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"Hey Blaire!" George's lively tone rang into my ear as I put the pink phone to it. It was actually quite refreshing to be able to talk to someone without worrying about dancing around the truth.
   "Hey, Georgie," I said, a smile creeping onto my face as I looked out of the window and down at the street. Many people walked around Liverpool, and I examined them as I talked. Liverpool was pretty drab, but the people were so interesting.
  "How is everything?" He asked, and I took a deep breath, really considering the question at hand.
  "S'okay," I responded casually, and then I heard commotion in the background.
  "Can you gits shut up?! I'm talking to me sister!" I heard George yell, and I pulled the phone away, grimacing. He had yelled into my ear. Once he stopped yelling, I put the phone back up to my ear.
  "How are things there? It sounds wild," I commented, and George chuckled lightheartedly.
  "Oh, you have no idea! John is always fooling around with chicks, and-" I felt my heart shatter. He kept talking, but I didn't hear a damn word.
  "John has a girl then?" I asked, cutting off whatever he was going on about. He breathed deeply, and that was as good as an answer for me.
  "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have told you. I just figured that since you're seeing that Taylor lad that you were over John," George said, and I shook my head, snapping myself out of my trance.
  "Oh, I am. He can see whoever he wants," I said, and George's cheery voice came back.
  "Yeah, there are so many birds!" He exclaimed, and I looked out of the window, longing to be far away from here, very, very far away.
  "Oh really?"
  "Yeah, hey Paul wants to talk to you, alright?" He said, and I smiled.
  "Okay," I said, and waited to hear Paul's soothing voice fill my ears.
"Get out, boys!" I heard Paul order, and then I heard a door shut.
"Paul!" I shouted, and he laughed.
"Blaire! Okay, so now that the guys are gone, I have something serious to tell you," Paul said, and I stood up taller, feeling that I needed to prepare myself and not slouch.
"Okay..." I said, a bit nervous as to what he had to tell me.
"I don't know what you said to John, but after you two got off of the phone, he fell into this weird sort of depression, and he's been in the dumps ever since," Paul gossiped, and I was taken back.
"What do you mean?" I asked, unable to imagine John in a depression. He was always so happy and carefree, and I had a feeling that sorrow didn't suit him. And to make matters worse, I was the one who forced him into his state of sadness.
"I mean he isn't all lively like he normally is. He just isn't acting like himself. And get this; today he didn't even feel like singing! He let me and George take the leads," Paul said, and my eyes went wide. Usually John didn't let anyone take solo but himself.
"Woah, that is scary," I muttered, and I still had a hard time processing it completely.
   "Yeah, can you speak with him please? Just say something, anything," Paul begged, and I sighed. I knew I was going to have to do damage control.
  "Fine," I said reluctantly, and Paul went off to find John, leaving the phone dangling off of the hook.
  "Hello," John said quietly into the phone, and it pained me greatly to hear the apparent defeat in his voice.
  "Hi, John," I said awkwardly, and I looked down on the scene below me on the street, "are you okay?" I asked, and he sighed.
"Not really," he said truthfully, and I looked down at my mother's car coming down the street. She was coming back from the store, and the sight of her car made me smile.
"John..." I started, and then I saw my mother's car collide with another, sending my mother flying through the windshield.
I remember screaming and dropping the phone, just leaving it dangling off of the hook lifelessly. I remember running downstairs as quickly as I could, tears streaming down my face in the process. I remember bursting through the front door and running to her unconscious body lying in the street, a few feet from her damaged car.
  "Somebody help!" I yelled, and I shook her, trying to wake her up, but to no avail.
  "Call 911!" I heard someone scream from behind me. (I'm sorry, it's 911 in America, get over it)
   "Mom, please stay with me," I pleaded quietly, and I lightly shook her again, praying to see the life flash back into her eyes, but it didn't. Blood pooled around her slowly, and suddenly sirens sliced through the chilling silence of Liverpool.

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