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Paul and I spent the entire day together, and when I came home, John wasn't too pleased.
"You spent all day with him!" He yelled, and I rolled my eyes, cooking noodles over the stove.
  "Yes, John. Your point?" I questioned, dreariness filling my voice.
  "It's like you want to be with him or something!" He yelled, and I sighed, staring blankly at the wall in front of me while stirring the pot, making sure the noodles didn't burn.
  "John, we are just friends. Period. I want to be with you; you know that," I said, but he was far from convinced.
  The following weeks were filled with "whatever's." We fought almost daily, and it would either end with me crying, or him storming out; sometimes both; rarely neither.
  One day, he just became weirdly distant. Physically, he was right next to me; emotionally, he was far, far away. I didn't say anything.
   "John?" I called out, seeking help with the groceries I had just bought, by there was no reply.
   "John?" I called out a bit quieter, walking down the hall and into our bedroom.
   I walked in, and my mouth gales at what I saw. John was under the sheets with some girl, a girl I happened to recognize like the back of my hand. A girl that I had once called my best friend.
  "Savanna?" I called, barely able to comprehend the scene in front of me. John rolled off of her, and she covered herself quickly with the covers.
  "Blaire! I didn't think you were going to be home so soon," John said, as if that made it acceptable.
  "Uh..." I said, before turning and walking away, tears already falling from my face. I heard John run after me, and he grabbed my arm before I could make it out of the front door.
  "Wait," he called, and I turned, pulling out of his grasp.
   "What? What the fuck could you possibly want?" I asked, anger causing me to shout.
   "To explain," he said, and I laughed, rubbing my temples.
   "Explain, you want to explain?! Let me see if I've got it, you accused me of having sex with Paul, and then you fucked my best friend, when you knew how I felt about her. We were going to raise our children together, John!" I yelled, and before he could respond, Savanna came running out, holding the sheet against her naked body.
  "Blaire I didn't mean to," she said, and I looked at her in utter disgust.
  "No, do you know what people call girls like you? Sluts. You're a slut," I said, and she glared at me.
  "I'm the slut? At least I'm not the one that is an unwed mother with two different baby daddies!" She countered, and I slapped her. She doubled back, bringing her hand to her reddening cheek.
  "I hope you two are very, VERY happy together!" I yelled before walking out, slamming the door behind me. I walked briskly, but then slowed a bit, thinking John would chase after me, but he didn't.
  I stood there for a few minutes, hoping he would come crawling back, pleading for forgiveness, but he didn't.

  So I made the second hardest decision I've ever had to make, and I left.

"Can I stay here?" I asked, standing on the doorstep of Paul's flat. Snow had started to fall while I was walking, and so I shivered.
  "Of course," he said, opening his door to me. I walked in, and shrugged off my coat, hanging it up.
  "Thank you," I whispered, and he put some tea on.
  "Might I ask what brings you here?" He asked, and I breathed deeply.
  "John cheated on me," I said, taking a pause before continuing, "with Savanna."
  "He told you?" He questioned, and I shook my head.
  "No, I caught them together."
  "Oh, but he said..."
  "He said...?"
  "Nothing. I was it of line. I apologize."
  "Paul, what did he say?" I questioned, a certain sternness in my voice that made Paul uncomfortable.
  "Around a month ago he told me that they'd had a one night stand, but that it turned into something. No feelings, just sex, but he felt bad. Told me he was gonna end it with her, commit to you," Paul said, and my face twisted into one of confusion.
  "You knew about this for an entire month and you didn't tell me?" I said, my voice sounding more mellow than angry.
  "Please, don't be mad. I thought it was the honorable thing to do to let him confess," Paul reasoned, and I sat in a bar stool, tears sliding down my cheeks.
  "I just feel like I'm drowning. My parents hates me, George hasn't spoken to me in at least two months, and John and Savanna..." I trailed off, unable to finish the sentence.
"Do you want ice cream?" Paul offered, and I raised an eyebrow at him.
"Well I'd normally give you scotch, but you know," he said, and I smiled.
"Maybe everything is going to be okay."
"I don't need a Prince Charming, they all turn out to be toads in disguise anyways- me, literally twenty minutes ago"
Guys are really letting me down rn

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