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  "Look at me, Blaire," the thing hissed, and I kept my head facing the marble ground, "look at me!" It yelled when I didn't cooperate.
  "No!" I yelled, and then I felt hands raising my chin. I fought against the imaginary force, but it won out in the end.
  "Open your eyes, Blaire," the monster coaxed, but I held me eyelids closed.
"Leave me alone already!" I yelled, and the hideous creature fell silent. After what felt like an eternity of an uncertain stillness, I reluctantly opened my eyes.
"As you wish."
  I woke up suddenly, and breathed deeply. I sat up, and John was gone. In his place were ruffled sheets and covers. My heart began to pound until he walked back in.
  "Blaire? Are you alright?" He asked, and I nodded.
  "I just had a bad dream, and then I woke up and you were gone," I said, and he slid back into the bed with me.
  "These dreams are scaring me, darling," he said, and he held my hand in his. We both sat in the darkness, and my breathing regulated.
  "I don't think there will be anymore," I assured him, and we layer down, staring up at the ceiling.
  "Where were you?" I asked, my eyes adjusting to the darkness.
  "Smoking. I couldn't sleep, nerves, I suppose," he said, and I looked at his outline in the darkness surrounding me.
  "Nerves?" I asked, and I heard him gulp.  
  "I'm just a bit scared. That's all love," he assured me and he raised my hand to his lips, kissing it softly, "now get some rest," he said, and I nodded, turning over. I felt him wrap his arms around me, and I smiled to myself before falling asleep.
When I awoke, I felt my stomach twist with nausea. I got up quickly, and hauled ass to the bathroom.
I opened the lid, and puked into the toilet. I closed my eyes for a moment, and then I felt John pull my hair back with one hand, and rub my back lightly with the other.
Another wave of sickness rolled through me, and I dry-heaved, but nothing was left. I reached up to flush the toilet, and stood up.
"Are you okay?" John asked, and I nodded my head while brushing my teeth.
"Morning sickness," I explained after spitting my toothpaste into the sink, and I turned on the faucet to wash it all out of the marble sink.
"Shouldn't we go to a doctor or something? I think that's what people usually do right?" He asked, and I raised my eyebrows. I hadn't even thought of that.
"Yeah, I'll get us an appointment," I said, and walked towards the telephone.
Luckily, they had one that afternoon, so everything worked out. Over breakfast, John kept glancing at me unusually.
"John, what's wrong?" I asked, and he stirred his cereal with his spoon, not even looking up at me.
"Hmmm?" He asked, and I cleared my throat, which turned his attention to me.
"What's wrong?" I said again, exasperation evident in my tone. He looked down at his bowl again, and I noticed the bags under his eyes.
"Nothing," he lied, but his voice was weak, and soft. It wasn't at all like the John that I knew.
"Darling, please speak to me," I pleaded.
"Just nerves, dear. I'm fine, really," he said, and I looked at him with a worried expression.
"Maybe it's best if we aren't together for a while," I suggested, and the even thought sent searing pain to my chest.
    "Why would you even say that?" He said, and  I looked into his eyes to see pain.
    "It's just that you have the band to attend to, and I just feel like I'm stressing you out, and I don't want that," I said, and he shook his head.
    "It's not you, it's just ... the opposite. The band is going on tour in London," he said, and my eyes went wide.
   "Are you kidding?! That's amazing!" I gushed, and he shrugged.
   "I don't want to leave you, not now. Not when you need me most..." he said, and I ran my fingers through his hair, earning a forced smile from him.
  "Johnny, you have to. When does the tour begin?" I ask, and he looked up at me.
  "Next week," he said finally, and my mouth gaped.
  "Next week?!" I asked, and he nodded.
  "Well I'll be fine love, I promise," I said, although my stomach twisted at the thought of him being away.
   "We'd better go or we'll be late," he said, and I nodded.
  My muscles tensed, and I squeezed my hand tightly around John's as the doctor cold jelly on my stomach.
  "Cold?" The doctor asked, and I nodded.
  "Just a bit," I responded, and I let up my grip on John's hand a bit.
He moved the transducer probe (hehe I had to look up wtf that stick was called) around and we all looked up at the screen. The view shifted until he pressed deeply into the side of my stomach, and the screen got clearer.
"Little guy is right there," he said, and I squeezed Johnny's hand as we both looked up at the screen.
"Oh wait," the doctor muttered, and I thought something was wrong, concern filling my chest and flooding my thoughts.
"What?" John asked, turning his attention to the doctor.
"Congratulations, you are carrying twins. The other little bugger is right over here," he said, moving the camera again, and I marveled at the beauty of the things on screen.
   I looked up to see John shedding tears of happiness, the reflection of the screen reflecting against his face, entranced in wonderment.
This chapter is dumb as hell but IDGAF

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