#31: Trust

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Sasha's POV

I was hanging with Becky Lynch in my locker room. "I think you should be with Xavier" I scoff at Becky's comment. "Xavier and I... we, well we had an affair. It honestly sucks because I lost someone that really loved me." Becky looks at me worried. "Xavier liked you, he still does. You and him were probably meant for each other." I shake my head and cross my arms. "He convinced me to get into something absolutely disgusting." Becky takes a deep breath. "Maybe you should just talk to him. It may help you and him." I have a smirk on my face thinking that Becky was right. What if she was? Maybe Xavier is different now. Maybe he really likes me.

Alexa's POV

"Finn, I don't think you're right. Last time Sasha was going to call me a slut just because she didn't believe that I changed." Finn smiles at me. "Sometimes you need to lighten up. You'll convince them and it'll be like you're best friends in no time." I roll my eyes playfully and smile back at him. "Finn, you are like too perfect." I put my arms around his neck. Finn is like my prince charming. Nothing could go wrong. "Finn, I have to go. I have to work things out with the rest of the girls." He nods and I kiss him. I take my arms off his neck and go to the door. "Good luck!" I giggle at him. I go out his locker room and make my way down to catering.

I see Nikki, Charlotte and Brie together. But Charlotte and Brie were comforting Nikki. I take a deep breath and walk to their table. "Uh, can I have a seat?" I ask nicely as I hold my hands together. Nikki nods and I smile at her. I sit down slowly and Brie clears her throat. "Nikki? You okay?" Nikki looks up at me with puffy red eyes. She doesn't look good at all. Roman would comfort her if she was like this... oh no. They probably broke up. "You and Roman broke up didn't you?" A tear runs down her cheek. I get up from my seat and make my way to Nikki. I wrap my arms around her neck. "Why are you so nice all of a sudden?"

"Two words, Finn Balor. He just gave me the kiss of reality." Nikki takes my arms off her neck. "Kiss?" Charlotte laughs and crosses her arms. "Yes kiss, we are dating." Charlotte clenches her eyebrows. I go back to where I was sitting and look at Charlotte. "I guess he comforted me when Nikki's little plan happened. I cried, I was almost in her position but I got better." I look at Nikki and Brie. "Sometimes to get better you need someone. A certain someone, not just like your close friend or best friend. Maybe it's someone you never thought would help. Eventually, you find a way to trust them." I smile at Nikki. "Nikki, it'll be fine." Brie snaps her fingers and I look at her. "So what's your goal?" I roll my eyes annoyed. "I'm trying to murder you guys. What do you think? I'm trying to prove that I'm not that mean girl." Brie raises her eyebrow and I raise my eyebrow too. "Why should we trust you?" I shrug at her.

"I can help you guys. Besides, I won't kiss someone you like. I have Finn Balor, he's like really hot. I'm 100% sure I won't cheat on him or leave him for one of your guys' crush. Plus, he's sweet. He sees a side of me that nobody else does." I smile as I remember our first kiss. "Alexa?" I shake my head and enter back into reality. "Yeah?" Brie rolls her eyes and looks at Nikki. "Maybe you're forgiven. I don't know, I'm not really sure." Charlotte scoffs at Brie. "Brie, we should just forgive her. Maybe she is right." I smile at Charlotte and she smiles back.

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