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  "We're here to see Louise Harrison, please," I said nicely to the woman at the front desk, and she looked up from her book to scrutinize me from behind her spectacles.
"Yes, who are you?" She said, and she seemed a bit out of sorts.
"Blaire Harrison," I responded, a smile plastered on my face. She typed a bit on her computer, and then looked back up at me in exhaustion.
"Yes ma'am, its room number 557. And visiting hours end at 5," she informed me, and I nodded.
"Thank you very much," I said, and George and I walked away from the front counter and towards my mom's room. I let my footsteps drag slowly, as I trudged through the bright hallway. I was a bit scared to see her, as the last time I had seen her, she had been on the verge of death. Suddenly, I couldn't think of anything but the moment when I was on the phone with John and I watched her body fly through the windshield.
I suddenly saw the black blobs in the comers of my vision, and I held onto George's arm for support. I couldn't see anything but the bright light shining down on me, and the contrast between the blinding white light and the dark black blobs was sickening.
   "Blaire?" George asked, and he stopped walking. I could see him look at me in concern, and I stumbled, searching for something to grab onto for support, but I couldn't find anything. The blobs finally met in the middle, and I couldn't see anything. I stumbled a bit before fainting. (Also, if you've never fainting, that is really what it's like. As long as the black blobs don't meet in the middle, you're okay, but if they do you pass out.)
"Love is a weakness," my mother hissed, and I backed up, my back hitting the brick wall behind me. I shook my head vigorously, and tears lined the corners of my eyes, threatening to spill over at any moment.
  "No! You're lying!" I protested, and she laughed a harsh, sinister cackle that made my blood run cold.
  "Am I, princess?" She challenged, and I gulped and nodded. I looked ahead, but couldn't see her. Directly in front of me was a dark void, and the only bit of light was focused on me.
  "Yes!" I said, trying to sound brace, but my voice wavered, sending her into another fit of harsh laughter.
  "If you're so sure, you wouldn't mind if I challenged that theory?" She perplexed, and I shook my head, my hair falling into my eyes. Suddenly, she stepped forward and it was my mother. She was as beautiful as always, and I felt safe knowing that she would protect me from the serpent awaiting me in the shadows.
  "Blaire," she stepped forward and brushed my hair behind my ear, her presence making me feel safer. She smiled at me evilly, and then turned back into a serpent.
  I gasped, and she laughed again. Slithering away into the shadows of the unknown before me.
  Abruptly, a light came on many feet from me, and I could see my mom lying on the ground, writhing in pain.
  "Mom!" I shouted, and her screams filled my ears, the torturing pain coursing through her body and sending her into a fit of spasms, leaving her breathless.
  "Mom!" I shouted again, and then she lay there, flat on her back, body eerily straight.
  "Blaire! Help!" She called, but the hissing grew in the darkness that lay between us. The evil that kept us apart.
  "Mom! I'm coming!" I yelled, and began to run towards her, only to be surrounded by the hissing. It was a chorus of sorts, and it surrounded me, coming from every direction.
  "Blaire, haven't you learned, darling?" The voice of my mother once more taunted me, and I hated it. I never knew which one was my real mother, and which was the serpent that was just toying with me.
  "Let her go!" I screamed, only to be met with deafening, taunting snickering. It was so loud, it felt like she was right next to me, screaming into my ear.
"Haven't you learned, Blaire? Love makes you weak," she said, and I felt the tears rushing down my face, "love can crush you," she said, and suddenly my mom began to twist gruesomely in pain again, it looked like something was wrapped around her body, squeezing her, but nothing was there.
"Stop it! Stop!" I yelled, and the hissing was replaced by screams, but not the screams of my mother, the screams escaping my own mouth.
"You must be taught, Blaire. Love is dangerous. Caring for someone can be fatal," the serpent hissed, and I suddenly braved it. Leaping through the darkness and running for what felt like years to get to my mother.
Hands grabbed at my ankles, and one caused me to fall. I fell to the floor, and then the hands stopped pawing at me, trying to grab me anywhere they could.
"Take me!" I yelled, sacrificing myself. I closed my eyes, tending my body and waiting for the pain, but nothing came.
I woke up abruptly, sitting up immediately. My chest heaved up and down as I breathed heavily. I looked up to see that familiar blinding light of a hospital, and George's concerned face studying me from above.
"Blaire! Thank god that you're awake! Are you okay?" He said, and I felt my head spin. I decided it best to lie back down, resting my head on the cold marble floor.
"I think I'm okay," I responded, my breaths becoming more controlled, and the color returning to my face.
"You were rolling on the ground. You looked like you were in pain, and I didn't know what to do. I called for help, but no one heard. I thought you were seizing!" He said, and I shook my head, pain coursing through my skull, making me immediately regret the action.
   "I just have very vivid dreams, but I'm fine," I said, and I opened my eyes slowly to see George staring down at me with doubt and fear in his eyes.
  "Maybe you should just lie down," he proposed, but I was already getting up, brushing off my pants.
  "No, let's go see mom," I said and he just stared at me in silence, finally nodding.
  We finally found the room, but George stayed close by me, thinking I could fall out at any moment.
  "Blaire, George," my mom whispered, and it sent chills down my spine to hear how weak her voice was. It wavered, and sounded quite frail, fitting the rest of her image. She was lying in a hospital bed, managing her best smile at both of us, but she didn't look good. Her lips were dry and cracked, and her skin looked pale.
   "Mom!" George said, the worry in his voice disappearing completely as he rushed to the bed, lightly hugging her. I however, cowered in the corner of the room, remaining by the door.
  "Blaire?" She said, opening her arms, asking me to embrace her, however, I didn't.
  "Blaire?" She said, more question evident in her voice, and she looked at me in confusion. I opened my mouth to speak, and the tears came streaming down. I rushed forward, and hugged her, making her wheeze a bit. I let her go just a bit, but I still stayed lightly in her embrace. I sobbed into her hospital gown, and she stroked my hair.
   "Shhhh, what's wrong?" She asked soothingly, and my entire body weaker with sobs, shaking her as I cried loudly.
   "I saw you, you went flying through the glass, and the blood- There was so much blood, and I couldn't stop it. I just had to sit and watch you
die," I said, my words barely clear enough to make out, and I could feel a lump forming in my throat.
  "It's okay, I'm right here, okay?" She said, and I nodded, feeling like a toddler, but I didn't care. All I wanted at that moment was my mom.
  "I was so scared that I was going to lose you," I said, and she hushed me again, making me fall silent. George stood awkwardly behind me, not exactly sure of how to respond.
  "You didn't lose me. I'm right here," she said, and I calmed a bit.
  After I calmed down, I really studied her. She didn't look like I had always known her to be; carefree and lovely. She instead looked tired and worn down, which startled me. She had a bandage wrapped around her head, and many more covering numerous parts of her body.
  There were bags under her eyes, and it was apparent that she had gotten about as much sleep as I had.
  "Georgie, tell me. How was Hamburg?" She asked, turning to my brother who stood above me at the foot of the bed.
  "It was gear," he responded, and I could hear the smile in his voice. I also felt bad that I never asked him about his trip to Germany.
  "That great, dear. You didn't come him early for me, did you?" She said, and I smiled. That was so typical of her, not wanting anyone to make a fuss.
  "Of course I did, mom. But the guys all understood, so it's fine. Don't you worry about it," he informed her, and she made a pout face.
  "I really wish you wouldn't have. What if that was your one big break?" She challenged, and he smiled, looking down at the marble floors.
  "Mom, of probably wasn't. John was out of sorts anyhow," he commented, and mom shot a glance at me, raising her eyebrows.
"Oh, alright then," she said, her cheery expression returning to her face within seconds as she averted her gaze back to George, who rambled on about the trip.
  I sat on the couch by her bed, and peered out of the window. The rain had stopped, and colors highlighted the sky, the sun setting. It was a truly beautiful sight, and it was quite calming. It was like an escape from all of the chaotic havoc surrounding my life recently.
   Mom and George chatted for a while, and I stared out of the window in bewilderment.
   I couldn't help but think of John, and it hurt my heart to kiss him so dearly. I thought of all of the times we spent laughing, or smoking, or talking, and I yearned for that. I wanted to go back to when everything was simpler, now it just felt like my life was in shambles, and I was constantly on the verge of falling apart, teetering just on the edge, but never fully falling.
   "I'll have to ask you to go now, Mrs. Harrison needs her rest," the nurse informed us, and I was snapped out of my trace, turning to my drowsy mother.
  "Goodbye, mom. I'll see you tomorrow," I promised, kissing her on the cheek, and lingering for a moment in our hug before reluctantly letting her go.
  George did the same, and we set off. The car ride was in complete silence, and George didn't pester me, or force conversation, which I was thankful for. I wasn't much in the mood for talking anyhow.
  When we arrived home, I almost did a double take at what I saw. I saw him, sitting on the steps of my porch, and I found myself smiling as I went running towards him. He jumped up and hugged me, almost too tightly, and George left us alone on the dimly lit porch. Bugs flew around the porch light, and the buzzing was quite annoying, but that didn't matter right now.
   "Blaire, I've missed you," he exclaimed, hugging me tightly, and I giggled lightheartedly, feeling comfortable in his embrace. His scent enticing me with every breath.
  "I've missed you too, Taylor."
Did you guys think it was John? Bc it wasn't. Hehe! Also, holy shit! This is 2000 words guys!

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