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   "Come back, please," I heard a voice desperately call out, and I searched around for the voice, desperately trying to stay calm and slow my breaths.
   "Where are you?" I called out, not daring to move from the spotlight that seemed to swallow me in a brightening light.
   "Nowhere," it responded quietly, and my chest hurt at the feeling in the voice. It portrayed that of sadness and an emptiness that isn't unfamiliar to me.
   "I left you  for so long. I'm sorry," I said quietly, and the helpless girl just sighed.
   "It isn't your fault, Blaire. You are the only one who gets me," she said, and suddenly I knew exactly who I was speaking to. I suddenly ran into the darkess, leaping and bounding through what seemed to be a forest. Twigs and sticks snapped under my
feet, hurting briefly. I didn't even stop.
  "Help! HELP!" The girl screaed, and I ran faster, tripping over a tree root. I quickly got up and continued running, the ground trailing behind me.
  "HELP!" She screamed loudly, and I charged on through the night. Suddenly, I broke out into a clearing, and the moonlight shone down on a tree, creating an eerie feel.
   I then saw the source of the screams, and it made my blood run cold. It was me, well, me before. It was the me before I got raped. The me before I fell in love.

The me before I had my heart broken.

   Yet, I could recognize myself anywhere. The simple naivety basically radiating off of me. She looked at me with a hopeful gleam in her eyes, and a rope around her neck.
   "Help me," she pleaded, desperately grasping at the twine surronding her throat. It was tied around the tree branch above her, and the only thing keeping her from dying was a chair underneath her. The whole scene gave of an unpleasant feeling of the inevitable, and I felt sick.
  "I left you for so long, I'm sorry," she said, repeating the exact words I had muttered mere moments prior.
  "Do it," she ordered, and I hesitated. She closed her eyes, and I swear that I could hear her humming Dream a Little Dream of Me, although I can't be sure. I walked up slowly, touching the fine wood of the chair delicately before kicking it out from under her.
  I closed my eyes and hummed as loudly as I could until the sounds of her struggling passed. I finally got the courage to look up, and what I saw, I will never forget.
  She hung there lifelessly, swaying in the chilling breeze. Here eyes were closed, and it almost seemed as though she was sleeping. It seemed as though maybe she was in another land, one of dreams.
  I touched her pale ankle once more, her body already cooling. I then walked away, never turning back.
  I didn't even realize that I was crying until it trailed down my neck, leaving it's usual cool trail on my face.

  So long innocence.

  I woke up suddenly in my bed, John's usual body heat permeating. Actual tears we're streaming down my face, and I sat up abruptly, still seeing my own lifeless body hanging.
  "John. John, please!" I shook him, and he rolled over, grabbing his glasses from the side table and putting them on, turning on the lamp that dimly alluminated the room.
  "What's wrong?" He said, and I found myself all choked up.
  "Maybe we shouldn't live together. Give each other some space," I blurted randomly, and the look on his face said it all.
   "If that's what you'd like," he said simply, but I wanted a much different answer. I wanted him to ask me to stay.
   "It isn't, but the just isn't working," I said, and he shook his head, his eyes glassy.
   "Maybe you just aren't trying," he argued, and I was shoked.
   "No, Blaire. I done with this charade. I'm done with you," he said, and with that, he left the room. Leaving me to ponder in the light of the lamp.
Heyo, this dream got hella dark.

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