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   When John got home, he wtalked straight past me and into his bedroom, and I swear that I could hear him stiffing sobs.
   I lightly knocked on his door, and he paused for a moment before telling me to come in.
   I walked in, and a plethora of papers was spread about, his guitar sitting in his lap. I smiled at him weakly, and he didn't even bother trying to return it. He instead looked down at his guitar, unable to make eye contact with me.
   "Are you okay?" I asked, and he looked up at my for the first time since I'd entered. He just shook his head slightly, and I sighed, sitting down.
   "You will be," I assured him, and he turned away from me, trying to hide his tears.
   "How do you know?" He asked, and I laughed slightly, rubbing his back.
  "Once upon a time," I began, "a little girl loved her life very much. She had an amazing brother, a loving mother, and a protective father. Well one day, her father began to change. He was angry, and then he began to drank," I said, and continued rubbing his back, "and then he did, just despicable things to her," I said, and looked down.
   "And?" He asked, urging me to continue.
   "And she was heartbroken. She never thought that her father would do something like that, but he did. And she never told anyone but her brother, and it went on for years. She suffered in silence," I said, and John had stopped crying, now lying back to listen to the story.
   "Is that all?" He asked, and I shook my head, brushing his hair out of his eyes delicately.
   "Then she got a boyfriend. Her first love! She was so excited, and seemed to be having the time of her life," I said and he nodded, following along with the story, "and then one night, he asked her to love him more than she could, so he forced her to love him," I said, choosing my words carefully as to not say "rape."
   "And then when he was done, he left here there. Someone found her, and saved her like a knight in shining armor." I said, and John seemed to be growing increasingly weary.
   "Was it romantic?" He asked, sleepiness apparent in his voice.
   "I would say so, but then she had to leave," I started, and John interrupted.
   "And she didn't say goodbye," he said, and I ran a hand through his hair, pushing it back.
   "Nope. And then she fell in love with her hero, and for a while, things were good. But then something happened, and she thought that he didn't love her anymore, and he went off to Germany," I recalled, and John cut in again.
   "And he didn't say goodbye," he added, and I nodded.
   "That's right, he didn't. So she fell in love with someone else, and she was happy for a while," I said.
   "And he wasn't..." He interjected.
   "And he came back, and the spark she felt before came back, even stronger. And they fell in love again, but there was a problem. She was a mess, and so they couldn't be together," I said, and he nodded thoughtfully.
   "And now we're here," he summarized, and sat up, looking deeply into my eyes andeaning forward.
   "I guess we are," I said, and moved even closer. We were mere inches apart now. He closed the distance, and we kissed, the spark just as strong as it has been when I'd first fallen in love with him.
I could honestly end it here but I'm.not going to. Hope this doesn't suck. I've been Uninspired recently.

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