#42: Double The Love

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Charlotte's POV

"So how did you take it when Nikki broke up with you?" I say looking at my wine. "I took it badly but I guess you have to move on." I nod my head. "You sure you're over her because if you're not I could cancel this date." I look up at him. "Don't, I'm over her." I clench my jaw. "Do you think if Nikki were to get married you would get invited to the wedding." He nods. "Me and Nikki are great friends but I guess she is going to move on. There's Dean and Seth in front of her face. You don't see who you need even though they're in front of your face." I raise my eyebrows. "Why don't you take your own advice?" He clenches his eyebrows. "I mean that when you were sad I was there to help you. That's what people do right? They help each other. They make them feel good about themselves. They encourage them to do their best." He smiles at me. "You can't just let go what you of what you love or else you don't love it." I say in a serious voice. "You can't..." I see Roman come closer to me in the booth. His hands cup my cheeks. He closes his eyes as I close mine too. His lips on my lips. I open my eyes slowly seeing him take away his hands from my cheeks. His eyes open as he looks into my eyes. "Why-" "Because that's what you do when you love someone. Right?" I smile at him. "I guess we wait for what happens next." He smiles at me. "Anything could happen."

*time skip*

Nikki's POV

I hear my hotel room open as I quickly wipe my tears and stop crying. I clear my throat. "Come in." I smile seeing Seth enter the room. "Nikki, we're going to have a meeting with Stephanie tomorrow. She said she has a surprise for me and you." I scoff. "You're kidding right? So this means it'll like be our push?" He nods and smiles. "What?!" I scream jumping out of bed. I run to Seth and hug him. His arms wrap my around me. "Sorry" I say as I stop hugging him. I back away from him and smile. "I'm just really happy now. I mean from all the cr- never mind." He clenches his eyebrows. "No tell me." I shake my head. "You wouldn't be interested in it anyways." He nods. "No I would. Just tell me, Nikki." I clench my jaw. "No, no I won't." I make my way to the bed and sit down. "Nikki why don't you want to tell me?" I lick my teeth. "It's embarrassing." He sits next to me on the bed. "Just tell me Nikki. I'll tell you something equally as embarrassing." I look at him and laugh. "No- I think this is just weird to tell anyone because it's really dumb." He crosses his arms. "Fine, I'll tell you."

I clear my throat. "Before I met Roman, I was really upset and sad. Ever since my relationship with John it's like I thought I'd never fall in love again. I guess I was wrong... that time. I would constantly cry myself to sleep. The only thing I wanted was someone to love. Then the crying stopped when I met Roman. This is the part I hate. When we broke up it came again. I would cry... and cry. Dean fixed me. He basically healed me from that dumb fairytale. Our 'relationship' was mature. It's like I was happy until you decided it was best to take me away from Dean. That day I was in between Dean and Roman you took me away. Ever since I've cried again. I would cry myself to sleep. You wouldn't notice because you would stay with Sasha. It always happens when I'm alone. It's like I need someone to love in order to be happy. I never felt that way before. It's like mood swings, like I'm happy when I'm around this certain person but when they leave I'm sad. It's with basically everyone. Mostly with Brie too. I'm not saying that certain person is Brie but... without her I know I miss something." I feel a tear run down my face. I close my eyes until I feel Seth's finger wipe the tear. I open my eyes slowly. "Seth, I think you should leave." I slowly say with my voice cracking. He shakes his head. "No, I'm not leaving." I clench my jaw. "Seth, get out."

The longer he stays the more mad I get. "Seth, leave." "I'm not going Nikki." I scoff. "Seth, what don't you get?! Leave! Get the hell out! I don't want you here. Get out!" I cry out. "Maybe you don't want me here but you need me here." I shake my head. "No, Seth leave! Get out!" He shakes his head again. "I'm not leaving because I know you shouldn't be alone. You're heartbroken, I remember that when I was heartbroken I needed someone to hug me. Nikki, I'm not going until I know it's right to leave you alone." I look at him with sad eyes. Tears running down my face ruining my eyeliner. He quickly hugs me as I hug him back. I hear myself cry into his shoulder.

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