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I woke up abruptly to knocking at the door. I stood up and stretched, looking around. I was in John's room, and I realized I must've fallen asleep here. I walked out, and John was asleep on the couch, making me roll my eyes and smile.
I opened the door with a yawn, and I gasped at the sight of Taylor standing there, staring at me, eyebrows raised in confusion.
"Taylor?" I asked, unsure of whether he was real, or just a figment of my imagination. I tilted my head a bit in confusion, my face scrunching at the sight.
"Blaire, tell me you have a good explanation. I know you surely didn't cheat on me," he said, almost sounding like he was reassuring himself more than stating that as a fact. I gulped and fiddled with my fingers, guilt immediately pooling in the pit of my stomach.
    "Taylor..." I started, but before I could finish, he got down on one knee, producing a ring box from his pocket.
    "If you truly love me, marry me," he said, and I felt my eyes go wide, the color draining from my face, a beating in my chest faster than I had ever felt in my life.
    "Taylor..." I said, and he closed the box abruptly, standing up.
    "I hope that you love him and that this is all worth it," he said, before turning and leaving me shocked and with tears in my eyes. For a moment, I just stood there, the scene replaying in my head and making me feel nauseous.
    When I finally walked in, my breathing became sharp and short. I began to try to breathe deeply, but that only made the panic attack worse. John rushed to my side, a look of worry evident on his face.
   "Blaire, breathe. Just breathe, it's okay," he said, and I shook my head, tears running down my face as I crumpled to the ground, him following me onto the tiled floor, holding me as I tried to regain control of my breathing.
  "It's not okay. Taylor just asked me to marry him, and I hesitated and he dumped me," I said between sobs, and he stroked my hair, holding me, but I knew that in a minute he would be gone. As soon as I told him, he would abandon me. Even though I felt self pity for my situation, I couldn't blame him. I would leave me too.
    "I'm so sorry. Maybe he was just a jerk, putting you on the spot like that," he argued, and I looked up at his eyes. He seemed genuinely upset at my situation, which only made it even worse.
   "You don't understand," I said quietly, and he furrowed his eyebrows in thought.
   "Well now we can be together," he said, and I rolled my eyes in exasperation, a sigh escaping my lips as I wiped away my tears.
  "Now we can't," I said, and he sighed, also rolling his eyes in frustration.
  "Why? I mean, Taylor is out of the way now. We can be together. Nothing's holding us back anymore," he said quickly, obviously not understanding the utter helplessness for the situation.
  "No, it's not just about me. And it isn't about you and Taylor either. I have to think about this," I said, and he made a noise of sheer exasperation.
   "Who else is there?" He said, his voice getting higher.
   "I can't tell you. I can't have you leave me too," I said, tears escaping my lips, and he sighed, letting go of his anger and frustration.
   "I would never leave you," he argued, and I wrapped my arms around him, tears dampening his shirt.
   "Oh but you will, but I understand. I've made a horrible, irreversible mistake," I said, and he stroked my hair again.
   "Tell me," he argued, so I pulled away, staring into his eyes just to see that love and want in his eyes before I dropped the bomb on him. The bomb that would take away my personal nirvana, and send him barreling out the door.
   "I'm pregnant," I said, and I saw his face immediately fall, his eyes widening in shock, and I couldn't stand it. I clutched to him helplessly again, burrowing my face into his shoulder while he sat paralyzed in shock.
   "It's okay," he choked out, stroking my hair once again, slowly as I cried desperately for any source of an escape in his arms.
Well. Okay. Idk, I was stuck and so I threw a twist on it.

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