#8: Trust

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Roman's POV

It's Dean's party and I came with Nikki. I have to say Nikki looks beautiful. But she never talked to me ever since she entered Dean's house. "Roman! You made it." I turn around and see Dean. "Yeah. I hate to brag Dean but I'm gonna brag. So um... did you see who I came with?" "I know you came with Nikki man. She asked me where Paige and Alicia were. I'm gonna say this now because honestly I can't hold it in anymore. Roman, sorry but Nikki, I don't trust her. I think she is using you." I roll my eyes and cross my arms as I sigh. "Dean why would you think that? I like her and she likes me. It's all good." "I don't know it's just something about her that just screams 'I'm using Roman for fame" "Dean shut up."

Dean puts his arms in surrender and I give him a death glare. I turn around and start looking for Nikki. I walk upstairs not looking in front of me. I bump into someone. "Ugh watch it" Just with her voice I knew it was Alexa. "Sorry" I look up and saw it was her. "Oh, it's you. In that case... I have a question. Did you come alone?" "Um no. Actually I came with Nikki. Nikki Bella." "Ew that plastic doll? Why?" "Alexa she isn't a doll. Plus you got implants too." "Okay that's not the point right now. But why her? You could've gone with me" Alexa puts her hand on my chest. "Alexa..." "Shh. Roman, there's a room upsta-" "Excuse me" Alexa and I look down and see Sasha Banks. "Hello Sasha. Why are you here?" "I could ask the same thing Alexa"

The history between Sasha and Alexa isn't too pretty. They basically hate each other. "I'm gonna go." I turn around slightly and Alexa turns me around. I roll my eyes as I turn around slightly and she turns me around again as she pulls me into a rough kiss. I break it up right after. "Alexa! Why would you do that?!" "Sorry, you had something on your lip" "Shut up Alexa. He's not interested in you. He is interested in Nikki. Here's a fact, she was actually a champion. You are still down at NXT. Get lost." I smile down at Sasha and she smiles back. Sasha turns around and gasps. She starts clearing her throat. I turn and see Nikki. Oh god, please don't tell me she saw me and Alexa kiss. "Nikk-" "I don't wanna hear it. It's fine i-if you don't like me" Nikki tried not to cry as she nods. She turns then runs away as I sigh. I go after her. Nikki runs to the door and is about to open it until I catch up just in time to turn her around. "Nikki, what ever you saw it was the wrong impression. Alexa kissed me and I didn't want her back." "Roman it's fine. Trust me. It is." Nikki's eyes start tearing up and she turns around. She opens the door and leaves slamming it shut. "What happened?" I turn around and see Brie. "Okay it's a lot. Brie, I bumped into my ex-girl friend, Alexa Bliss and she kissed me. Nikki saw us kissing and took it the wrong way. I didn't want Alexa back. Now I lost Nikki" Brie nods and sighs. "Well, that's one ex girl friend." "By the way Sasha confronted Alexa but I don't know what happened ever since I went after Nikki" "Okay, I see. Wait... Roman, go to her" "But she-" "Just go!" I nod and turn around.

I open the door and close it. I run outside and look for Nikki. I see her in the car with the lights on crying. I sigh and walk to the car with my hands in my pockets. I turn to the car door and knock on the window. Nikki wipes her tears and opens the door. She walks out of the car and looks at me. "Look Nikki, I'm sorry. Alexa kissed me when I was about to leave. I didn't want her back and she wants me back. I swear I don't like her anymore and don't want to date her again." "I know, Roman. It's just why would she do that?" Nikki sits on the car and I slowly walk next to her. I sit on the car next to her. "I don't know" "Roman, I have to say this. I need to. I mean you probably already know this but I... I-I like you. Like, like like you. I have the day we met. I dreamed of our first kiss and all. It was gonna be like no other. Now I guess it can't be like that" "It can" "How? Alexa kissed you and I'm pretty sure you don't want me. Pretty sure you never did. "Nikki, it's not like that. Because I like you too" Nikki looks at me and I smile. She smiles and we look into each other's eyes. We get closer and closer. We close our eyes ready to kiss until someone opens the entrance of Dean's house. We both look at the door. We see Dean and Paige.

"Oh... hi" Nikki smiles and waves at Paige and Dean. They wave back. Me and Nikki both get off the car and walk to them. Paige runs to Nikki and hugs her. "You okay?" Nikki looks confused. "Yeah I'm okay. Trust me." "Oh thank god!" Paige breaks up the hug and smiles at Nikki. Dean looks at me. "Hey Roman." "Hey" Me and Dean both walk a little closer to the door. I turn and look at Paige and Nikki. "You guys coming? There's a party." Nikki smiles and Paige holds her hand. "Yeah. Totally." Paige and Nikki walk to the door and I turn around. Me and Dean walk in with them.

She's a Player- {The Shield & Nikki Bella}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu