#22: I'm Sorry

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A/N: BEFORE WE GET INTO THIS CHAPTER, I am gonna give a fair warning. There will be a little tiny bit of smut. It's like 1 paragraph, calm your tits. But seriously it's a little bit of smut.

Paige's POV

I was backstage at catering with Charlotte. "Paige, what would you do if you have a small crush on one of your closest friend's boyfriend?" I look at Charlotte as I clench my eyebrows. "You like Roman?!?" Charlotte rolls her eyes and giggles. "Paige I don't like Roman. It's another guy, I just won't say who it is." I cross my arms annoyed that she won't tell me. "You can tell me Charlotte. It's fine." She scoffs and I fake a smile. "No. Just tell me what would you do?" I take a deep breath and roll my eyes. "If you tell me who the person is maybe I'll know." I nod and she crosses her arms. I look up and see Sami. I'm frozen and I don't know what to do. He looks into my eyes and I look at his. He is far from me but we still don't break eye contact. "Paige!" I break the eye contact and look at Charlotte. "Paige what happened?" I gulp and smile. "Nothing. Nothing happened." Charlotte nods and clenches her eyebrows. "I have to go." I say as I get up from my chair and slowly walk to Sami. He looks at me and I start shaking. "Hey..." I try to say hey but it won't come out. I clear my throat and smile. "Hey Sami..." Finally! "Do you want to um... do you want to.... do you want to go to my locker room?" Why didn't I ask him if he wanted to go out with me?!? He nods and my heart skips a beat.

*time skip*

"Are you sure this is right?" I look at Sami while I'm shirtless and only with my bra. Him shirtless too as I am sitting on top of him. He bites his lip and nods. I giggle as I kiss him. I feel like hands on the back of my bra as he takes off my bra. I stop kissing him and he starts leaving me love bites. I cover my mouth so we don't make noise. I'm loving this so much.

Nikki's POV

I was having a meeting with Stephanie until someone was at the door. We all looked up and I see Seth. My heart skips a beat, Stephanie was telling me how I would have a love storyline with one of the shield members. Seth better not be that shield member. "Stephanie um-" I turn around to get cut off by Stephanie smiling. "Yes Nikki this is the person you'll be having a storyline with." I clench my eyebrows and close my eyes thinking it's a dream and I should just wake up. "Please tell me this is a dream." I feel Seth's hand on my shoulder and I get shivers. "It's not." I open my eyes and cross my arms. I raise my eyebrow as his hand is still on my shoulder. "Get off." I feel his hand get off my shoulder.

*time skip*

"So you and Seth..?" I nod at Roman as I look down. I look back at Roman and he is red. "But hey Roman it's fine! At least we won't kiss... I hope." Roman looks at me confused as I try to put a smile. I hear the door open and I look at the door. It's Dean, this is just great. I mean we have just been ignoring each other. Its weird. "Roman, Triple H needs to talk to you..." I look at Roman and he nods as he gets up from the couch and leaves. God fuck my life, can Dean leave?

I look at Dean and smile as he smiles back. We look at each other for about 20 minutes but I'm pretty sure it's been like 10 seconds. "Okay that's it I can't do this anymore. Dean, this has been too much." I get up from the couch and face him. "Nikki, I still have feelings for you but you are with Roman. I have to respect that. Trust me, I'm okay." I clench my eyebrows and I just know that he isn't okay. "No, no you're not okay. I'm going to set you up with someone nice an-"   "Nikki! You won't. Last time you did that it didn't end well. Plus, when is that date me and Paige were gonna have even happen?" I cross my arms and lift an eyebrow. "Okay it won't happen. But Dean, I just want to tell you this. I'm sorry for ignoring you all the time and I will become friends with you. I'll help you with WWE. I don't know-" Dean rolls his eyes as he cuts me off. "Nikki, I do have feelings for you but I don't want you to worry for your relationship. Now I'm gonna leave because that's what I need to do." Dean turns around slowly and walks out of the locker room. I sit back down on the couch. Why is Dean acting like this? Why?

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