#1: The Start

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Survivor Series, hallway.

Nikki's POV

"So what do you like to do?" I ask Roman in a smooth voice "Well I like to work out. I mean look at my muscles" I scoff at him. "Oh get over yourself superman" Me and Roman chuckle. We both stop as he turns around to me and I turn to him. "So when at the performance center do we meet?" I look up at the ceiling. "Umm, maybe 8 am?" I look back at him "It's a da-yyyyyy where we will go to the performance center and practice" I chuckle as I smile. "It sounded like you were gonna say date. But, I don't wanna be on your balls so I'll let it slide. Bye Roman!" I wave goodbye and he smiles and turns around. He walks away as I smile and turn around. I bump into Brie. Here we go again.

"Oh my gosh Nikki! You totally like him!" "Brianna Garcia-Colace, don't you ever say that again" I jokingly say with my eyes wide open. "Stephanie-Nicole Garcia Colace, I'll say what I want" I roll my eyes and cross my arms "Brie, I do not like him" She smirks at me and I raise my eyebrows. "By the looks of it, it looks like he does though" I roll my eyes and turn around. "Nikki? Where are you going?"      "You should know, you are my twin" I walk away and I hear her high heel sounds walking away. This is just, too much.

I like Roman Reigns but not that way! I've only met the guy. We talked for like 20 minutes. Who knows maybe it'll turn to something else. I just don't like having something serious because of my previous relationship. It's something I can't, well, but can't but don't want to remember. So to everyone who wants to date me, automatic friend-zone.


Vuela! The first chapter! I'm so excited for you guys to see what's next to happen. I promise I look over my chapters and don't automatically post them (like I used to do. HUGE mistake) Sorry if this chapter was short but things will get more spicy next chapter. I promise you that.

She's a Player- {The Shield & Nikki Bella}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant