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"Let me go, please," I heard myself whisper, the raspiness in my voice showing my weakness, allowing the serpent to see strait through the mask I put on to cloak my emotions, "please."
  "My dear, the fun has just begun. Don't cry," the snake slithered, and every word it hissed made my breathing deepen, growing sharper with each passing moment.
  "It wasn't my fault," I stated, watching the scene replay.
  "John? Are you drunk?" I asked as I walked into the living room. He had just come back today, and I was very excited to see him. I woke up, and he was gone.
  "Nononono, I'm fine," he slurred, and the alcohol on his breath invaded my nostrils, making me cringe away from him.
"John, we were supposed to catch up tonight," I whined, and he stumbled towards me, grabbing me roughly and pulling me against him.
"Shh," he urged, and I gagged at the smell permeating from him. Cigarette smoke and the smell of whiskey clouded my thoughts.
"Stop, John," I stated firmly, but he just forces me against him more, ignoring my pleas.
"Come on, baby. Lighten up," he said, and I pulled away.
"Stop or I will call the police!" I shouted, and he raised his hand, bringing it down on my cheek.
I fell back in surprise and anguish, the red mark from his hand already appearing on my cheek. The left side of my face went numb, and my eyes opened wide, blinking back tears.
  "Blaire!" John shouted, the sudden realization of what he had done hitting him. He knelt down next to me, and I flinched away.
"I'm so sorry," he said, and I opened my mouth to speak, but couldn't find anything to say.
"I didn't mean to. Please, say something. Anything!" He begged, and I just stood up, my face void of all emotion.
"Forgiveness is a tired tale," I said before walking off, leaving him alone on the ground.
"Stop!" I yelled, covering my eyes with my hands, but the memory played on. Over and over again, each time, I became a little more numb to what happened.
"Forgiveness is a tried tale, is that what you said? Silly, stupid child," the voice taunted, and I peeked out from behind my hands.
"Let me go," I demanded again, my voice slightly less shaky, but laughter still echoed. Someone was laughing at me.

  Everyone was laughing at me.

  "But dear, you've just arrived," the voice hissed, and the snake came into view. It was long, and it's scales reflected the light of the moon, contrasting with the grating garden immensely.
  "I want to go home!" I shouted, and the serpent thought about my request for a moment, slithering and coiling in front of me.
  "And so you shall, but you will never escape. We've all got to sleep sometime..." it taunted.
  I awoke in my bed, and kicked the covers off furiously. I was burning, and the memory seared into my conscious thoughts, flooding me with hatred and fear.
I looked over at John, who was sleeping soundly. I wanted to scream, to run, to escape, but I couldn't. I loved him too much to let go. I couldn't say goodbye. I was addicted, and I hated myself for it.
I decided to take a bath, and it didn't soothe my mind at all. My thoughts whirred around, one after another, none staying long enough to let me seriously reflect on it.
The entire event just kept coming back, and it made me sick. I never thought he'd Ellet me get hurt, much less that he would be the one inflicting the pain. And so it was right there that I made what might be the hardest decision of my life; stay or leave.

I chose to stay.
Well, alright. This one takes a dark turn. Sorry.

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