out through the window and shimmy down the drain pipe outside. I was only about a foot from the ground when I fell. I landed on my bum, and cursed loudly. I stood up after a moment, and walked to the only place I could think to go.
   When he opened the door, he was in pajama bottoms, and he looked tired.
   "Blaire?" Paul said wearily, and I hugged him tightly.
   "I missed you," I said, and he said the same thing.
   "I love you, Blaire. You know I do, but why the hell are you at my doorstep at 7 in the morning?" He asked, sounding very irritated. I smiled cheekily, and he opened the door for me to come in.
   "Me and my stupid dad got into a fight again," I said nonchalantly, and he nodded. He was very used to hearing about all of this, we used to be very close, but not in the way me and john were. Me and John were like bickering siblings, and Paul was like a best-friend.
   "So, spill! Why did you go away? I was hurt when you left, you know? And why did you move back?" He asked quickly, and I held up my hands to stop him, he was asking too many questions at once.
   "Paul!" I hissed, "I will tell you, but come on, I don't want anyone to hear," I said, meaning his siblings or father.
   We ran up to his room, and he closed the door. He then sat eagerly on the bed with me, waiting to hear the drama. (Paul is me as fuck)
   "Girl! I have been waiting for a year! Now, talk!" He urged, and I smiled.
   "Okay, okay!" I said, letting my fave get serious as I was about to tell him something grim.
   "Do you remember John's party?" I asked, and Paul shook his head vigorously, "okay, well that night I was partying and I was a bit tipsy, but not full-out drunk or anything. Well, George seemed to disappear into thin air. When I went to look for him, I found him in bed with my best friend," I said, and Paul gasped and his eyes widened.
   "Really?" He asked, and I bit my cheek and nodded my head.
   "Well obviously, I was distraught, and I ran into my boyfriend downstairs. He saw that I was upset and we went into an upstairs bedroom, where he..." I trailed off, and Paul looked at me expectingly, waiting for me to finish.
   "Yeah?" He said, and I bit my cheek.
   "Paul, this has to be a secret. No one knows but me, Jeremy, and John, okay? You can't tell anyone," I said, and he nodded, promising.
   "Okay, well he wanted to Y'know, do stuff, and I didn't. Well he was drunk, and angry, and  the party was loud. So loud," I said, tears coming to my eyes as I replayed the scene that haunted my dreams for so many nights.
  "Blaire..." he started, but I knew I had to finish my story. I had to get it off of my chest. I had never told anyone, and it always sat in the back of my mind.
"Well, when I said 'no,' he wouldn't stop," I sobbed, and took a deep breath to calm myself, my chest heaving up and down with each breath.
"And he made me... and the party was so loud that no one could hear me screaming. Well luckily, John walked in with a bird and found me, but by that time, he was already gone," I explained, and I sobbed loudly. Paul pulled me into an embrace, and I wept. I wept tears of relief, for finally telling someone. I wept tears of sorrow for myself, and I felt better, but worse at the same time.
"John cleaned me up, and I didn't even thank him. I don't tell him goodbye. I don't say anything, I couldn't. I was in such a state of shock, I had to leave the next day. I had to get out of here," I said, and Paul hushed me calmly.
"Shhh, you're okay now, it's okay," I said, and he stroked my hair.
"I've never told anyone, and I never saw Jeremy again," I said, and Paul looked like he was biting his tongue.
   "What aren't you telling me?" I asked, pulling out of his warm embrace. He bit his cheek, and looked at me.
   "The week after you left, John and Jeremy got into a huge fight that landed Jeremy in the hospital. He wouldn't tell us why, but I guess-" he said, trailing off, and I wiped my tears.
   "Goddamn it! I told him not to do anything!" I yelled, and Paul jumped at my shouts.
   "Blaire, he loves you. I'm sure it was just hard to see you in that state," Paul said, and I shook my head.
   "I have to go," I said, standing abruptly. Paul chased after me, but I was too fast.
   "Blaire, wait!" He yelled behind me, but I was already slipping out of the front door and into the harsh morning winds.
Woah, well. Okay.

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