#14: Lovers

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Roman's POV

"So what do you see in this Nikki girl?" I look up and look at Seth confused. "Are you serious?" "Yeah. 100% serious. I mean she is hot but that's it." "She is more than hot. She is funny and nice. She has a cute personality. If you knew her well you would like her. Don't you remember when she helped us?" "Oh yeah. I mean we aren't friends but I guess she is nice. But that's apparently every girl. Isn't there more?" "Well she is caring. She gets jealous easily. She loves messing with me. She's basically perfect. She's like a queen." "Wow, you must really like her." "I do. Don't you have someone you can walk up to and just kiss in the lips. You'll know they will always love you?" Seth sighs and clenches his jaw. "I gotta go." "Seth? Just because that girl dumped you doesn't mean you can't date someone else." "I know Roman. I'm just not ready for all that. But I have to go." "Se-" "I have to go!" Just with that Seth walks to the door and opens it. He slams it shut and I clench my jaw. I look down on the floor thinking if Seth would find his perfect girl. I've seen him like this so many times. I have to get him someone. I hear someone knocking on the door and I look up. Nikki walks in and smiles as I smile back. "Hey Roman" "Hey" "I was gonna come in but I heard Seth was in here. I heard the nice things you said about me. Thanks." I get up and walk to Nikki. I grab her face and softly kiss her lips. I break the kiss and smile. Her beautiful eyes looking into mine and her smiling.

"If you didn't mind me asking, who is Seth's ex? Maybe I'll get one of my friends to go out with him?" "Nikki, maybe you should ask him that. I can't tell you that with out his permission. We are best friends, I wouldn't do that to him." "Fine but I'll get one of my friends to go out with him. If she says yes we'll go with them too. It'll be like a double date." I smile and she smiles back. She kisses me and I brighten up. She just makes me happy.

Nikki's POV

I went back to Brie's locker room. I tried to tell Roman about me and Dean but after I heard his conversation I had to say it another day. "So what happened to you and Randy?" I asked Brie and her smiling. "We are expecting. I'm just kidding" Brie laughs and I playfully hit her. "But there is good news, I am going to get to meet his daughter!" "Oh my gosh that's amazing!" I smile and hug Brie. I break up the smile and I see Brie so happy. "I don't know I just always wanted to meet her. After Randy got a divorce and me and him started dating it felt right for me to meet his daughter." "Isn't she like 7 months?" "Yes but I still NEED to
meet her Nikki." "Whatever you say." "Anyways I gotta go." I get up and turn around until Brie turns me around. "Aren't you gonna tell me what you wanted to say?" "Another day." Brie nods and I turn around and walk out. I have the perfect person for Seth.


Sorry I haven't updated! But next chapter will be shocking. I promise you that!

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