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   I'll admit that I was a bit disappointed when John didn't show up on my porch that night, or the next, for that matter. I felt very guilty, and figured that he was just mad at me. It hurt me so much, because I was just beginning to fall for him, and then I bottomed out. It felt like I was just walking along, and suddenly the floor gave way.
   I was sulking, but I had to pretend to have high spirits because George was leaving today. We are breakfast as a family, and it was quite strange. We sat around the table like we used to, the tension strongly but unremarked upon.
"Alright George, you'll call everyday?" Mom asked, and George took a bite of his cornflakes.
"Mom, I'll call once a week, as promised," George said, and she bit her cheek, but didn't argue on the subject.
"Alright, boy, you'd better not do anything stupid, okay? And if those rascals stir something up, do not get in the middle of it," my dad lectured, and George sighed.
  "Dad, enough with the lectures. I won't get into trouble," George reassured, and mom looked as if she was going to cry.
   "Oh, it looks like your friends are here to pick you up, now we won't go outside and embarrass you," my mother remarked when a car honked outside. George rapidly finished his cereal and threw his bowl into the sink. He bid them both farewell, and I was the only one left.
  "Can I go outside with you? I want to tell the boys goodbye," I asked, and George hesitantly nodded, worried about wether or not I was to embarrass him.
  We walked out, and I was suddenly aware of the fact that I was in my PJs and my hair remained unbrushed and tangled. I felt my cheeks redden, and I desperately wanted to go back inside, but it was too late.
  "Ello, love," Paul said, stepping out of the passangers seat of the car and wrapping me in a tight hug. I hugged him back, and I felt sad to see them all go.
  "Hey Paulie," I said, and he sighed, looking at me up and down.
  "Hey doll, you look... interesting," he said, and we both laughed slightly, the elephant remaining in the room.
  "Well I'm gonna miss you," I said, and we both didn't mention the fact that John hadn't gotten out of the driver's seat to tell me goodbye, which hurt.
  "I'll miss you too, Paulie. Well, I love you," I said, and he said it back. We had grown pretty used to the dynamic of our relationship being that I was like a sister to him. And although I did care deeply for him, I never viewed him in a romantic way.
"Bye, Geo. I'll miss you, and you'd better call every week!" I warned, and he held his hands up in surrender.
"Okay mom!" He teased and I hit his chest playfully and rolled my eyes. I walked back in, and thought about John. He didn't even get out to tell me goodbye.
I ran up to my room, and when my parents asked me what was wrong, I ignored them. I just went up to my room and sulked.
"Blaire, get down here! I need you to run to the store!" My mother called, and I rolled my eyes but got ready. I walked to the store and while I was there, a boy kept looking at me, but I would just ignore him. I didn't have time to think about boys now. At least, not any more boys than I already thought about.
"Miss? Can I just tell you that I think you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen?" He said, while I reached up to get a loaf of bread. I rolled my eyes and threw it into the basket.
"No you cannot," I said casually, and I watched as his face fell into an expression of shock.
  "Pardon me?" He said, and I raised my eyes brows at him.
  "No, you cannot," I said slowly, as if he didn't understand English. He still looked at me in an utter state of confusion, and I kept my face straight the entire time.
  "You asked me if you could tell me that I'm the most beautiful girl you've ever seen, well the answer is no, you may not," I said, and I turned, carrying my basket away.
  I will admit that I already felt a small bit of remorse for being so cruel to a stranger that was just flirting with me, but I really didn't have the time to deal with boys right now.
   I walked home, my thoughts consumed by John's behavior, and I suddenly felt angry. I hadn't done a damn thing to him, and if he thought he was just going to get away with that, well he was wrong!
  When I walked in, there was a letter on the counter addressed to me, and I tore it open. It was from my Aunt, who wished me best wishes.
  That night I got a phone call, and I picked it up hastily, hoping it would be John, but it wasn't. It was George.
   "Hello, Georgie! You know I just don't know what to do with myself with you gone!" I teased, and smiled.
  "Oh, whatever, Blaire. How is everything?" He asked, and I filled him in. Finally, I bit my lip before pointing out the apparent elephant.
  "How is John?" I asked, trying to sound casual, but I know it came out as clingy and overbearing.
  "He's, he's good," George muttered, and I nodded. I then mentally slapped myself when I realized he couldn't see me.
  "Oh," I said simply, and George quickly changed the subject.
   "Blaire, I wouldn't get too hung up on John," George said before I put the phone down, and I tensed.
   "I'm not," I lied, but he could see straight through me.
  "Blaire, he's a heartbreaker, okay? That's just how he is," George warned, and I closed my eyes, imagining a parallel universe where John actually cared for me as I cared for him.
  "Well I thought we could at least be friends," I countered, and George breathed heavily into the phone.
  "I think he's scared to get close, Blaire. I have to go, but I'll speak with you soon. Love you," he said, and I muttered it back before hanging up the phone violently. It angered me so much that I felt so deeply for him, yet he felt nothing for me.
   I decided in that moment that right now it might be best not to feel at all and avoid heartbreak. To numb my emotions until I no longer felt anything anymore.

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