#5: Tension

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WWE Live Event

Nikki's POV

I was at catering at a WWE Live Event. Earlier today I went to the performance center to help Roman out. I mean yesterday him and his friends were beat up pretty bad. I wanted to help. I mean I did the best I could.

I sat down next to Brie with a plate of salad. I look to my left and see Roman, Dean and Seth. I focus on Roman and place my head on my hand laying my arm on the table. Roman has just a hot face and body. He has a great personality. In my opinion, he's so cute. God, I just wanna go run to him and kiss him. "Nikki?" I jump and look at Brie. "Brie don't ever do that again!" "Then stop being a stalker" I gasp and give her the middle finger. "How are you my twin? I hate you." Brie giggles as I laugh. "Boo!" Me and Brie both jump as we turn around to see Sasha. "Hey Sasha!"

"Hey Niks! Brie, I got the salad you wanted" "Oh my goodness thank you so much Sasha!" Brie gets up from her seat and hugs Sasha. Sasha gives Brie the salad and Brie takes it as she sits back down. Sasha slowly walks to the seat next to me. "So, Nikki, who's your new boyfriend?" I clench my eyebrows "What?" Sasha sits next to me and turns to me as she puts her food down. "Roman! I mean everybody is talking about it" "Sasha, I swear." Sasha laughs as she eats a piece of her salad. I start eating my salad. Brie was on her phone doing god knows what.

"Nikki!" I stop eating and put down my fork. I wipe my mouth with a napkin. I turn and see Roman walking to me. "Hi Roman! You are in a happy mood today." He smiles at me "Yep. Uh.... can I talk to you alone?"    "Sure" I smile and get up from my seat. I walk to Roman and he smiles. "Come, follow me" I nod as he turns and walks out of catering. I follow him as he walks in front of my locker room. I follow him and smile. "Nikki, Dean decided to host a party."    "Oh that's great!" He nods "Yeah um, Nikki... do you... want to um..."

"Yes?"    "Do you wanna umm..." Roman clears his throats and balls up his fist. He blinks a few times and gulps. "Roman, you are choking up." "I-I know" I laugh. "What, do you want me to go with... you?" He gulps and I smirk . "Yeah. Do you?" I nod at him "Sure!" Roman smiles and I smile too. We have an awkward moment. "So umm... I'll pick you up at 8?" My heart is racing so fast. "Mhm. 8 is fine" Me and Roman scoff. "Well um, I'm gonna... go. See you later Roman!" Roman nods as I turn around. I walk back to catering.
Well, that was just something.

I run back to my table and sit down on my chair. "What happened?" I clench my jaw "Sasha, I think Roman likes me"    "Well of course he does!"   "Exactly, Nikki I'm your twin sister. My mind tells me you like him too" "Shut up. Okay, maybe I do... oh god does it show?!?" I look at Sasha and Brie worried "A lot" My heart skips a beat. What? How?!? "Oh no" Sasha laughs as Brie smiles. "Don't worry, as long as you like him and he likes you back" "That's true. Does he like me back?" I raise my eyebrow. "You better hope so. Hey, what did he say?"   "He asked me out to go to this party that Dean is hosting"   "Oh my gosh! He likes you! He totally does!" I look at my plate "Nikki, he likes you. At that party, you grab his face and you kiss him" I turn to Sasha clenching my eyebrows "What?!? Are you crazy Sasha?!?" "I'm not, but you should"

Sasha takes a bite from her salad and I nod. I turn to Brie then look at Roman. God, how I wanna kiss him right now. I crave him. Okay that sounded weird. I really like him. I need to tell him. I don't know how, but I will.

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