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  Over the next few weeks, the feelings I had towards the babies changed. I was bonded with them now, and nothing could separate us.
  As I was laying alone in my room one night, I began to hear the usual sounds from John's room. The headboard banging into the wall, moans, the occasional passionate scream.
  I just closed my eyes and hoped it would end soon and wouldn't wake the sleeping children in the room over. 
   Finally the noises stopped, and I decided to go out and get some water. I crept down the hallway slowly, and jumped slightly when I walked into the kitchen and saw a woman rooting through our fridge. It was John's occasional shag.
  "Oh hi, do you happen to know where the red wine is? John said it was in here," she said politely, and I grabbed it for her. She was wearing nothing but a robe, and her hair was all messed up, along with her makeup, but it was obvious why John had chosen her. She had a tiny waist, and was frankly beautiful, aside from her current state.
  "John is so good to let you stay here," she said, and when I didn't respond, she just rambled on, "He's a very nice man, indeed. Very passionate, too. I mean when we're going at it in the bedroom, he's so-"
  "I'd rather not hear about it, if you wouldn't mind," I said, and she was taken aback.
  "I'm sorry."
  "It's fine, it's just that we were together once, and it's just hard to hear. Surely you understand?" I asked, and she nodded as she poured the red liquid into two wine glasses.
  "Is it you that he's so hung up on?" She asked, and I shook my head, changing my mind and putting away my cup to get a wine glass. She poured some in, and I swirled it around for a moment, entranced with the smooth liquid.
  "No, it's over between us," I said, and my chest stung.
  "I don't know, doll. You just... hold on, okay? I think he'll come around," she said, and I rubbed my temples, sleep overwhelming me.
  "Are you two exclusive?" I asked, and she shook her head.
  "I don't really do exclusive," she commented, and I nodded.
  "That poor Savanna girl though, she calls occasionally while we're together, and she suspects that he's cheating, and they always fight, but that's the best. Then he's in a bad mood and he really goes at it..." She said, and I made a face, causing her to stop.
  "Well she'll know soon enough, I suppose," I said, and walked back to my room.
(I have to say that georgeharrisonismine inspired this part because she gave me the idea)
  I don't know what made me do it, but I decided to call Taylor. He picked up after a few rings, and sounded surprised to hear my voice.
  "Blaire?" He said, and I closed my eyes, breathing in his voice. I forgot how much I had truly loved him.
  "Taylor," I said finally, and something about this moment was perfect. Well, it would have been perfect if I wasn't able to hear John and the girl going at it two doors down.
  "I can't believe that we're actually talking," he said, and I closed my eyes, trying to block out everything aside from his voice.
  "I am so sorry," I said, and he sighed.
  "Why are you sorry?" He asked, and the pain was immenent in his voice. He was as hurt as I was.
  "For not saying anything when you asked me to marry you, and I'm sorry for letting you walk away, and I'm sorry for not taking you feelings into consideration with the twins," I said in one breath.
  "It's okay, Blaire," he said, and I felt so relived. I honestly don't know what I was expecting when I called him, but it certainly wasn't this.
  "Can we, just for a moment, pretend that we aren't both heartbroken?" I proposed, and he chuckled lightly, that sound resonating in my ears and echoing in my memory.
  "I don't think that's how it works," he said, "but I don't see why not."
  "Okay good."
  "Tell me about the twins," he begged, and I complied, telling him everything.
   "They are so beautiful, and I love them dearly," I said, and he was hesitant before he responded.
   "Go on a date with me," he said and I rubbed my aching temples.
   "I don't know," I hesitated, but he pressed on.
   "Come on, Blaire. I'm funny, and smart, and good looking, and-"
   "Oh so humble?" I said, and I could practically hear him rolling his eyes.
   "Just say yes," he begged, but I was still hesitant.
   "I really don't know."
   "Say yes!"
   "Okay, fine. Yes," I said, and I couldn't help but smile. Maybe John was never the one for me, after all...
Fuck everybody that hates Taylor 😂

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