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  "I'm going out, do I need to get a babysitter or can you handle them?" I asked John. At this point, there was no uncomfortable build-up or small talk, we just got straight to the point.
  "I've got it," he said, and I was a bit hurt that he didn't ask me where I was going, but then again, I liked that we were being straight  to the point. We didn't speak to each other unless it was absolutely necessary.
   "Do you remember that time that you almost caught my house on fire?" Taylor asked, laughing. I began to laugh loudly too, and everyone in the restaurant was looking at us, but I couldn't seem to stop.
  "I did not!" I protested through laughs, and tears began to roll down my face as the memory came back to me.
  "The fire alarm went off!" He said, and I shook my head.
  "That doesn't mean that there was a fire!" I protested, and we broke into fits of laughter again.
  We spent the whole night laughing and remembering, but I couldn't help but let my mind trail back to John.
   When he drove me home, he decided to stay the night. The eerie silence of the house was filled with our moans and passionate screams.
  For a moment, I almost forgot that John was in the room a few doors down, but just for a moment.
  When I went out to get some wine, John was already in the kitchen. A part of me wanted to turn back because I was in jotjng but a thin bed sheet wrapped around me loosely, but it was too late.
  "Sounds like you're enjoying yourself," John commented crossly, and I rolled my eyes.
  "You aren't one to judge," I reminded him, and he shrugged and took a sip of water.
  "Well I've been reading all night so..." He said, and I angrily slammed the cabinet shut after getting out a wine glass.
  "And what about last night, huh? Were you reading then too?" I asked, and he couldn't seem to make eye contact with me. When he didn't say anything, I got the picture.
  "That's what I thought," I snapped, and went back into my room.
  Unfortunately, the babies must have heard my slam my door, because she started crying, and moments later, he did too. I silently cursed and walked into their room, followed by John.
  "It's okay, hush now," I cooed to them, and I picked him up while John held her.
  "Blaire, I wasn't trying to be mean, it's just that when I saw you, and I heard you, it drove me crazy," he said, and I hushed them, cutting my eyes at John.
  "Come on, you must understand!" He whined, and that only made me more angry.
  "I don't know if I do, actually, John. Because when I hear you with a girl, or I see how happy you are with her, I have never been cruel or judged you," I said in an angry, hushed tone.
  "Well I'm sorry that I can't just set my feelings aside like you can!" He shouted, and she cried a bit louder. I really hoped that Taylor wouldn't wake up to his shouts, because that would be mortifying.
  "Oh hush," I said sharply, "I don't push my feelings aside. I still hurt, but I act maturely for your sake."
  "Oh," he said, and I rocked her as she quiet down a bit.
  "Who was it?" He asked, and I turned away.
  "That seems a bit too personal," I said, and he protested.
  "Come on, just tell me."
  "Taylor, are you happy? You know now." I snapped, and he seemed to be taken off guard by my response.
  "I see."
  "Well there's a problem," he said, and I rolled my eyes.
  "There is no problem! I love him!" I shouted, and John looked down.
  "We're moving to London, Blaire," he said, and I felt my heart drop.
  "Brian has decided that we're all moving there," John said, and I found myself speechless.
  "I am so sorry, I really didn't know until today," he said, and it sounded sincere.
  The baby's really started getting out of hand again, so I decided to sing a song to them that I heard as a little girl.
  "I'll be seeing you in all the old, familiar places,
That this heart of mine embraces,
All day through,
In that small cafe,
The park across the way,
The children's carousel,
The Chestnut tree,
The wishing well..."
  They slowly calmed and then fell asleep, and everything grew quiet again.
Okay, I'm going to put an authors note for the next chapter with the two songs from this book so that you get an idea of what is happening if you've never heard it.

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