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   I spent the week with my mother, and avoided my father at all costs. When we sat to eat, I would finish hastily and pay no attention to him. He never asked why; I don't think he cared really.
   For a week, my troubles seemed to subside no, but as soon as I drove home, I was in that pit of despair again. Savanna, of course, was with John when I walked through the door, and I wanted nothing more than to go to bed.
   "Blaire! Come here, quickly!" John urged, and I rushed over to where they were. They were sitting on the couch, watching Julie with excitement.
   "What is it?" I asked, taking my heels off.
   "He said 'da-da'!' John said excitedly, and I smiled widely, greeting the twins. I hugged them both, kissing their faces.
   "Oh goodness, they're growing up so fast! I just wish I could have been here to hear it," I said, and played pic-a-boo with her. She smiled everytime I moved my hands away from my face, and I pulled her into another tight hug.
   "Well if it's any consolation, I wasn't here to hear him say it either," John said, and I let her go.
   "What? Where were you?" I asked in confusion.
   "At the studio," he answered, only triggering more confusion from me.
   "Who was here then? I asked, and Sanvanna said something for the first time since I'd been here.
   "I was," she said, and my eyes widened in horror.
   "John, can we speak privately?" I asked, and he looked at Savanna for permission. When she nodded, he followed me into the diningroom.
   "You left the kids with Savanna?" I asked, and he cast his look downward, obviously aware that he'd made a mistake, either by leaving them with her, or telling me, I'm not sure.
   "I didn't think it was a big deal," he said, and I looked up at him.
   "You didn't think it was a big deal? Is it okay for me to just leave them with the crack whore on the corner of 39th?" I asked, and he hesitated.
   "She isn't just a crack whore," he argued, and I scoffed.
   "Debatable," I muttered, and he began to pace.
  "Stop! Okay, just stop! I told you that I would wait for you, and you told me not to, so I moved on," he said, and I leaned forward and kissed him roughly. He didn't pull away, and when I finally did, he displayed a look of shock.
   "You didn't pull away," I said, breathing heavily.
   "I didn't want to," he said, and then walked away, back into the living room where the girl he was about to marry had suspicions, but no answers.
   My heart fluttered, and my insides felt warm. I couldn't help but smile to myself as I passed Savanna, who had the cruelst look on her face but I couldn't care less.

   "John, can we talk privately?" Blaire asks, and he looked over at me for confirmation. I smiled weakly and nodded, for I knew that he would never be over her. Maybe, just maybe, if I really prayed, I would be enough for him and he would finally leave her.
   I couldn't help myself, so I peeked around the corner to see what they were talking about, and instead found them kissing. I felt tears rushed to my eyes, and they pulled away. I quickly ran back to the kids, and wiped my eyes so that they wouldn't know that I had seen.
   Blaire was smiling as she walked past, and I scowled at her. As soon as John came back, I left. I told him that I had some shopping to do, but in reality, I couldn't stay in this godforsaken house anymore.
   I couldn't stay in the same house as the man that I loved and the woman that he loves more than me, it seems.
Bland chapter but it's just a filler

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