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   "I'm scared, Johnny," I said, and he held me closer, still unsure of what to think.
   "I know you are," he said, trying his best to sound brave and reassuring.
   "I don't know what to do," I said, and cried a bit more. He held me, and I looked up at him. His face was pale and blank, expressionless.
   "You have to marry him," he said flatly, and I twisted my face in confusion, my eyes bulging at the thought.
   "What?" I said, wiping my tears away. He suddenly looked down at me and nodded, but his eyes were filled with pain.
   "You have to marry him," he repeated, and I hugged him tightly, digging my face into his chest again.
   "I can't. I want to be with you," I whined, and he sighed, letting me go slightly.
   "No, you don't. He's got money, and a house, and a job. I have a band that's going no where fast and a shit apartment," he said, and I looked at him, focusing his eyes on mine.
   "The band is going to be big. I know that you're so close, and you have a cozy apartment that I like. It's me, and that's okay. I know that my situation is hopeless," I cried.
"It's not smart, but I know that you love me, and I love you. I can't promise you much money, but I can promise you my love and devotion," he said quietly, and I kissed him roughly, sending him backwards.
"That's all I could ask for," I whispered quietly before kissing him again, and he kissed me back. In that moment, we thought of nothing. Not the baby, not Taylor, not our impending doom.
   A WEEK LATER. . .
    "Do you want to move in?" John asked, and I shifted to look up at him, frowning and thinking it was a joke.
   "Not funny," I replied seriously, and he shrugged, smiling a bit.
    "Well that's good because it wasn't a joke," he replied immediately, and I frowned again.
    "Why?" I asked, and he laughed a bit, running his hands through his hair nervously.
    "Whadya mean, why? You practically live here everyday, you just have to wear my shirts to bed. Maybe we could just move your stuff in so that you could have your own?" He suggested, and I smiled, messing with the hem of his shirt.
   "Well maybe I like wearing your clothes," I argued, inching closer to his face and booping his nose playfully.
   "Well then maybe you could still wear them to bed, but what if we want to go out?" He countered, and I scrunched my face in defeat.
   "Sure then, Johnny boy," I said, and he glared at me, but I could see a smile trying to break free.
   "Don't call me that," he said, and I but my tongue lightly, smiling.
   "You know you love me," I taunted, and he smiled before sitting me up and placing me next to him on the couch, also sitting.
   "That I do," he said, and then he whacked me with a pillow. My mouth hung open in shock and an expression of fake offense filled my face.
   "JOHH! You daft bastard!" I yelled laughing, and I hit him with a pillow. This started a huge pillow fight, and before I knew it, I crumpled over in exhaustion.
   "I am so sorry, are you okay?" He said, gasping, "Did I hurt the baby?" He asked, and I grinned before hitting him with a pillow. He rolled his eyes, but then his face fell and he got very serious.
   "What's wrong, love?" I asked, and brushed some of his hair out of his face. It was wild and tangled due to the fact that we had only woken up about an hour ago.
   "I've been thinking. Shouldn't we tell Taylor and your parents?" John asked, and I grimaced, turning away from him and standing. I began to fix the pillows and pick up a bit.
   "I don't know," I said, and walked to the kitchen, hoping to change the conversation, but he seemed very determined and followed me.
   "Well I just think if it was my baby, I'd want to know, you know?" He said, and I felt my hands tighten around the tea pot that I was filling with water.
   "Well it's not your baby," I snapped, and he grew silent. I set the pot down, and turned to look at him. The look on his face was the saddest I'd ever seen him, and I felt instant regret.
   "I'm sorry that I snapped. I'm just really stressed right now. And I know that you are too," I said quietly, but his cheeky grin didn't return to his solemn face.
  "You're right though. It isn't my baby, and it's none of my business," he said before turning, and I watched him walk away. I silently cursed myself for letting him walk away, and I began to cry quietly.
   Suddenly black spots began to cloud my vision, and I knew what was coming. A feeling of lightheadedness came over me, and I sat down, letting it happen.
"Hello?" I called out, but no answer came. I looked around me in search of any sign of life, but was only met with a flower. The moon shone down on the petals of the beautiful flowers, and I looked up at it. It hung perfectly in the sky, making the magical garden seem enchanting.
   I suddenly reached out to touch a flower, it's petals so light and delicate, but it instead blackened at my touch. I gasped as the pretty flower turned gray and dull, the petals peeling off and finally resting on the ground.
   The grayness traveled down the stem, and the uninviting color began to infect the entire bush, graying every flower. It also reached out from the bush and traveled through the ground, infecting every bush in the once beautiful garden. When all was gray and dead, a snake emerged from behind one of the bushes.
   It laughed a menacing cackle, and I suddenly realized that it was me. It was my sickening laugh that ring out through the dead garden.
   "Stop it," I said, but the laughing continued, and the snake moved quickly, striking the empty air and flicking it's tongue.
   "STOP IT!" I yelled louder, and then the laughing surrounded me, and the snake was out of sight. Replacing it in front of me, however, were three deer. They stood still for a moment before prancing around, dancing gracefully, which contrasted greatly with the cruel laughter and the grayed garden.
   I began to hear voices sing, and I realized it was coming from the deer. It grew louder, and it drowned out the laughter beautifully. They all harmonized, and I realized I was crying. The voices were those of John, George, and my mother.
  "Stars shine bright above you
   Night breezes seem to whisper "I love you,"
   Birds singing in the sycamore trees,
   Dream a little dream of me..."
   The voices sang, and I stood, unable to move and mesmerized by the sound. As they grew louder, the ground beneath them began to change back to the beautiful color, and it grew out, affecting the bushes as well. I stared in amazement, before hearing my own voice.
   "Well it's not your baby."
"I don't want to talk about it."
   "I'm fine!"
   "I want you to know that I found somebody that loves me, and I'm happy now!"
   "I could've loved you."
   "It's too late, I've given my heart away."
    My terrible words rang out through the garden, and the deer stopped singing and sulked away, far away through the garden that towered above my head. Suddenly I heard hissing, and I turned. The snake was behind me, and it was cackling. I was cackling.
   "LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled, and the laughing subsided.
   "You said those things," The snake challenged, and I shook my head in denial.
   "I didn't," I assured the snake.
    "Oh but you did, and now you're alone. They've run away. No, you've driven them away," the snake taunted, and I began to cry, my breath hitching in my throat.
   "I couldn't have," I said quietly, and the laughter filled my ears once more, drowning out my own thoughts.
   I woke with a start, and John was sitting by me, singing.
   "Stars fading, but I linger on dear,
    Still craving your kiss,
    I'm longing to linger till dawn dear
    Just saying this..." he sang out, and his voice faded out when he realized I was awake.
   "John, are you going to leave me?" I asked, and he smiled and pushed my bangs out of my face delicately.

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